android Programming Glossary: schedstat
Android App Crashes Suddenly while running? error 2 handle 1905240 06 29 12 07 28.406 I dalvikvm 19308 schedstat 207153329 82244881 1015 06 29 12 07 28.406 I dalvikvm 19308.. error 2 handle 1575600 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 schedstat 1556395 4913328 26 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 at 2 handle 1345006496 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 schedstat 5364166234 3306213349 13647 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308..
phonegap.js crashes android app handle 1778000 12 17 11 13 18.623 INFO dalvikvm 391 schedstat 851184092 892639082 140 12 17 11 13 18.633 INFO dalvikvm 391..
Android playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp bg_non_interactive handle 1345006528 schedstat 151460588 425586896 45 at android.os.BinderProxy.transact Native.. sysTid 346 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp default handle 1570912 schedstat 4357682 930487 3 at Native Method.. 345 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp bg_non_interactive handle 604904 schedstat 6939806 13372136 3 at Native Method..
Android HttpClient OOM on 4G/LTE (HTC Thunderbolt) 0 sched 0 0 cgrp default handle 3948760 I dalvikvm 11639 schedstat 208709711 74005130 214 I dalvikvm 11639 at
ANR keyDispatchingTimedOut error nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp bg_non_interactive handle 1345017804 schedstat 573577878 521301271 1476 at org.apache.harmony.luni.platform.OSNetworkSystem.readSocketImpl.. nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp bg_non_interactive handle 1213600 schedstat 10253904 21514895 127 at Native.. nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp bg_non_interactive handle 1301736 schedstat 12603756 119659428 129 at Native..
Android WebView Memory Leak when using Assets sysTid 10314 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp default handle 27159240 schedstat 455083000 66745000 774 utm 30 stm 15 core 3 at android.content.res.AssetManager.readAsset..
ReferenceTable overflow (max=512) JNI 0 sched 0 0 cgrp default handle 1345006528 dalvikvm 9498 schedstat 6990020745 1042358411 1629 dalvikvm 9498 at pv.ndk.UcMobile.losInitialization..
Android App Crashes Suddenly while running? I dalvikvm 19308 sysTid 19953 nice 19 sched 0 0 cgrp fopen error 2 handle 1905240 06 29 12 07 28.406 I dalvikvm 19308 schedstat 207153329 82244881 1015 06 29 12 07 28.406 I dalvikvm 19308 at com.argusoft.roobrooAndroid.speex.SpeexEncoder.encode Native.. I dalvikvm 19308 sysTid 19312 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp fopen error 2 handle 1575600 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 schedstat 1556395 4913328 26 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 at Native Method 06 29 12 07 31.101.. dalvikvm 19308 sysTid 19308 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp fopen error 2 handle 1345006496 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 schedstat 5364166234 3306213349 13647 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 at Native Method..
phonegap.js crashes android app 18.603 INFO dalvikvm 391 sysTid 400 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp default handle 1778000 12 17 11 13 18.623 INFO dalvikvm 391 schedstat 851184092 892639082 140 12 17 11 13 18.633 INFO dalvikvm 391 at android.webkit.LoadListener.nativeFinished Native Method..
Android playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException sCount 1 dsCount 0 obj 0x4001f1a8 self 0xce48 sysTid 338 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp bg_non_interactive handle 1345006528 schedstat 151460588 425586896 45 at android.os.BinderProxy.transact Native Method at group main sCount 1 dsCount 0 obj 0x40512b30 self 0x156e90 sysTid 346 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp default handle 1570912 schedstat 4357682 930487 3 at Native Method Binder Thread #1 prio 5 tid 7 NATIVE group main sCount 1.. main sCount 1 dsCount 0 obj 0x40512a68 self 0x17f578 sysTid 345 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp bg_non_interactive handle 604904 schedstat 6939806 13372136 3 at Native Method Compiler daemon prio 5 tid 6 VMWAIT group system sCount..
Android HttpClient OOM on 4G/LTE (HTC Thunderbolt) 0x48563070 self 0x3c4340 I dalvikvm 11639 sysTid 11682 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp default handle 3948760 I dalvikvm 11639 schedstat 208709711 74005130 214 I dalvikvm 11639 at
ANR keyDispatchingTimedOut error 1 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x40025b50 self 0xcdb8 sysTid 2504 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp bg_non_interactive handle 1345017804 schedstat 573577878 521301271 1476 at org.apache.harmony.luni.platform.OSNetworkSystem.readSocketImpl Native Method at 1 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x46eea810 self 0x135a00 sysTid 2509 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp bg_non_interactive handle 1213600 schedstat 10253904 21514895 127 at Native Method Binder Thread #1 prio 5 tid 5 NATIVE group main sCount.. 1 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x46eea748 self 0x12cab0 sysTid 2508 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp bg_non_interactive handle 1301736 schedstat 12603756 119659428 129 at Native Method Compiler daemon prio 5 tid 4 VMWAIT group system sCount..
Android WebView Memory Leak when using Assets group main sCount 0 dsCount 0 obj 0x41504a90 self 0x1a9cf80 sysTid 10314 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp default handle 27159240 schedstat 455083000 66745000 774 utm 30 stm 15 core 3 at android.content.res.AssetManager.readAsset Native Method at android.content.res.AssetManager.access..
ReferenceTable overflow (max=512) JNI 0 obj 0x4001f198 self 0xce60 dalvikvm 9498 sysTid 9498 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp default handle 1345006528 dalvikvm 9498 schedstat 6990020745 1042358411 1629 dalvikvm 9498 at pv.ndk.UcMobile.losInitialization Native Method dalvikvm 9498 at pv.ndk.NdkActivity.onCreate..