android Programming Glossary: startmanagingcursor
selecting contact from autocomplete textview mPeopleList.add NamePhoneType phones.close people.close startManagingCursor people public void onItemClick AdapterView av View v int index..
How to perform an SQLite query within an Android application? cursor db.query TABLE_NAME FROM select null null null null startManagingCursor cursor return cursor android sqlite share improve this question..
http post method passing null values to the server
Multiple choice list with custom view? .query Phones.CONTENT_URI null null null null startManagingCursor mCursor ListAdapter adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.row..
Given an Android music playlist name, how can one find the songs in the playlist? MediaStore.Audio.Playlists._ID playlistId null null startManagingCursor cursor cursor.moveToFirst playlist_id cursor.getString 0 playlist_id2..
RuntimeException: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' extras.getLong cat_id Cursor c mDbHelper.fetchNews catID startManagingCursor c String from new String DBHelper.KEY_TITLE int to new int
Finalizing a Cursor that has not been deactivated or closed non-fatal error in onStop or onDestroy . Please try that again. Or call startManagingCursor after you get the Cursor from your query and Android will close..
Update UI from Thread doInBackground Void... params cur1 objItem.getContacts startManagingCursor cur1 adapter1 new ContactsListCursorAdapter viewContacts.this..
How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs new CallDataHelper this db openHelper.getWritableDatabase startManagingCursor cursor int numberColumnId cursor.getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database DESC Log.d FILLLIST Calling from filllist startManagingCursor cursor int numberColumnId cursor .getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER.. DESC Log.d FILLLIST Calling from filllist startManagingCursor cursor int numberColumnId cursor .getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER..
ListView adapter data change without ListView being notified null null null NZBReportProvider.ARTICLE_KEY_ROWID DESC startManagingCursor c Log.d TAG NZBReport cursor.getCount c.getCount int title c.getColumnIndex..
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter R.layout.contact_list Cursor c mDbHelper.fetchAllFriends startManagingCursor c String from new String int to new int this.friendAdapter..
Using an EditText to filter a SimpleCursorAdapter-backed ListView null null null null directoryPeople.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER startManagingCursor mCursor adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.directory_people_item..
How can I get Android Wifi Scan Results into a list? void fillDataFromDb Cursor scanCursor Db.fetchAllScans startManagingCursor scanCursor ` Create an array to specify the fields we want to..
Android error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor String String String that the resulting Cursor to call startManagingCursor Cursor so that the activity will manage its lifecycle for you...
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider ContentProvider Android SDK documentation says that startManagingCursor method is depracated This method is deprecated. Use the new..
How to call Android contacts list? .query People.CONTENT_URI null null null null startManagingCursor C String columns new String People.NAME int names new int
selecting contact from autocomplete textview Type Other Then add this map to the list. mPeopleList.add NamePhoneType phones.close people.close startManagingCursor people public void onItemClick AdapterView av View v int index long arg Map String String map Map String String av.getItemAtPosition..
How to perform an SQLite query within an Android application? from search Where title_raw like ' Smith ' Cursor cursor db.query TABLE_NAME FROM select null null null null startManagingCursor cursor return cursor android sqlite share improve this question This will return you the required cursor Cursor cursor..
http post method passing null values to the server
Multiple choice list with custom view? savedInstanceState Query the contacts mCursor getContentResolver .query Phones.CONTENT_URI null null null null startManagingCursor mCursor ListAdapter adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.row mCursor new String Phones.NAME Phones.NUMBER new..
Given an Android music playlist name, how can one find the songs in the playlist? MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI projection1 MediaStore.Audio.Playlists._ID playlistId null null startManagingCursor cursor cursor.moveToFirst playlist_id cursor.getString 0 playlist_id2 cursor.getLong 0 if playlist_id2 0 String projection..
RuntimeException: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' void fillData Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras long catID extras.getLong cat_id Cursor c mDbHelper.fetchNews catID startManagingCursor c String from new String DBHelper.KEY_TITLE int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter..
Finalizing a Cursor that has not been deactivated or closed non-fatal error
Update UI from Thread Params @Override protected ContactsListCursorAdapter doInBackground Void... params cur1 objItem.getContacts startManagingCursor cur1 adapter1 new ContactsListCursorAdapter viewContacts.this R.layout.contact_for_listitem cur1 new String new int return..
How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs null null null android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE DESC dh new CallDataHelper this db openHelper.getWritableDatabase startManagingCursor cursor int numberColumnId cursor.getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER int durationId cursor.getColumnIndex..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database new String lastDate android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE DESC Log.d FILLLIST Calling from filllist startManagingCursor cursor int numberColumnId cursor .getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER int durationId cursor .getColumnIndex.. new String lastDate android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE DESC Log.d FILLLIST Calling from filllist startManagingCursor cursor int numberColumnId cursor .getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER int durationId cursor .getColumnIndex..
ListView adapter data change without ListView being notified Cursor c r.query NZBReportProvider.CONTENT_URI null null null NZBReportProvider.ARTICLE_KEY_ROWID DESC startManagingCursor c Log.d TAG NZBReport cursor.getCount c.getCount int title c.getColumnIndex NZBReportProvider.ARTICLE_KEY_TITLE int desc..
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter new WhipemDBAdapter this setContentView R.layout.contact_list Cursor c mDbHelper.fetchAllFriends startManagingCursor c String from new String int to new int this.friendAdapter new FriendAdapter this R.layout.contact_row c from to setListAdapter..
Using an EditText to filter a SimpleCursorAdapter-backed ListView mCursor queryBuilder.query mDB asColumnsToReturn null null null null directoryPeople.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER startManagingCursor mCursor adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.directory_people_item mCursor new String directoryPeople.LAST_NAME..
How can I get Android Wifi Scan Results into a list? result.SSID result.level Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show And private void fillDataFromDb Cursor scanCursor Db.fetchAllScans startManagingCursor scanCursor ` Create an array to specify the fields we want to display in the list only TITLE String from new String WifiDbAdapter.KEY_BSSID..
Android error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor instead. Wrapper around query String String String String that the resulting Cursor to call startManagingCursor Cursor so that the activity will manage its lifecycle for you. If you are targeting HONEYCOMB or later consider instead..
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider CursorLoader without ContentProvider Android SDK documentation says that startManagingCursor method is depracated This method is deprecated. Use the new CursorLoader class with LoaderManager instead this is also available..
How to call Android contacts list? onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle Cursor C getContentResolver .query People.CONTENT_URI null null null null startManagingCursor C String columns new String People.NAME int names new int mAdapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.mycontacts..