android Programming Glossary: scaled
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen at runtime. Use for screen element dimensions sp units scaled pixels specified as floating point values based on dp units.. floating point values based on dp units but additionally scaled for the user's font size preference setting. Scaled at runtime...
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? independent Pixels this is like the dp unit but it is also scaled by the user's font size preference. It is recommend you use..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android memory sharing basically each page of RAM in a process is scaled by a ratio of the number of other processes also using that..
Android: Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file I have a large bitmap say 3888x2592 in a file...
android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd is that it flickers because the new background appears is scaled for a short time until the animation really finishes. Is there.. animation or just prevent the new background from beeing scaled this short period of time Thank you EDIT I'm using an AnimationListener..
Bad image quality after resizing/scaling bitmap int GameUtil.standardCardSize.Y scale false this code non scaled looks perfect image GameUtil.cardImages.get ID matrix.reset..
Custom notification layouts and text colors code that extracts the default text color and text size in scaled density pixels sp . private Integer notification_text_color.. .getMetrics metrics notification_text_size metrics.scaledDensity return true else if gp.getChildAt i instanceof ViewGroup..
How to convert coordinates of the image view to the coordinates of the bitmap? drawable.getIntrinsicWidth height and width of the visible scaled image int scaledHeight imageBounds.height int scaledWidth imageBounds.width.. height and width of the visible scaled image int scaledHeight imageBounds.height int scaledWidth imageBounds.width Find.. scaled image int scaledHeight imageBounds.height int scaledWidth imageBounds.width Find the ratio of the original image..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout to set the layout_width to 0dp or your views may not be scaled properly. Note that the weight sum doesn't have to equal 1 I..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? Log.e DEBUGTAG Remtoe Image Exception e Image should be scaled as width height are set. i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER..
Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions? are 250dp 250dp The image's larger dimension should be scaled up down to 250dp The image should keep its aspect ratio The.. its aspect ratio The ImageView dimensions should match scaled image's dimensions after scaling E.g. for an image of 100 150.. the ImageView is resized to match the dimensions of the scaled image. The code is used in an activity. I tested it via button..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen physical pixel on a 160 ppi screen i.e. medium density. Scaled at runtime. Use for screen element dimensions sp units scaled pixels specified as floating point values based on dp units but additionally scaled for the user's font size preference.. screen element dimensions sp units scaled pixels specified as floating point values based on dp units but additionally scaled for the user's font size preference setting. Scaled at runtime. Use for font sizes you should always use RelativeLayout..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? dip and dp though dp is more consistent with sp . sp Scale independent Pixels this is like the dp unit but it is also scaled by the user's font size preference. It is recommend you use this unit when specifying font sizes so they will be adjusted..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android is a metric the kernel computes that takes into account memory sharing basically each page of RAM in a process is scaled by a ratio of the number of other processes also using that page. This way you can in theory add up the pss across all processes..
Android: Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file I have a large bitmap say 3888x2592 in a file. Now I want to resize that bitmap to 800x533 and save it to another..
android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd is changed some miliseconds before it finishes. The problem is that it flickers because the new background appears is scaled for a short time until the animation really finishes. Is there a way to get either the real end of the animation or just.. finishes. Is there a way to get either the real end of the animation or just prevent the new background from beeing scaled this short period of time Thank you EDIT I'm using an AnimationListener to get the following call @Override public void..
Bad image quality after resizing/scaling bitmap ID int GameUtil.standardCardSize.X scale int GameUtil.standardCardSize.Y scale false this code non scaled looks perfect image GameUtil.cardImages.get ID matrix.reset matrix.setTranslate position.X position.Y These methods make..
Custom notification layouts and text colors just get the tv.getTextColors .getDefaultColor . Here's the code that extracts the default text color and text size in scaled density pixels sp . private Integer notification_text_color null private float notification_text_size 11 private final String.. Context.WINDOW_SERVICE systemWM.getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics notification_text_size metrics.scaledDensity return true else if gp.getChildAt i instanceof ViewGroup return recurseGroup ViewGroup gp.getChildAt i return..
How to convert coordinates of the image view to the coordinates of the bitmap? drawable.getIntrinsicHeight int intrinsicWidth drawable.getIntrinsicWidth height and width of the visible scaled image int scaledHeight imageBounds.height int scaledWidth imageBounds.width Find the ratio of the original image to the.. int intrinsicWidth drawable.getIntrinsicWidth height and width of the visible scaled image int scaledHeight imageBounds.height int scaledWidth imageBounds.width Find the ratio of the original image to the scaled image Should.. drawable.getIntrinsicWidth height and width of the visible scaled image int scaledHeight imageBounds.height int scaledWidth imageBounds.width Find the ratio of the original image to the scaled image Should normally be equal unless a disproportionate..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout the buttons with some EditText to fit your needs. Be sure to set the layout_width to 0dp or your views may not be scaled properly. Note that the weight sum doesn't have to equal 1 I just find it easier to read like this. You can set the first..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? be returned. i.setImageBitmap bm catch IOException e Log.e DEBUGTAG Remtoe Image Exception e Image should be scaled as width height are set. i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER Set the Width Height of the ImageView. if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT..
Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions? random size to an ImageView When Initially ImageView dimensions are 250dp 250dp The image's larger dimension should be scaled up down to 250dp The image should keep its aspect ratio The ImageView dimensions should match scaled image's dimensions.. should be scaled up down to 250dp The image should keep its aspect ratio The ImageView dimensions should match scaled image's dimensions after scaling E.g. for an image of 100 150 the image and the ImageView should be 166 250. E.g. for an.. one dimension exactly 250dp and keeping the aspect ratio. Then the ImageView is resized to match the dimensions of the scaled image. The code is used in an activity. I tested it via button click handler. Enjoy. private void scaleImage Get the ImageView..