android Programming Glossary: ruby
Is there an API to get sales report on Google Play? allows a Java app to retrieve them and there's even a Ruby port https siuying itunes auto ingestion Does anybody..
Mocking library/framework that works best in Android? and constructors making the mocking as powerful as e.g. in Ruby just more painful to use . We use JUnit 4 PowerMock Mockito..
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…? iPhone Androids J2ME Blackberry... The server is coded in Ruby on Rails We want to achieve through a framework... Take use..
How do I verify Android In-app Billing with a server with Ruby? do I verify Android In app Billing with a server with Ruby I am having trouble figuring out how to verify Androind In.. how to verify Androind In app Billing purchases with my Ruby on Rails server. http guide market billing.. to figure out how to use this class with my Ruby on Rails server or 2 I need to port to Ruby. Is..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] with you can choose from ActionScript C C# Java Lua and Ruby. My company is more in the game space so I haven't played as..
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] by Google so it ought to be good nevertheless based on Ruby which we are not comfortable with and does have a complex and..
Is there an API to get sales report on Google Play? programmatically. Apple provides the Autoingestion tool which allows a Java app to retrieve them and there's even a Ruby port https siuying itunes auto ingestion Does anybody know if there's something similar for Androïd or at least..
Mocking library/framework that works best in Android? framework methods it has support for mocking static methods and constructors making the mocking as powerful as e.g. in Ruby just more painful to use . We use JUnit 4 PowerMock Mockito and mock out classes like Context and TextUtils in a base class..
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…? clients over the internet. Clients are mobile handsets like iPhone Androids J2ME Blackberry... The server is coded in Ruby on Rails We want to achieve through a framework... Take use of ActiveResource on the clients. The framework should do the..
How do I verify Android In-app Billing with a server with Ruby? do I verify Android In app Billing with a server with Ruby I am having trouble figuring out how to verify Androind In app Billing purchases with my Ruby on Rails server. http with a server with Ruby I am having trouble figuring out how to verify Androind In app Billing purchases with my Ruby on Rails server. http guide market billing billing_integrate.html I think that Android gives a device. From my research it seems like either 1 I need to figure out how to use this class with my Ruby on Rails server or 2 I need to port to Ruby. Is this correct Does anyone know another way to verify the receipt..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] about programming languages Of the frameworks I'm familiar with you can choose from ActionScript C C# Java Lua and Ruby. My company is more in the game space so I haven't played as much with the JavaScript CSS frameworks like Titanium PhoneGap..
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] app which incapsulate such code around WebKit. Rho mobile Made by Google so it ought to be good nevertheless based on Ruby which we are not comfortable with and does have a complex and rather flimsy dev environment. PhoneGap It seems easy and..
Synchronize Android client and REST server
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…? my views For documentation 1. provide test servers 2. provide cUrl for testing 3. provide sample scripts in java php ruby etc... That s all I can think for now. I might add ontop of this as I come with more suggestion. share improve this answer..
Devise Omniauth and Iphone/Android App Token Auth to the app to use with the RESTful api I'm just missing the Omniauth Facebook token part. iphone android ruby on rails devise omniauth share improve this question Alright so I'm answering my own question. If you use the Facebook..
How do I verify Android In-app Billing with a server with Ruby? I need to port to Ruby. Is this correct Does anyone know another way to verify the receipt java android ruby on rails ruby in app billing share improve this question I just figured this out. Basically the way it works is that.. to Ruby. Is this correct Does anyone know another way to verify the receipt java android ruby on rails ruby in app billing share improve this question I just figured this out. Basically the way it works is that when a purchase.. verify function in place of the existing verify function. The real trick is writing signature verification code in ruby. Here's what works base64_encoded_public_key is your key in your user profile sig is the signature property being passed..