android Programming Glossary: scaling
Full webpage and disabled zoom viewport meta tag for all mobile browsers 2.3.x 3.x By setting user scalable no you disable the scaling of the viewport meta tag yourself as well. This is probably.. 4.x 5.x tested Scales work as expected you can disable scaling with user scalable 0 keywords yes no don't work in 4.x . iOS..
Android: Scale a Drawable or background image? for clipping and filling but don't see any option for scaling. android share improve this question Haven't tried to do..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? is IMPORTANT in order to prevent resources from auto OS scaling when loading from different drawable folders you have to use..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap error during runtime. I have analyzed and found that scaling will help in resolving this kind of memory related issues. The.. and the device size also the same. Hence I feel like the scaling will not have any effect. As we have experts in this community..
How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio that white space android android imageview image scaling share improve this question 1 Yes by default Android will..
How to scale/resize text to fit a TextView? just looks at the number of characters and determines a scaling factor to apply to the TextView's text size and then incrementally.. of the TextView. The parameters necessary to determine the scaling factor i.e. the if else if statements were set by guess and.. s float currentWidth tv.getPaint .measureText s int scalingFactor 0 final int characters s.length scale based on # of characters..
Sending images using Http Post chosen from the gallery are sent to the server after scaling it to required size. android django http share improve this..
getting the screen density programmatically in android? than 4. The metrics.density property is a floating point scaling factor from the reference density 160dpi . The same value now..
Bad image quality after resizing/scaling bitmap image quality after resizing scaling bitmap I'm writing a card game and need my cards to be different.. always come out pixelated and blurry. I know that its the scaling thats causing the problem because the images look perfect when.. blury images on low screen resolutions until I disabled scaling on bitmap load from resources Options options new BitmapFactory.Options..
How to convert coordinates of the image view to the coordinates of the bitmap? image Should normally be equal unless a disproportionate scaling e.g. fitXY is used. float heightRatio intrinsicHeight scaledHeight.. scale these distances according to the ratio of your scaling For example if the original image is 1.5x the size of the scaled..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] handle different form factors. Corona supports dynamic scaling which will be familiar to Flash developers. This is very easy..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup you want to save the canvas state after applying the scaling factor. This ensures that the child can't modify the transformation..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java the pdf doc PDFPage PDFpage pdf.getPage 1 true create a scaling value according to the WebView Width final float scale ViewSize.. 0.95f convert the page into a bitmap with a scaling value Bitmap page PDFpage.getImage int PDFpage.getWidth scale..
Full webpage and disabled zoom viewport meta tag for all mobile browsers viewport meta tag does not seem to be supported at all. Android 2.3.x 3.x By setting user scalable no you disable the scaling of the viewport meta tag yourself as well. This is probably why your width option is having no effect. To allow the browser.. to disable zoom and scale at the same time in 4.x. iOS Safari 4.x 5.x tested Scales work as expected you can disable scaling with user scalable 0 keywords yes no don't work in 4.x . iOS Safari also has no concept of target densitydpi so you should..
Android: Scale a Drawable or background image? and am using a BitmapDrawable to setGravity for clipping and filling but don't see any option for scaling. android share improve this question Haven't tried to do exactly what you want but you can scale an ImageView using..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? images background.png layer0.png layer1.png the result is IMPORTANT in order to prevent resources from auto OS scaling when loading from different drawable folders you have to use Resources object obtained from LayeredImageView.getResources..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap image from the asset folder. But still I get the Out of memory error during runtime. I have analyzed and found that scaling will help in resolving this kind of memory related issues. The thing is that I have the image size of 1280 x 720 and the.. issues. The thing is that I have the image size of 1280 x 720 and the device size also the same. Hence I feel like the scaling will not have any effect. As we have experts in this community I would appreciate if you can help me with some suggestions..
How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio bigger than the ImageView . Is that true If yes how can I eliminate that white space android android imageview image scaling share improve this question 1 Yes by default Android will scale your image down to fit the ImageView maintaining the..
How to scale/resize text to fit a TextView? your own similar implementation. The static method basically just looks at the number of characters and determines a scaling factor to apply to the TextView's text size and then incrementally increases the text size until the overall height an estimated.. height and the width of the TextView is just below that of the TextView. The parameters necessary to determine the scaling factor i.e. the if else if statements were set by guess and check. You'll likely have to play around with the numbers to.. void autoScaleTextViewTextToHeight final TextView tv String s float currentWidth tv.getPaint .measureText s int scalingFactor 0 final int characters s.length scale based on # of characters in the string if characters 5 scalingFactor 1 else..
Sending images using Http Post tackle these problems would be much appreciated. Edit The images chosen from the gallery are sent to the server after scaling it to required size. android django http share improve this question I'm going to assume that you know the path and..
getting the screen density programmatically in android? density respectively. If you are targeting API Levels earlier than 4. The metrics.density property is a floating point scaling factor from the reference density 160dpi . The same value now provided by metrics.densityDpi can be calculated int densityDpi..
Bad image quality after resizing/scaling bitmap image quality after resizing scaling bitmap I'm writing a card game and need my cards to be different sizes in different circumstances. I am storing my images.. a matrix.preScale or a createScaledBitmap function they always come out pixelated and blurry. I know that its the scaling thats causing the problem because the images look perfect when drawn without resizing. I have worked through every solution.. image manipulation share improve this question I had blury images on low screen resolutions until I disabled scaling on bitmap load from resources Options options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inScaled false Bitmap source BitmapFactory.decodeResource..
How to convert coordinates of the image view to the coordinates of the bitmap? Find the ratio of the original image to the scaled image Should normally be equal unless a disproportionate scaling e.g. fitXY is used. float heightRatio intrinsicHeight scaledHeight float widthRatio intrinsicWidth scaledWidth do whatever.. int scaledImageOffsetY event.getY scale these distances according to the ratio of your scaling For example if the original image is 1.5x the size of the scaled image and your offset is 10 20 your original image offset..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] in between. Another interesting point is how the frameworks handle different form factors. Corona supports dynamic scaling which will be familiar to Flash developers. This is very easy to use but means that you end up wasting screen space when..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java doc PDFFile pdf new PDFFile bb Get the first page from the pdf doc PDFPage PDFpage pdf.getPage 1 true create a scaling value according to the WebView Width final float scale ViewSize PDFpage.getWidth 0.95f convert the page into a bitmap.. to the WebView Width final float scale ViewSize PDFpage.getWidth 0.95f convert the page into a bitmap with a scaling value Bitmap page PDFpage.getImage int PDFpage.getWidth scale int PDFpage.getHeight scale null true true save the bitmap..