android Programming Glossary: scheduling
startForeground() without showing notification a heavier amount of resources and is subject to different scheduling constraints i.e. it doesn't get killed as quickly than background..
How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x true logMe Phone Ringing the phone is ringing scheduling creation call answer screen activity Intent i new Intent context.. if isFinishing debugLog system forced pause occured scheduling delayed restart Intent i new Intent getApplicationContext CallAnswerIntentService.class..
what is the relationship between Looper, Handler and Message queue ? is no restriction on what threads can use the Handler 's scheduling methods post Runnable etc. The main thread a.k.a. UI thread..
Low-latency audio playback on Android of OpenSL ES does not result in lower audio latency higher scheduling priority etc. than what the platform generally provides. android.. buffer queue callbacks in a thread that has more favorable scheduling than normal user mode threads. Make your buffer size a multiple..
How to set a persistent/regular schedule in Android? for this or can I android cron scheduled tasks scheduling scheduler share improve this question If you want it to..
Android alarm is cancelled after closing the application I have a problem with AlarmManager I set the code for scheduling a repeating alarm and after I run the application the alarm..
Android, How to handle change in network (from GPRS to Wi-fi and vice-versa) while polling for data will go down and you have to re establish it. If you are scheduling a service and you are not keeping the connection persistent.. you will not have problems. For good library for scheduling a polling Task have a look into the BuzzBox SDK for Android..
Difference between AlarmManager and ScheduledExecutorService a new notification if there is new data. Thanks android scheduling alarmmanager share improve this question ScheduledExecutorService..
Alarm Manager - Scheduling multiple Non-repeating events you are going to put dynamic URI of unique intents while scheduling different alarms using AlarmManager. Please refer next steps.. using the database to store my alarm time values and then scheduling using those values. My cursor fetches the unique _ID from the..
Calendar library for android app my iPhone app all the calendar view dates color and events scheduling are done by a library. In the same way is there any library..
Async/await not reacting as expected F then sleeps for a second. In the meanwhile unless thread scheduling is super messed up InnerAsync almost certainly has now realized..
Android Process Scheduling Edit My concern is with regard to processor time slicing scheduling not memory resources memory resources are well described within..
How to create a persistent AlarmManager Clarified the question based on CommonsWare's answer We're scheduling an an alarm via AlarmManager to trigger every 60 seconds. When..
startForeground() without showing notification This is because a foregrounded service consumes a heavier amount of resources and is subject to different scheduling constraints i.e. it doesn't get killed as quickly than background services and the user needs to know what's possibly eating..
How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x Hc.PREFSNAME 0 .getBoolean Hc.PREF_CALL_ANSWER_TOOLS_KEY true logMe Phone Ringing the phone is ringing scheduling creation call answer screen activity Intent i new Intent context CallAnswerIntentService.class i.putExtra delay 100L context.startService.. @Override protected void onPause super.onPause unHookReceiver if isFinishing debugLog system forced pause occured scheduling delayed restart Intent i new Intent getApplicationContext CallAnswerIntentService.class i.putExtra delay Hc.RESTART_DELAY..
what is the relationship between Looper, Handler and Message queue ? while running on the LooperThread although once created there is no restriction on what threads can use the Handler 's scheduling methods post Runnable etc. The main thread a.k.a. UI thread in an Android application is set up as a looper thread before..
Low-latency audio playback on Android to the use of OpenSL ES other than this. In particular use of OpenSL ES does not result in lower audio latency higher scheduling priority etc. than what the platform generally provides. android audio opensl share improve this question For lowest.. Process audio in a buffer queue callback. The system runs buffer queue callbacks in a thread that has more favorable scheduling than normal user mode threads. Make your buffer size a multiple of AudioManager.getProperty PROPERTY_OUTPUT_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER..
How to set a persistent/regular schedule in Android? similar to how cron works. I am not sure if I can use AlarmManager for this or can I android cron scheduled tasks scheduling scheduler share improve this question If you want it to stay after the device reboots you have to schedule the alarm..
Android alarm is cancelled after closing the application alarm is cancelled after closing the application I have a problem with AlarmManager I set the code for scheduling a repeating alarm and after I run the application the alarm runs fine. Even if I click on Home button and the application..
Android, How to handle change in network (from GPRS to Wi-fi and vice-versa) while polling for data something else If you are keeping a persistent connection it will go down and you have to re establish it. If you are scheduling a service and you are not keeping the connection persistent you will not have problems. For good library for scheduling.. a service and you are not keeping the connection persistent you will not have problems. For good library for scheduling a polling Task have a look into the BuzzBox SDK for Android http android sdk share improve this answer..
Difference between AlarmManager and ScheduledExecutorService bit of code to check for new data every night and create a new notification if there is new data. Thanks android scheduling alarmmanager share improve this question ScheduledExecutorService runs in your application process. If application process..
Alarm Manager - Scheduling multiple Non-repeating events class as part of pending intent. 'data' tag is what you are going to put dynamic URI of unique intents while scheduling different alarms using AlarmManager. Please refer next steps for more details. 2 Activity Class in which you are going to.. you are going to use AlarmManager to schedule alarms I'm using the database to store my alarm time values and then scheduling using those values. My cursor fetches the unique _ID from the table and alarm time in seconds since 1 1 1970 . See that..
Calendar library for android app in other color. Likewise i have some other operations. in my iPhone app all the calendar view dates color and events scheduling are done by a library. In the same way is there any library for android apps so that it will reduce my work a lot. Is there..
Async/await not reacting as expected actually starting. Once DoSomething starts it prints out F then sleeps for a second. In the meanwhile unless thread scheduling is super messed up InnerAsync almost certainly has now realized that DoSomething is not yet complete . Now the async magic..
Android Process Scheduling recommend... My searches haven't turned up much yet. Thanks Edit My concern is with regard to processor time slicing scheduling not memory resources memory resources are well described within the android documentation. Thanks again android multithreading..
How to create a persistent AlarmManager to create a persistent AlarmManager Edit Clarified the question based on CommonsWare's answer We're scheduling an an alarm via AlarmManager to trigger every 60 seconds. When our application is killed our alarms seem to no longer execute...