android Programming Glossary: scale
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen at runtime. Use for screen element dimensions sp units scaled pixels specified as floating point values based on dp units.. floating point values based on dp units but additionally scaled for the user's font size preference setting. Scaled at runtime... to mimic real device values and always set them to scale to emulate device density. In Eclipse it's easy to create multiple..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled basic of that you can check the size of your device and scale it using calculateInSampleSize and decodeSampledBitmapFromResource.. the explanation of docs. Calculating how much we need to scale the image First way if imageHeight reqHeight imageWidth reqWidth..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps int getPixelsFromDp Context context float dp final float scale context.getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density return int.. .getDisplayMetrics .density return int dp scale 0.5f That's it. So far I only tested this on my Galaxy Nexus..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? android pivotX 50 android pivotY 50 android duration 2500 scale android fromXScale 1 android toXScale 1.8 android fromYScale..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? share improve this question px is one pixel. sp is scale independent pixels. dip is Density independent pixels. You would.. independent Pixels this is like the dp unit but it is also scaled by the user's font size preference. It is recommend you use..
Playing an arbitrary tone with Android is normalised. int idx 0 for final double dVal sample scale to maximum amplitude final short val short dVal 32767 in 16..
How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio In Android I.. to ImageView is bigger than the layout_width Android will scale it right But what about the height When Android scales the image.. will scale it right But what about the height When Android scales the image will it keep the aspect ratio What I find out is..
Android: Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file I have a large bitmap say 3888x2592 in a file... to 800x533 and save it to another file. I normally would scale the bitmap by calling Bitmap.createBitmap method but it needs..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken intent.putExtra crop true intent.putExtra scale true intent.putExtra return data false intent.setDataAndType..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java scaling value according to the WebView Width final float scale ViewSize PDFpage.getWidth 0.95f convert the page into a bitmap.. value Bitmap page PDFpage.getImage int PDFpage.getWidth scale int PDFpage.getHeight scale null true true save the bitmap.. int PDFpage.getWidth scale int PDFpage.getHeight scale null true true save the bitmap to a byte array ByteArrayOutputStream..
setAnimation vs startAnimation in android want to increase its height gradually For this you will Scale animation. If you want to combine them into single file use.. @android anim linear_interpolator scale android fromXScale 0.0 android fromYScale 0.0 android toXScale 1.0 android toYScale.. scale android fromXScale 0.0 android fromYScale 0.0 android toXScale 1.0 android toYScale 1.0 android duration..
Viewpager Webview memory issue filename options if bitmap null exact bitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bitmap width height false Also make sure you did override.. .removeView TextView view Or you can create a function to Scale Down Bitmap private byte resizeImage byte input if input null.. Matrix matrix new Matrix resize the bit map matrix.postScale scaleHeight scaleHeight recreate the new Bitmap Bitmap resizedBitmap..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) example to send and receive byte data from a Bluetooth Scale. The scale receives the command from the device then sends back.. We now send to handler. mHandler.obtainMessage BluetoothScale.MESSAGE_READ bytes 1 buffer .sendToTarget catch IOException.. Start the service over to restart listening mode BluetoothScaleService.this.start break Now the logs look as follows 09..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen 1 physical pixel on a 160 ppi screen i.e. medium density. Scaled at runtime. Use for screen element dimensions sp units scaled.. scaled for the user's font size preference setting. Scaled at runtime. Use for font sizes you should always use RelativeLayout.. an integer value When you launch the device always select Scale display to real size and type in the real screen dimension in..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? are be calculated first time in draw . instead of in post Scale and Translate animations actually resize and move the view and..
Android: Scale a Drawable or background image? Scale a Drawable or background image On a layout I want to scale..
Auto-fit TextView for Android tags. My answer here should make you happy Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds I have modified your test..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? both dip and dp though dp is more consistent with sp . sp Scale independent Pixels this is like the dp unit but it is also scaled..
Android - Set drawable size programatically Bitmap bitmap BitmapDrawable dr .getBitmap Scale it to 50 x 50 Drawable d new BitmapDrawable getResources Bitmap.createScaledBitmap.. 50 Drawable d new BitmapDrawable getResources Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bitmap 50 50 true Set your new scaled drawable d share..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? w h oldw oldh screenW w screenH h bgr Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bgr w h true Resize background to fit the screen. X int.. of this custom view. screenW w screenH h bgr Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bgr w h true Scale background to fit the screen. bgrW.. w screenH h bgr Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bgr w h true Scale background to fit the screen. bgrW bgr.getWidth bgrH bgr.getHeight..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds I'm looking for an optimal..
Scale background image in LinearLayout background image in LinearLayout I'm having the following problem..
How to crop image in android extras.getInt outputX mOutputY extras.getInt outputY mScale extras.getBoolean scale true mScaleUp extras.getBoolean scaleUpIfNeeded.. extras.getInt outputY mScale extras.getBoolean scale true mScaleUp extras.getBoolean scaleUpIfNeeded true if mBitmap null Log.d.. b true mBitmap.recycle mBitmap b if mImageView.getScale 1F true true latch.countDown try latch.await..
Scale a view and its layered subviews relatively a view and its layered subviews relatively This is somewhat.. image on the top of my ImageView with ImageView.setScaleType ScaleType.FIT_START I calculated the scale factor of my.. on the top of my ImageView with ImageView.setScaleType ScaleType.FIT_START I calculated the scale factor of my background..
Get Canvas coordinates after scaling up/down or dragging in android doing drawing and painting on canvas. This app can also Scale up down the canvas or drag it to different location. My problem.. canvas.translate mPosX mPosY canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor super.getWidth 0.5f super.getHeight 0.5f.. canvas.translate mPosX mPosY canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor super.getWidth 0.5f super.getHeight 0.5f mIcon.draw canvas..
How to crop Bitmap Center like imageview? [duplicate] reference android widget ImageView.ScaleType.html about centerCrop Scale the image uniformly maintain.. android widget ImageView.ScaleType.html about centerCrop Scale the image uniformly maintain the image's aspect ratio so that.. the final scaling will be the bigger of these two. float xScale float newWidth sourceWidth float yScale float newHeight sourceHeight..
Android: how to draw a border to a LinearLayout as LinearLayout's background I'm playing with Inset Scale Layer drawable resources see Drawable Resources for further..
Scale & rotate Bitmap using Matrix in Android rotate Bitmap using Matrix in Android I'm trying to scale and.. bmp ... original image ... Matrix m new Matrix matrix.setScale x y matrix.preRotate degrees float width 2 float height 2 Bitmap.createBitmap.. Matrix matrix new Matrix resize the bit map matrix.postScale scaleWidth scaleHeight rotate the Bitmap matrix.postRotate 45..
photo/image-to-sketch algorithm s Read File Into Image path to image g Convert To Gray Scale s i Invert Colors g b Apply Gaussian Blur i result Color Dodge..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen physical pixel on a 160 ppi screen i.e. medium density. Scaled at runtime. Use for screen element dimensions sp units scaled pixels specified as floating point values based on dp units but additionally scaled for the user's font size preference.. screen element dimensions sp units scaled pixels specified as floating point values based on dp units but additionally scaled for the user's font size preference setting. Scaled at runtime. Use for font sizes you should always use RelativeLayout.. are always low density. Always configure your Android emulators to mimic real device values and always set them to scale to emulate device density. In Eclipse it's easy to create multiple emulators from the Eclipse menu bar select Window AVD..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled give you the size of the image before downloading and on the basic of that you can check the size of your device and scale it using calculateInSampleSize and decodeSampledBitmapFromResource given in the explanation of docs. Calculating how much.. and decodeSampledBitmapFromResource given in the explanation of docs. Calculating how much we need to scale the image First way if imageHeight reqHeight imageWidth reqWidth if imageWidth imageHeight inSampleSize Math.round float..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps United Kingdom .position new LatLng 51.51 0.1 public static int getPixelsFromDp Context context float dp final float scale context.getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density return int dp scale 0.5f That's it. So far I only tested this on my Galaxy.. Context context float dp final float scale context.getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density return int dp scale 0.5f That's it. So far I only tested this on my Galaxy Nexus 4.2.1 and Nexus 7 also 4.2.1 I will try it on some Gingerbread..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? true rotate android fromDegrees 0 android toDegrees 30 android pivotX 50 android pivotY 50 android duration 2500 scale android fromXScale 1 android toXScale 1.8 android fromYScale 1 android toYScale 1.8 android pivotX 50 android pivotY 50..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? px dip dp and sp units in Android android units of measurement share improve this question px is one pixel. sp is scale independent pixels. dip is Density independent pixels. You would use sp for font sizes dip for everything else. dip dp from.. dip and dp though dp is more consistent with sp . sp Scale independent Pixels this is like the dp unit but it is also scaled by the user's font size preference. It is recommend you use this unit when specifying font sizes so they will be adjusted..
Playing an arbitrary tone with Android convert to 16 bit pcm sound array assumes the sample buffer is normalised. int idx 0 for final double dVal sample scale to maximum amplitude final short val short dVal 32767 in 16 bit wav PCM first byte is the low order byte generatedSnd idx..
How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio In Android I defined an ImageView 's layout_width to be fill_parent which.. takes up the full width of the phone . If the image I put to ImageView is bigger than the layout_width Android will scale it right But what about the height When Android scales the image will it keep the aspect ratio What I find out is that there.. I put to ImageView is bigger than the layout_width Android will scale it right But what about the height When Android scales the image will it keep the aspect ratio What I find out is that there is some white space at the top and bottom of the..
Android: Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file I have a large bitmap say 3888x2592 in a file. Now I want to resize that bitmap to 800x533 and save it to.. say 3888x2592 in a file. Now I want to resize that bitmap to 800x533 and save it to another file. I normally would scale the bitmap by calling Bitmap.createBitmap method but it needs a source bitmap as the first argument which I can't provide..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken resultCode 1 Intent intent new Intent intent.putExtra crop true intent.putExtra scale true intent.putExtra return data false intent.setDataAndType outputFileUri image intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java the pdf doc PDFPage PDFpage pdf.getPage 1 true create a scaling value according to the WebView Width final float scale ViewSize PDFpage.getWidth 0.95f convert the page into a bitmap with a scaling value Bitmap page PDFpage.getImage int.. 0.95f convert the page into a bitmap with a scaling value Bitmap page PDFpage.getImage int PDFpage.getWidth scale int PDFpage.getHeight scale null true true save the bitmap to a byte array ByteArrayOutputStream stream new ByteArrayOutputStream.. page into a bitmap with a scaling value Bitmap page PDFpage.getImage int PDFpage.getWidth scale int PDFpage.getHeight scale null true true save the bitmap to a byte array ByteArrayOutputStream stream new ByteArrayOutputStream page.compress..
setAnimation vs startAnimation in android 1.0f someView.startAnimation trans plus i also want to increase its height gradually For this you will Scale animation. If you want to combine them into single file use Set. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 set xmlns android android apk res android android interpolator @android anim linear_interpolator scale android fromXScale 0.0 android fromYScale 0.0 android toXScale 1.0 android toYScale 1.0 android duration 700 android fillBefore false translate.. apk res android android interpolator @android anim linear_interpolator scale android fromXScale 0.0 android fromYScale 0.0 android toXScale 1.0 android toYScale 1.0 android duration 700 android fillBefore false translate android fromXDelta..
Viewpager Webview memory issue options.inSampleSize 2 bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile filename options if bitmap null exact bitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bitmap width height false Also make sure you did override following method. @Override public void destroyItem View.. collection int position Object view ViewPager collection .removeView TextView view Or you can create a function to Scale Down Bitmap private byte resizeImage byte input if input null return null Bitmap bitmapOrg BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray.. float newHeight height creates matrix for the manipulation Matrix matrix new Matrix resize the bit map matrix.postScale scaleHeight scaleHeight recreate the new Bitmap Bitmap resizedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bitmapOrg 0 0 width height matrix..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) bytes modified BluetoothChat I've used code from BluetoothChat example to send and receive byte data from a Bluetooth Scale. The scale receives the command from the device then sends back a byte array. 2 198 48 48 48 48 199 3 The 2 STX and the.. Send the obtained bytes to the UI Activity Log.i IN_BUFFER We now send to handler. mHandler.obtainMessage BluetoothScale.MESSAGE_READ bytes 1 buffer .sendToTarget catch IOException e Log.e TAG disconnected e connectionLost Start the service.. IOException e Log.e TAG disconnected e connectionLost Start the service over to restart listening mode BluetoothScaleService.this.start break Now the logs look as follows 09 05 20 57 15.833 V BluetoothSocket.cpp 25368 availableNative..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen sp and mm dp units device independent pixels normalised to 1 physical pixel on a 160 ppi screen i.e. medium density. Scaled at runtime. Use for screen element dimensions sp units scaled pixels specified as floating point values based on dp units.. as floating point values based on dp units but additionally scaled for the user's font size preference setting. Scaled at runtime. Use for font sizes you should always use RelativeLayout for layouts AbsoluteLayout is deprecated and should.. pane set Abstracted LCD Property to the real density always an integer value When you launch the device always select Scale display to real size and type in the real screen dimension in inches. If you don't set the device density the emulator defaults..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? at runtime a safer implementation is that the dimentions are be calculated first time in draw . instead of in post Scale and Translate animations actually resize and move the view and not pseudo scale move .Notice that fillAfter true is not..
Android: Scale a Drawable or background image? Scale a Drawable or background image On a layout I want to scale the background image keeping its aspect ratio to the space allocated..
Auto-fit TextView for Android android drawableRight android drawableTop and android drawableBottom tags. My answer here should make you happy Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds I have modified your test case @Override protected void onCreate final Bundle savedInstanceState..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? necessarily in direct proportion. Note The compiler accepts both dip and dp though dp is more consistent with sp . sp Scale independent Pixels this is like the dp unit but it is also scaled by the user's font size preference. It is recommend you..
Android - Set drawable size programatically somewhere Drawable dr getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.somedrawable Bitmap bitmap BitmapDrawable dr .getBitmap Scale it to 50 x 50 Drawable d new BitmapDrawable getResources Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bitmap 50 50 true Set your new scaled..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh screenW w screenH h bgr Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bgr w h true Resize background to fit the screen. X int screenW 2 ballW 2 Centre ball into the centre of the screen... w h oldw oldh This event method provides the real dimensions of this custom view. screenW w screenH h bgr Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bgr w h true Scale background to fit the screen. bgrW bgr.getWidth bgrH bgr.getHeight Create a mirror image of the.. provides the real dimensions of this custom view. screenW w screenH h bgr Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bgr w h true Scale background to fit the screen. bgrW bgr.getWidth bgrH bgr.getHeight Create a mirror image of the background horizontal flip..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds I'm looking for an optimal way to resize wrapping text in a TextView so that it will..
Scale background image in LinearLayout background image in LinearLayout I'm having the following problem I have a LinearLayout with in it a ScrollView in the..
How to crop image in android extras.getInt aspectX mAspectY extras.getInt aspectY mOutputX extras.getInt outputX mOutputY extras.getInt outputY mScale extras.getBoolean scale true mScaleUp extras.getBoolean scaleUpIfNeeded true if mBitmap null Log.d TAG finish finish return.. aspectY mOutputX extras.getInt outputX mOutputY extras.getInt outputY mScale extras.getBoolean scale true mScaleUp extras.getBoolean scaleUpIfNeeded true if mBitmap null Log.d TAG finish finish return Make UI fullscreen. getWindow .addFlags.. void run if b mBitmap b null mImageView.setImageBitmapResetBase b true mBitmap.recycle mBitmap b if mImageView.getScale 1F true true latch.countDown try latch.await catch InterruptedException e throw new RuntimeException..
Scale a view and its layered subviews relatively a view and its layered subviews relatively This is somewhat a follow up on Android How do you scale multiple views together.. here is the way I resolved the issue I placed the background image on the top of my ImageView with ImageView.setScaleType ScaleType.FIT_START I calculated the scale factor of my background image like so WindowManager mgr WindowManager context.. is the way I resolved the issue I placed the background image on the top of my ImageView with ImageView.setScaleType ScaleType.FIT_START I calculated the scale factor of my background image like so WindowManager mgr WindowManager context .getSystemService..
Get Canvas coordinates after scaling up/down or dragging in android I'm developing an application in which I'm pasting images doing drawing and painting on canvas. This app can also Scale up down the canvas or drag it to different location. My problem is I can't get the correct canvas coordinates after scaling.. @Override public void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas canvas.translate mPosX mPosY canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor super.getWidth 0.5f super.getHeight 0.5f mIcon.draw canvas for Path path listPath canvas.drawPath path.. void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas canvas.translate mPosX mPosY canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor super.getWidth 0.5f super.getHeight 0.5f mIcon.draw canvas for Path path listPath canvas.drawPath path paint canvas.restore..
How to crop Bitmap Center like imageview? [duplicate] should be done as centerCrop works for ImageViews. From http reference android widget ImageView.ScaleType.html about centerCrop Scale the image uniformly maintain the image's aspect ratio so that both dimensions width and.. for ImageViews. From http reference android widget ImageView.ScaleType.html about centerCrop Scale the image uniformly maintain the image's aspect ratio so that both dimensions width and height of the image will be equal.. new height and width respectively. To cover the final image the final scaling will be the bigger of these two. float xScale float newWidth sourceWidth float yScale float newHeight sourceHeight float scale Math.max xScale yScale Now get the size..
Android: how to draw a border to a LinearLayout sample. As for your other posts related to display some circles as LinearLayout's background I'm playing with Inset Scale Layer drawable resources see Drawable Resources for further information to get something working to display perfect circles..
Scale & rotate Bitmap using Matrix in Android rotate Bitmap using Matrix in Android I'm trying to scale and rotate in single operation before creting the final bitmap.. but the preRotate postConcat doesn't seem to work. Bitmap bmp ... original image ... Matrix m new Matrix matrix.setScale x y matrix.preRotate degrees float width 2 float height 2 Bitmap.createBitmap bmp 0 0 bmp.getWidth bmp.getHeight m true.. float newHeight height createa matrix for the manipulation Matrix matrix new Matrix resize the bit map matrix.postScale scaleWidth scaleHeight rotate the Bitmap matrix.postRotate 45 recreate the new Bitmap Bitmap resizedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap..
photo/image-to-sketch algorithm techniques like Mark told me. I use the following pseudocode s Read File Into Image path to image g Convert To Gray Scale s i Invert Colors g b Apply Gaussian Blur i result Color Dodge Blend Merge b g The first four methods were easily to find..