android Programming Glossary: scaledbitmap
Android Camera Preview Rotation int width bitmapPicture.getWidth Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bitmapPicture height width true Bitmap.. height width true Bitmap rotatedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap scaledBitmap 0 0 scaledBitmap.getWidth scaledBitmap.getHeight matrix true.. Bitmap rotatedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap scaledBitmap 0 0 scaledBitmap.getWidth scaledBitmap.getHeight matrix true HOPE THIS HELPS..
Border over a bitmap with rounded corners in Android private BitmapDrawable roundCornered BitmapDrawable scaledBitmap int i Bitmap bitmap scaledBitmap.getBitmap result Bitmap.createBitmap.. BitmapDrawable scaledBitmap int i Bitmap bitmap scaledBitmap.getBitmap result Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight..
Rotating phone quickly 180 degrees, camera preview turns upside down int width bitmapPicture.getWidth Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bitmapPicture height width true Bitmap.. height width true Bitmap rotatedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap scaledBitmap 0 0 scaledBitmap.getWidth scaledBitmap.getHeight matrix true.. Bitmap rotatedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap scaledBitmap 0 0 scaledBitmap.getWidth scaledBitmap.getHeight matrix true ByteArrayOutputStream..
Quality problems when resizing an image at runtime options Then I am doing the actual scaling with Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap sampledSrcBitmap desiredWidth desiredHeight.. out new FileOutputStream newFilePathString scaledBitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 out Then as I mentioned.. Matrix matrix.postScale desiredScale desiredScale Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap sampledSrcBitmap 0 0 sampledSrcBitmap.getWidth..
Rotate image in android y swapped because my image is wider than it is tall Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap myBitmap y x true create a matrix.. the result Bitmap rotatedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap scaledBitmap 0 0 scaledBitmap .getWidth scaledBitmap .getHeight matrix true.. Bitmap rotatedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap scaledBitmap 0 0 scaledBitmap .getWidth scaledBitmap .getHeight matrix true display the rotated..
Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions? convert it to a format understood by the ImageView Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap 0 0 width height matrix true width.. bitmap 0 0 width height matrix true width scaledBitmap.getWidth re use height scaledBitmap.getHeight re use BitmapDrawable.. matrix true width scaledBitmap.getWidth re use height scaledBitmap.getHeight re use BitmapDrawable result new BitmapDrawable scaledBitmap..
How to resize image (Bitmap) to for examle 800x480 in code? android monodroid share improve this question Bitmap scaledBitmap scaleDown realImage MAX_IMAGE_SIZE true scale down method public..
Android Camera Preview Rotation matrix new Matrix matrix.postRotate 90 int height bitmapPicture.getHeight int width bitmapPicture.getWidth Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bitmapPicture height width true Bitmap rotatedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap scaledBitmap 0 0 scaledBitmap.getWidth..
Border over a bitmap with rounded corners in Android with rounded corners. Now I want to draw a line around the bitmap. private BitmapDrawable roundCornered BitmapDrawable scaledBitmap int i Bitmap bitmap scaledBitmap.getBitmap result Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888.. to draw a line around the bitmap. private BitmapDrawable roundCornered BitmapDrawable scaledBitmap int i Bitmap bitmap scaledBitmap.getBitmap result Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 canvas new Canvas result..
Rotating phone quickly 180 degrees, camera preview turns upside down Constant.result 270 matrix.postRotate 180 int height bitmapPicture.getHeight int width bitmapPicture.getWidth Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bitmapPicture height width true Bitmap rotatedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap scaledBitmap 0 0 scaledBitmap.getWidth.. scaledBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bitmapPicture height width true Bitmap rotatedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap scaledBitmap 0 0 scaledBitmap.getWidth scaledBitmap.getHeight matrix true ByteArrayOutputStream blob new ByteArrayOutputStream Log.e.. Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bitmapPicture height width true Bitmap rotatedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap scaledBitmap 0 0 scaledBitmap.getWidth scaledBitmap.getHeight matrix true ByteArrayOutputStream blob new ByteArrayOutputStream Log.e Camrera1 22222222222222222..
Quality problems when resizing an image at runtime sampledSrcBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile imageFilePathString options Then I am doing the actual scaling with Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap sampledSrcBitmap desiredWidth desiredHeight false Lastly the new resized image is saved to disk.. false Lastly the new resized image is saved to disk with FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream newFilePathString scaledBitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 out Then as I mentioned if I pull that file off the disk and look at it it has that.. STRING_PATH_TO_FILE options Resize Matrix matrix new Matrix matrix.postScale desiredScale desiredScale Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap sampledSrcBitmap 0 0 sampledSrcBitmap.getWidth sampledSrcBitmap.getHeight matrix true sampledSrcBitmap..
Rotate image in android scale it to fit the screen x and y swapped because my image is wider than it is tall Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap myBitmap y x true create a matrix object Matrix matrix new Matrix matrix.postRotate 45 90 180.. a new bitmap from the original using the matrix to transform the result Bitmap rotatedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap scaledBitmap 0 0 scaledBitmap .getWidth scaledBitmap .getHeight matrix true display the rotated bitmap img1.setImageBitmap rotatedBitmap.. from the original using the matrix to transform the result Bitmap rotatedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap scaledBitmap 0 0 scaledBitmap .getWidth scaledBitmap .getHeight matrix true display the rotated bitmap img1.setImageBitmap rotatedBitmap share improve..
Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions? Matrix matrix.postScale scale scale Create a new bitmap and convert it to a format understood by the ImageView Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap 0 0 width height matrix true width scaledBitmap.getWidth re use height scaledBitmap.getHeight.. a format understood by the ImageView Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap 0 0 width height matrix true width scaledBitmap.getWidth re use height scaledBitmap.getHeight re use BitmapDrawable result new BitmapDrawable scaledBitmap Log.i Test scaled.. Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap 0 0 width height matrix true width scaledBitmap.getWidth re use height scaledBitmap.getHeight re use BitmapDrawable result new BitmapDrawable scaledBitmap Log.i Test scaled width Integer.toString width Log.i..
How to resize image (Bitmap) to for examle 800x480 in code? 8192 photo.compress CompressFormat.JPEG 25 bos android monodroid share improve this question Bitmap scaledBitmap scaleDown realImage MAX_IMAGE_SIZE true scale down method public static Bitmap scaleDown Bitmap realImage float maxImageSize..