android Programming Glossary: schemes
Open TextView links at another activity, not default browser i need to have the links displayed as they are with the schemes they have there's lot of text in the textView not only the link...
Android / iOS - Custom URI / Protocol Handling iOS but I'd ideally be able to click either of those two schemes as hyperlinks from any app. Gmail Safari etc. android ios uri.. the app tries to load and takes over if it's one of the schemes that it recognizes. PhoneGap's open source cousin is Cordova..
Launch android application from a browser link link I learnt that it is not recommended to use your own schemes. Does that mean your own schemes wont work The person here is.. to use your own schemes. Does that mean your own schemes wont work The person here is using his own scheme and from his..
Launch app with URL false if it don't start with market or some predefined schemes try startActivityIfNeeded intent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_BROWSABLE..
How to send file using bluetooth on android programatically? used when processing requests with unknown unsupported URI schemes. public static final int STATUS_BAD_REQUEST 400 This transfer..
HTTPS and self-signed certificate issue params TIMEOUT Registering schemes for both HTTP and HTTPS SchemeRegistry registry new SchemeRegistry.. params TIMEOUT Registering schemes for both HTTP and HTTPS SchemeRegistry registry new SchemeRegistry..
Launching an Android Application from the Browser with the browser. It is not recommended to invent your own schemes. You can use a regular HTTP scheme for some domain that you..
Performing login to https website via Android app http.protocol.expect continue false registers schemes for both http and https SchemeRegistry registry new SchemeRegistry..
android: Determine security type of wifi networks in range (without connecting to them) describes the authentication key management and encryption schemes supported by the access point. You might be able to make use..
Best way to use Google APIs using OAuth 2.0 on Android webapp and use a redirect URI. Here I noticed non standard schemes are prohibited in OAuth 2.0. Before it was possible to use something..
android httpclient hangs on second request to the server (connection timed out) with reasonable default settings and registered schemes for Android . Since this was introduced in api level 8 Android..
Android How to create Intent Filter for custom file extension that does NOT make it part of a chooser for everything on the phone of different combinations of intent filters with different schemes mime types etc... and some still let me open the file if i browse..
Open TextView links at another activity, not default browser Important notes changing the textView content is not an option i need to have the links displayed as they are with the schemes they have there's lot of text in the textView not only the link. I looked through movementMethod and IntentFilters might..
Android / iOS - Custom URI / Protocol Handling wide as possible. I imagine this will be more of an issue on iOS but I'd ideally be able to click either of those two schemes as hyperlinks from any app. Gmail Safari etc. android ios uri protocols manifest share improve this question For iOS.. called PGURLProtocol that looks at the scheme of any URL the app tries to load and takes over if it's one of the schemes that it recognizes. PhoneGap's open source cousin is Cordova you may find it helpful to take a look. share improve this..
Launch android application from a browser link I change allplayer with http everything works fine. From this link I learnt that it is not recommended to use your own schemes. Does that mean your own schemes wont work The person here is using his own scheme and from his feedback it seems that it.. works fine. From this link I learnt that it is not recommended to use your own schemes. Does that mean your own schemes wont work The person here is using his own scheme and from his feedback it seems that it is working. Am I missing something...
Launch app with URL ex Log.w Browser Bad URI url ex.getMessage return false if it don't start with market or some predefined schemes try startActivityIfNeeded intent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_BROWSABLE intent.setComponent null try if startActivityIfNeeded..
How to send file using bluetooth on android programatically? 200 This request couldn't be parsed. This is also used when processing requests with unknown unsupported URI schemes. public static final int STATUS_BAD_REQUEST 400 This transfer is forbidden by target device. public static final int STATUS_FORBIDDEN..
HTTPS and self-signed certificate issue HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout params TIMEOUT HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout params TIMEOUT Registering schemes for both HTTP and HTTPS SchemeRegistry registry new SchemeRegistry registry.register new Scheme http PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory.. HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout params TIMEOUT HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout params TIMEOUT Registering schemes for both HTTP and HTTPS SchemeRegistry registry new SchemeRegistry registry.register new Scheme http PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory..
Launching an Android Application from the Browser include the BROWSABLE category so they will never work with the browser. It is not recommended to invent your own schemes. You can use a regular HTTP scheme for some domain that you control. This sample project demonstrates this. In particular..
Performing login to https website via Android app params utf 8 params.setBooleanParameter http.protocol.expect continue false registers schemes for both http and https SchemeRegistry registry new SchemeRegistry registry.register new Scheme http PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory..
android: Determine security type of wifi networks in range (without connecting to them) the Android developer documentation ScanResult.capabilities describes the authentication key management and encryption schemes supported by the access point. You might be able to make use of or at the very least use as an example the static helper..
Best way to use Google APIs using OAuth 2.0 on Android dropped this option. Configure the OAuth 2.0 client as a webapp and use a redirect URI. Here I noticed non standard schemes are prohibited in OAuth 2.0. Before it was possible to use something like xoauth callback but that's not allowed anymore...
android httpclient hangs on second request to the server (connection timed out) is described in the documentation as DefaultHttpClient with reasonable default settings and registered schemes for Android . Since this was introduced in api level 8 Android 2.2 I dug up the source to duplicate these default settings..
Android How to create Intent Filter for custom file extension that does NOT make it part of a chooser for everything on the phone my contacts it says my app can open it. I've tried dozens of different combinations of intent filters with different schemes mime types etc... and some still let me open the file if i browse with a file browser but I specifically need to be able..