android Programming Glossary: start_sticky
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service if stopservice null stopservice.length 0 stop return START_STICKY private synchronized void connectToDevice String macAddress..
Service being re-Created by AlarmManager the different reasons we may have been started return START_STICKY When I trigger it using context.startService from an activity..
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called this this this mLocationClient.connect return START_STICKY @Override public void onConnected Bundle bundle Log.d FusedLocationService..
Using Google Play Services LocationClient in background service mLocationClient.connect return START_STICKY and in onConnected method I send a location request @Override..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging Log.i MyService Received start id startId intent return START_STICKY run until explicitly stopped. public static boolean isRunning..
Start service in android updates here and notify if true 0 UPDATE_INTERVAL return START_STICKY private void stopService if timer null timer.cancel and here..
Wake locks android service recurring Intent intent int flags int startId startservice return START_STICKY private void startservice System.out.println Started the service..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? If we get killed after returning from here restart return START_STICKY @Override public void onDestroy Log.d SERVICE DESTROY DESTORY..
How to create a service in Android that can't be killed by Advanced Task Killer until it is explicitly stopped so return sticky. return START_STICKY private void ListenSMS TODO Auto generated method stub messageList..
Android: How to force restart of a service (OS killing on low memory behavior)? with the onStartCommand you should return a result. Using START_STICKY tells the OS it can restart if it needs to kill it. Using START_NOT_STICKY..
Service does not restart after “Clear Memory” + appWidget crashes SMS CallMonitorService onStartCommand created return START_STICKY @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate context this.getApplicationContext..
Broadcast Receiver to detect application start diff 20000 6000 every 6 seconds return START_STICKY private RunningAppProcessInfo getForegroundApp RunningAppProcessInfo..
android - get gps location via a service super.onStartCommand intent flags startId return START_STICKY @Override public void onCreate Log.e TAG onCreate initializeLocationManager..
START_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY What is the difference between START_STICKY.. and START_NOT_STICKY What is the difference between START_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY while implementing services in android.. memory and kills the service before it finishes executing. START_STICKY tells the OS to recreate the service after it has enough memory..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service return 0 String stopservice intent.getStringExtra stopservice if stopservice null stopservice.length 0 stop return START_STICKY private synchronized void connectToDevice String macAddress BluetoothDevice device mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice macAddress..
Service being re-Created by AlarmManager startReason REASON_NO_INTENT switch reason handle the different reasons we may have been started return START_STICKY When I trigger it using context.startService from an activity it starts absolutely normally. In particular if it is already..
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called Long.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis mLocationClient new LocationClient this this this mLocationClient.connect return START_STICKY @Override public void onConnected Bundle bundle Log.d FusedLocationService Fused Location Provider got connected successfully..
Using Google Play Services LocationClient in background service setUpLocationClientIfNeeded if mLocationClient.isConnected mLocationClient.isConnecting mLocationClient.connect return START_STICKY and in onConnected method I send a location request @Override public void onConnected Bundle arg0 System.out.println Connected..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging public int onStartCommand Intent intent int flags int startId Log.i MyService Received start id startId intent return START_STICKY run until explicitly stopped. public static boolean isRunning return isRunning private void onTimerTick Log.i TimerTick..
Start service in android new TimerTask @Override public void run Check if there are updates here and notify if true 0 UPDATE_INTERVAL return START_STICKY private void stopService if timer null timer.cancel and here is how I call it Intent serviceIntent new Intent serviceIntent.setAction..
Wake locks android service recurring 1 R.raw.sound @Override public int onStartCommand Intent intent int flags int startId startservice return START_STICKY private void startservice System.out.println Started the service timer.scheduleAtFixedRate new TimerTask public void run..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? msg.arg1 startId mServiceHandler.sendMessage msg If we get killed after returning from here restart return START_STICKY @Override public void onDestroy Log.d SERVICE DESTROY DESTORY serviceState false Toast.makeText this service done Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
How to create a service in Android that can't be killed by Advanced Task Killer int startId ListenSMS We want this service to continue running until it is explicitly stopped so return sticky. return START_STICKY private void ListenSMS TODO Auto generated method stub messageList new ArrayList String adapter new ArrayAdapter String..
Android: How to force restart of a service (OS killing on low memory behavior)? code of your service in the onStartCommand . When done with the onStartCommand you should return a result. Using START_STICKY tells the OS it can restart if it needs to kill it. Using START_NOT_STICKY tells the os not to bother trying to restart..
Service does not restart after “Clear Memory” + appWidget crashes until it is explicitly stopped so return sticky. Log.d SERVICE SMS CallMonitorService onStartCommand created return START_STICKY @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate context this.getApplicationContext Log.d SERVICE SMS CallMonitorService created..
Broadcast Receiver to detect application start diff subtractSets runningPkgs stalkList if diff null stalkList.removeAll diff 20000 6000 every 6 seconds return START_STICKY private RunningAppProcessInfo getForegroundApp RunningAppProcessInfo result null info null final ActivityManager activityManager..
android - get gps location via a service Intent intent int flags int startId Log.e TAG onStartCommand super.onStartCommand intent flags startId return START_STICKY @Override public void onCreate Log.e TAG onCreate initializeLocationManager try mLocationManager.requestLocationUpdates..
START_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY What is the difference between START_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY while implementing services in android.. and START_NOT_STICKY What is the difference between START_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY while implementing services in android Could anyone point out to some standard examples.. android.. Both codes are only relevant when the phone runs out of memory and kills the service before it finishes executing. START_STICKY tells the OS to recreate the service after it has enough memory and call onStartCommand again with a null intent. START_NOT_STICKY..