android Programming Glossary: startdocument
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? Methods @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException this.navigationDataSet new NavigationDataSet..
ANDROID: Parsing XML String callId private String lineId @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException You can perform some action in this method..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues DefaultHandler Methods @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException @Override public void endDocument throws..
Android: parse XML from string problems Methods @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException this.myParsedExampleDataSet new ParsedExampleDataSet..
Android: Sax parsing returns null values and retrieve values in tags of same name Methods @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException this.myParsedExampleDataSet new ParsedExampleDataSet.. return myParsedExampleDataSets @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException myParsedExampleDataSets new ArrayList ParsedExampleDataSet..
Error parsing an XML using SAX after <br> RSSFeed getFeed return feed @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException TODO Auto generated method stub feed new..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? .setCoordinates buffer.toString .trim return this.navigationDataSet Methods @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException this.navigationDataSet new NavigationDataSet @Override public void endDocument throws SAXException Nothing..
ANDROID: Parsing XML HashMap String Object linesMap private String text private String callId private String lineId @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException You can perform some action in this method for example to reset some sort of Collection or any other..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues this.urlString urlString class MyExampleHandler1 extends DefaultHandler Methods @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException @Override public void endDocument throws SAXException Nothing to do @Override public void startElement..
Android: parse XML from string problems public ParsedExampleDataSet getParsedData return this.myParsedExampleDataSet Methods @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException this.myParsedExampleDataSet new ParsedExampleDataSet @Override public void endDocument throws SAXException..
Android: Sax parsing returns null values and retrieve values in tags of same name public ParsedExampleDataSet getParsedData return this.myParsedExampleDataSet Methods @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException this.myParsedExampleDataSet new ParsedExampleDataSet @Override public void endDocument throws SAXException.. Methods public List ParsedExampleDataSet getParsedData return myParsedExampleDataSets @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException myParsedExampleDataSets new ArrayList ParsedExampleDataSet stringBuffer new StringBuffer @Override public..
Error parsing an XML using SAX after <br> RSSFeed feed RSSItem item boolean itemFound false RSSHandler RSSFeed getFeed return feed @Override public void startDocument throws SAXException TODO Auto generated method stub feed new RSSFeed item new RSSItem @Override public void startElement..