android Programming Glossary: scaledsize
Android Gallery zoom in/out int width child.getMeasuredWidth Scale the size. float scaledSize 1.0f childPositionAbs SIZE_SCALE_MULTIPLIER if scaledSize 0.. scaledSize 1.0f childPositionAbs SIZE_SCALE_MULTIPLIER if scaledSize 0 scaledSize 0 matrix.setScale scaledSize scaledSize float.. childPositionAbs SIZE_SCALE_MULTIPLIER if scaledSize 0 scaledSize 0 matrix.setScale scaledSize scaledSize float moveX 0 float..
Android Gallery zoom in/out 0 final int height child.getMeasuredHeight final int width child.getMeasuredWidth Scale the size. float scaledSize 1.0f childPositionAbs SIZE_SCALE_MULTIPLIER if scaledSize 0 scaledSize 0 matrix.setScale scaledSize scaledSize float moveX.. int width child.getMeasuredWidth Scale the size. float scaledSize 1.0f childPositionAbs SIZE_SCALE_MULTIPLIER if scaledSize 0 scaledSize 0 matrix.setScale scaledSize scaledSize float moveX 0 float moveY 0 Moving from right to left linear move.. child.getMeasuredWidth Scale the size. float scaledSize 1.0f childPositionAbs SIZE_SCALE_MULTIPLIER if scaledSize 0 scaledSize 0 matrix.setScale scaledSize scaledSize float moveX 0 float moveY 0 Moving from right to left linear move since the scaling..