android Programming Glossary: scenario
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView and no error is thrown Here is some debugging output in a scenario in which a group is expanded and showing the children When all..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? what I'll refer to as the Gmail three fragment animation scenario. Specifically we want to start with two fragments like this.. with a FragmentTransaction . For a two fragment scenario e.g. you only see Fragment A initially and want to replace it.. the different animations required for the three fragment scenario The objectAnimator in his sample code uses hard wired positions..
How do I pass data between activities in Android? do I pass data between activities in Android I have a scenario where after logging in through a login page there will be sign..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery of categories I clear the arrayList again code below . In scenario 1 my arrayList contains 5 Drawables. In this scenario I can.. . In scenario 1 my arrayList contains 5 Drawables. In this scenario I can freely browse all the categories and show their images... seems enough to determine that there is no problem. In scenario 2 my arrayList contains 10 drawables. In this scenario I get..
Android, Detect when other apps are launched from getting to a specified app without a password. The scenario is... user clicks on Email app for example my app detects launch..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? again. Obviously something is wrong because in that scenario my app crashes. So is the standard practice within Android to..
How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically? from the Android inbox don't seem to be pressing. So the scenario Android App startup. register SMS message types X Y and Z messages..
Multi-gradient shapes Drawable. Edit Here's how you could use this in your scenario. Let's say you have a Button defined in XML like so Button android..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? it Android may decide to kill your application. In such scenario I have experienced cases in which android attempts to launch..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time user runs the app manually. This block covers the Plan B scenario of remote install and run which they were taking advantage of..
Sending data back to the Main Activity in android you want depending on the circumstances. The most common scenario which is what yours sounds like is when a child Activity is..
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? for this. EDIT 1 Description of a Hypothetical Scenario Imagine an app which can display up to three panes at a time..
Synchronize Android client and REST server be useful when a new comment gets created on the client. Scenario 1 Read comments Users are displayed in a list view on the Android.. process loads comments from the remote server. 2 Scenario 2 Write comments A comment can be created from the user activity...
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? Working Sample of the Gmail Three Fragment Animation Scenario TL DR I am looking for a complete working sample of what I'll..
How to keep only first added Fragment in back stack (fragment overlapping)? first added Fragment in back stack fragment overlapping Scenario what i'm trying to achieve Loading activity with two frame containers..
What happens when all activities of an application finishes? happens when all activities of an application finishes Scenario I've four activities in my Android Application lets say A B..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap some suggestions examples to resolve this kind of issue. Scenario 1 Using the Bitmap from Drawable folder. backgoundImage Bitmap.createScaledBitmap.. bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream buffer return bitmap Scenario 2 Using the Bitmap from Assets folder backgoundImage Bitmap.createScaledBitmap..
Display AlertDialog as system overlay window from Service layout I prefer to use nice AlertDialog GUI directly. Scenario Running Service. No active Activity present. On some external..
Is there any way to distinguish between an Android Activity onResume from the home screen? if I have an Application with two activities A and B. Scenario 1 Some user action on Activity A will invoke Activity B bringing.. foreground causing an onRestart onStart onResume sequence. Scenario 2 If the user hits the home button while Activity A is in the.. from the launcher it goes through the same lifecycle as in Scenario 1. I.e. User hits the home button. Activity goes through onPause..
How to get gateway and subnet mask details in Android? programmatically from 8Bit shifted binary. Sample Image Describing thee Scenario Here is a sample code java file package com.schogini.dhcp import..
Fighting with SurfaceView, Camera and OpenGL find an answer so we hope you could help us somehow. Scenario We've got a SurfaceView for the Camera a SurfaceView for an..
Android: How To: display a map (still image file) with a moving current location pointer the still images of 1st 2nd...5th floors 5 image files . Scenario start the application input the current location or may automatically..
Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED the still images of 1st 2nd...5th floors 5 image files . Scenario start the application input the current location or may automatically..
ListView with OnItemClickListener android
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView gets caught in the try catch block 3 The group does not open and no error is thrown Here is some debugging output in a scenario in which a group is expanded and showing the children When all groups are displayed it ouputs 05 20 10 08 22.765 D GroupsListFragment..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? Scenario TL DR I am looking for a complete working sample of what I'll refer to as the Gmail three fragment animation scenario. Specifically we want to start with two fragments like this Upon some UI event e.g. tapping on something in Fragment B we.. same basic question indicating that you would use setCustomAnimations with a FragmentTransaction . For a two fragment scenario e.g. you only see Fragment A initially and want to replace it with a new Fragment B using animated effects I am in complete.. in and one out animation I can't see how you would handle all the different animations required for the three fragment scenario The objectAnimator in his sample code uses hard wired positions in pixels and that would seem to be impractical given varying..
How do I pass data between activities in Android? do I pass data between activities in Android I have a scenario where after logging in through a login page there will be sign out button on each activity. On clicking signout I will be..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery . Every time I exit the coverflow and go back to the list of categories I clear the arrayList again code below . In scenario 1 my arrayList contains 5 Drawables. In this scenario I can freely browse all the categories and show their images. During.. list of categories I clear the arrayList again code below . In scenario 1 my arrayList contains 5 Drawables. In this scenario I can freely browse all the categories and show their images. During my test I cycled through all the categories for 5 times.. my test I cycled through all the categories for 5 times which seems enough to determine that there is no problem. In scenario 2 my arrayList contains 10 drawables. In this scenario I get an OutOfMemoryError exception while going through images inside..
Android, Detect when other apps are launched launched Hi I'm trying to develop an app that prevents a user from getting to a specified app without a password. The scenario is... user clicks on Email app for example my app detects launch of an app my app confirms it is the Email app my app opens..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? subclass of SQLiteOpenHelper would attempt to create the database again. Obviously something is wrong because in that scenario my app crashes. So is the standard practice within Android to create a single mammoth db adapter instead of individual adapters..
How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically? answer on a programmatic way to delete SMS messages from the Android inbox don't seem to be pressing. So the scenario Android App startup. register SMS message types X Y and Z messages P Q X Y Z stream in over the course of time all deposited..
Multi-gradient shapes from 0 to 1 . You can then as stated just use this as a standard Drawable. Edit Here's how you could use this in your scenario. Let's say you have a Button defined in XML like so Button android id @ id thebutton android layout_width wrap_content android..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? sometimes when the user leaves your activity without quitting it Android may decide to kill your application. In such scenario I have experienced cases in which android attempts to launch the last activity using the intent provided before the app..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time of the event for which they have registered until the user runs the app manually. This block covers the Plan B scenario of remote install and run which they were taking advantage of previously. After all with that anyone with a hacked Google..
Sending data back to the Main Activity in android this question There are a couple of ways to achieve what you want depending on the circumstances. The most common scenario which is what yours sounds like is when a child Activity is used to get user input such as choosing a contact from a list..
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? cannot be shown hidden in XML one must use FragmentTransaction for this. EDIT 1 Description of a Hypothetical Scenario Imagine an app which can display up to three panes at a time on the screen. Further these are the factors to consider A..
Synchronize Android client and REST server server contains the unique id of the users table. This should be useful when a new comment gets created on the client. Scenario 1 Read comments Users are displayed in a list view on the Android client. A user item gets selected. The list activity creates.. Cached comments get loaded via a CursorLoader . 1 A synchronization process loads comments from the remote server. 2 Scenario 2 Write comments A comment can be created from the user activity. The comment gets stored into the local database. 3 Stored..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? Working Sample of the Gmail Three Fragment Animation Scenario TL DR I am looking for a complete working sample of what I'll refer to as the Gmail three fragment animation scenario...
How to keep only first added Fragment in back stack (fragment overlapping)? to keep only first added Fragment in back stack fragment overlapping Scenario what i'm trying to achieve Loading activity with two frame containers for list of items and for details . At the app launch..
What happens when all activities of an application finishes? happens when all activities of an application finishes Scenario I've four activities in my Android Application lets say A B C and D. There is one class in the app which..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap in this community I would appreciate if you can help me with some suggestions examples to resolve this kind of issue. Scenario 1 Using the Bitmap from Drawable folder. backgoundImage Bitmap.createScaledBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources.. BufferedInputStream drawable filename .png Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream buffer return bitmap Scenario 2 Using the Bitmap from Assets folder backgoundImage Bitmap.createScaledBitmap getAssetImage context backgroundhomepage..
Display AlertDialog as system overlay window from Service or TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY . But I do not want to use custom layout I prefer to use nice AlertDialog GUI directly. Scenario Running Service. No active Activity present. On some external event Service sends Notification When user press Notification..
Is there any way to distinguish between an Android Activity onResume from the home screen? onResume is called from the home screen launcher For example if I have an Application with two activities A and B. Scenario 1 Some user action on Activity A will invoke Activity B bringing it into the foreground moving Activity A into the background... or hits the back button bringing Activity A back to the foreground causing an onRestart onStart onResume sequence. Scenario 2 If the user hits the home button while Activity A is in the foreground and then re invokes the Application from the launcher.. A is in the foreground and then re invokes the Application from the launcher it goes through the same lifecycle as in Scenario 1. I.e. User hits the home button. Activity goes through onPause and onStop . User launches the application again causing..
How to get gateway and subnet mask details in Android? programmatically But the problem is they return the value in integer converted from 8Bit shifted binary. Sample Image Describing thee Scenario Here is a sample code java file package com.schogini.dhcp import import android.content.Context import..
Fighting with SurfaceView, Camera and OpenGL to similar problems and even Mixare source code but couldn't find an answer so we hope you could help us somehow. Scenario We've got a SurfaceView for the Camera a SurfaceView for an OpenGL layer which goes on top of the camera. another View which..
Android: How To: display a map (still image file) with a moving current location pointer still images . e.g. current 1F destination 5F so I can get the still images of 1st 2nd...5th floors 5 image files . Scenario start the application input the current location or may automatically set using current location destination click the search..
Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED still images . e.g. current 1F destination 5F so I can get the still images of 1st 2nd...5th floors 5 image files . Scenario start the application input the current location or may automatically set using current location destination click the search..
ListView with OnItemClickListener android