

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:23:30

android Programming Glossary: scaleanimation

Android - zoom in/out RelativeLayout with spread/pinch


and setScaleY on the RelativeLayout and also by using a ScaleAnimation . Neither resulted in smooth zooming or anything that could..

Show DialogFragment with animation growing from a point


that I've had is a combination of TranslateAnimation and ScaleAnimation . Is there another way android android fragments android animation..

How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE)


the View should 'collapse'. I tried this with a ScaleAnimation but then the View is collapse but the layout will only resize.. I'd recommend creating your own Animation class based on ScaleAnimation and overriding the applyTransformation method to set new margins.. 1.0f 1.0f 0.0f 500 view true public class MyScaler extends ScaleAnimation private View mView private LayoutParams mLayoutParams private..

How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows


View v final int position long id Animation animation new ScaleAnimation 1 1 1 0 animation.setDuration 100 getListView .getChildAt position..

android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd


view to change it's background drawable on the end of it's ScaleAnimation which it does but you can clearly see that it is changed some.. Animation animation View view MyView ExtendedScaleAnimation animation .getView view.clearAnimation view.requestLayout view.refreshBackground..

zooming image in viewflipper


can scale your image. Here's some sample code that uses a ScaleAnimation to do the zooming iv ImageView findViewById R.id.imageview zc.. currentZoom zc.setIsZoomInEnabled false scaleAnim new ScaleAnimation oldZoom currentZoom oldZoom currentZoom 0 0 scaleAnim.setFillAfter.. currentZoom zc.setIsZoomOutEnabled false scaleAnim new ScaleAnimation oldZoom currentZoom oldZoom currentZoom 0 0 scaleAnim.setFillAfter..

Android - zoom in/out RelativeLayout with spread/pinch


for example . I've tried to implement it via calling setScaleX and setScaleY on the RelativeLayout and also by using a ScaleAnimation . Neither resulted in smooth zooming or anything that could at all be called zooming . Is it even possible to zoom in out..

Show DialogFragment with animation growing from a point


can be seen when opening a folder from the launcher. One idea that I've had is a combination of TranslateAnimation and ScaleAnimation . Is there another way android android fragments android animation share improve this question Being DialogFragment..

How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE)


a View gets it's visibility set to GONE . Instead of just dissapearing the View should 'collapse'. I tried this with a ScaleAnimation but then the View is collapse but the layout will only resize it's space after or before the Animation stops or starts ... into thinking that the view is getting smaller. So I'd recommend creating your own Animation class based on ScaleAnimation and overriding the applyTransformation method to set new margins and update the layout. Like this... public class Q2634073.. onClick View view view.startAnimation new MyScaler 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f 0.0f 500 view true public class MyScaler extends ScaleAnimation private View mView private LayoutParams mLayoutParams private int mMarginBottomFromY mMarginBottomToY private boolean mVanishAfter..

How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows


removed @Override protected void onListItemClick ListView l View v final int position long id Animation animation new ScaleAnimation 1 1 1 0 animation.setDuration 100 getListView .getChildAt position .startAnimation animation l.postDelayed new Runnable..

android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd


fired although animation.hasEnded is set to true. I want my view to change it's background drawable on the end of it's ScaleAnimation which it does but you can clearly see that it is changed some miliseconds before it finishes. The problem is that it flickers.. to get the following call @Override public void onAnimationEnd Animation animation View view MyView ExtendedScaleAnimation animation .getView view.clearAnimation view.requestLayout view.refreshBackground this is where the background gets changed..

zooming image in viewflipper


touches to the ZoomControls widget. In your handler you can scale your image. Here's some sample code that uses a ScaleAnimation to do the zooming iv ImageView findViewById R.id.imageview zc ZoomControls findViewById R.id.zoom_controls zc.setOnZoomInClickListener.. currentZoom 1.25 zc.setIsZoomOutEnabled true if 3.0 currentZoom zc.setIsZoomInEnabled false scaleAnim new ScaleAnimation oldZoom currentZoom oldZoom currentZoom 0 0 scaleAnim.setFillAfter true iv.startAnimation scaleAnim zc.setOnZoomOutClickListener.. currentZoom 1.25 zc.setIsZoomInEnabled true if 0.33 currentZoom zc.setIsZoomOutEnabled false scaleAnim new ScaleAnimation oldZoom currentZoom oldZoom currentZoom 0 0 scaleAnim.setFillAfter true iv.startAnimation scaleAnim share improve this..