android Programming Glossary: row
Focusable EditText inside ListView but roadblocks. The general premise is that there is some row in a ListView whether it's generated by the adapter or added.. a Button. All I want to do is be able to use the jogball arrows to navigate the selector to individual items like normal but.. items like normal but when I get to a particular row even if I have to explicitly identify the row that has a focusable..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? is 10 by default. If you start 15 your custom tasks in a row then first 5 will enter their doInBackground but the rest will.. However if you start 16 your custom tasks in a row then first 5 will enter their doInBackground the rest 10 will..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object I have a list view with a couple of image buttons on each row. When you click the list row it launches a new activity. I have.. of image buttons on each row. When you click the list row it launches a new activity. I have had to build my own tabs.. Is there a way I can build the list adapter easily row by row where I can resize on the fly bit wise This would be..
GridLayout and Row/Column Span Woe and Row Column Span Woe The Android Developers Blog post introducing..
How to fire two listeners on the tablelayout by one click: tablerow and its cell touching any cell executes only the cell listener and TableRow listener isn't called. How can I get both of these listeners.. android.widget.TableLayout import android.widget.TableRow import android.widget.TextView public class PostSampleTable.. true init private void init for int i 0 i 39 i TableRow lineRow new TableRow getContext super.addView lineRow addRowListener..
Android custom Row Item for ListView custom Row Item for ListView I have a ListView that should have the following..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? convertView @Override public void onClick View v Log.v TAG Row button clicked Your OnItemClickListener class could be declared..
Android ListView Refresh Single Row ListView Refresh Single Row After I have gotten the data for a single row of a ListView..
Android Row becomes Unclickable with Button Row becomes Unclickable with Button I have a listView where each..
Android: Populating a listview with array items android layout_height wrap_content LinearLayout My List Row LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res..
How do I create a database in android? [closed] import android.util.Log public class PersonDbHelper class Row extends Object public long _Id public String code public String.. e1 db null public void close db.close public void createRow String code String name ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues.. DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues public void deleteRow long rowId db.delete DATABASE_TABLE _id rowId null public List..
Help regarding onClick() event on an item of ListView custom row layout which row was clicked. I have provided an attribute in the Row XML like this ImageView android id @ id user_image android padding.. View v Log.d IMG CLICKED v.getId LinearLayout parentRow LinearLayout v.getParent I can get the parent row perhaps but..
android listview item height items have big height I learn listview based on this Row layout for item listview is xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 TextView..
Deleting Row in SQLite in Android Row in SQLite in Android This might be a dumb question but I'm.. columns null null null null null String result int iRow cursor.getColumnIndex KEY_ROWID int iName cursor.getColumnIndex.. cursor.moveToNext result cursor.getString iRow cursor.getString iName cursor.getDouble iLat latitude cursor.getDouble..
Android how to identify item in listview with checkbox share improve this question This is XML for Custom Row in ListView xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns.. implements OnClickListener ListView listView ArrayList EachRow list new ArrayList CustomList.EachRow EachRow each @Override.. ArrayList EachRow list new ArrayList CustomList.EachRow EachRow each @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Focusable EditText inside ListView spent about 6 hours on this so far and been hitting nothing but roadblocks. The general premise is that there is some row in a ListView whether it's generated by the adapter or added as a header view that contains an EditText widget and a Button... added as a header view that contains an EditText widget and a Button. All I want to do is be able to use the jogball arrows to navigate the selector to individual items like normal but when I get to a particular row even if I have to explicitly.. able to use the jogball arrows to navigate the selector to individual items like normal but when I get to a particular row even if I have to explicitly identify the row that has a focusable child I want that child to take focus instead of indicating..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? size queue internally for storing delayed tasks. Queue size is 10 by default. If you start 15 your custom tasks in a row then first 5 will enter their doInBackground but the rest will wait in a queue for a free worker thread. As soon as any.. execution. So in this case at most 5 tasks will run simultaneously. However if you start 16 your custom tasks in a row then first 5 will enter their doInBackground the rest 10 will get into the queue but for the 16th a new worker thread will..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object I have a list view with a couple of image buttons on each row. When you click the list row it launches a new activity. I have had to build my own tabs because of an issue with the camera.. an image to a Bitmap object I have a list view with a couple of image buttons on each row. When you click the list row it launches a new activity. I have had to build my own tabs because of an issue with the camera layout. The activity that.. error when it tries to go back and re launch the 2nd activity. Is there a way I can build the list adapter easily row by row where I can resize on the fly bit wise This would be preferable as I also need to make some changes to the properties..
GridLayout and Row/Column Span Woe and Row Column Span Woe The Android Developers Blog post introducing GridLayout shows this diagram of how spans impact automatic..
How to fire two listeners on the tablelayout by one click: tablerow and its cell both the table rows and the rows' individual cells. However touching any cell executes only the cell listener and TableRow listener isn't called. How can I get both of these listeners to execute with a single touch on the table Or any better suggestion.. import android.util.Log import android.view.View import android.widget.TableLayout import android.widget.TableRow import android.widget.TextView public class PostSampleTable extends TableLayout public PostSampleTable Context context super.. TableLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT super.setClickable true init private void init for int i 0 i 39 i TableRow lineRow new TableRow getContext super.addView lineRow addRowListener lineRow i for int j 0 j 9 j View cell createTextView..
Android custom Row Item for ListView custom Row Item for ListView I have a ListView that should have the following layout in its rows HEADER Text HEADER should be static..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? new OnItemClickListener position return convertView @Override public void onClick View v Log.v TAG Row button clicked Your OnItemClickListener class could be declared like here private class OnItemClickListener implements..
Android ListView Refresh Single Row ListView Refresh Single Row After I have gotten the data for a single row of a ListView I want to update that single row. ATM. I am using notifyDataSetChanged..
Android Row becomes Unclickable with Button Row becomes Unclickable with Button I have a listView where each row has a button in the row layout. However this seems to..
Android: Populating a listview with array items android id @ id android list android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content LinearLayout My List Row LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height..
How do I create a database in android? [closed] import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase import android.util.Log public class PersonDbHelper class Row extends Object public long _Id public String code public String name public String gender private static final String DATABASE_CREATE.. db.execSQL DATABASE_CREATE catch FileNotFoundException e1 db null public void close db.close public void createRow String code String name ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues initialValues.put code code initialValues.put name.. initialValues.put code code initialValues.put name name db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues public void deleteRow long rowId db.delete DATABASE_TABLE _id rowId null public List Row fetchAllRows ArrayList Row ret new ArrayList Row try..
Help regarding onClick() event on an item of ListView custom row layout event on that particular ImageView only but I can't know which row was clicked. I have provided an attribute in the Row XML like this ImageView android id @ id user_image android padding 5dip android layout_height 60dip android layout_width.. in my code I have a method like this public void uImgClickHandler View v Log.d IMG CLICKED v.getId LinearLayout parentRow LinearLayout v.getParent I can get the parent row perhaps but am not sure how to go further from here. Can someone please..
android listview item height like this My code based on this But when using arrays Listview items have big height I learn listview based on this Row layout for item listview is xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 TextView android id @ id text1 xmlns android http
Deleting Row in SQLite in Android Row in SQLite in Android This might be a dumb question but I'm new to SQLite and I can't seem to figure this out. I have 1.. KEY_LATITUDE KEY_LONGITUDE Cursor cursor db.query DATABASE_TABLE columns null null null null null String result int iRow cursor.getColumnIndex KEY_ROWID int iName cursor.getColumnIndex KEY_NAME int iLat cursor.getColumnIndex KEY_LATITUDE int.. KEY_LONGITUDE for cursor.moveToFirst cursor.isAfterLast cursor.moveToNext result cursor.getString iRow cursor.getString iName cursor.getDouble iLat latitude cursor.getDouble iLon longitude n return result private static class..
Android how to identify item in listview with checkbox cb CheckBox v android listview checkbox textview imageview share improve this question This is XML for Custom Row in ListView xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android layout_width.. public class CustomList extends Activity implements OnClickListener ListView listView ArrayList EachRow list new ArrayList CustomList.EachRow EachRow each @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState TODO Auto.. extends Activity implements OnClickListener ListView listView ArrayList EachRow list new ArrayList CustomList.EachRow EachRow each @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState TODO Auto generated method stub super.onCreate..
How do I link a checkbox for every contact in populated listview? int i 0 i elements.size i itemChecked.add i is_checked THIS IS SIMPLY A CLASS VIEW WILL HOLD DIFFERENT VIEWS OF YOUR ROW. static class ViewHolder public TextView tv public CheckBox cb public ImageView iv @Override public View getView final..
Android: Populating a listview with array items
Master-detail Using ContentResolver.applyBatch()? ContentProviderOperation.newInsert intent.getData .buildUpon .appendPath # ACTUAL VALUE NOT KNOWN UNTIL MASTER ROW IS SAVED .appendPath detail .build .withValue Detail.MASTER_ID WHAT GOES HERE .withValue Detail.NAME .withValue Detail.VALUE..
Android example which uses onResume, onStart and onRestart Color.argb 255 temp_red temp_green temp_blue public void onClick View v switch v.getId FIRST ROW case RED.setText 255 GREEN.setText 255 BLUE.setText 0 temp_red Integer.parseInt RED.getText .toString..
How to convert a image into Base64 string? android because i have to add the functionality to upload images to a remote server in my main app putting them into a ROW of the database as a string. i am searching in google and in StackOverflow but i can't find easy examples that i can afford...
GridView inside Expandable list in android boolean isChildSelectable int groupPosition int childPosition TODO Auto generated method stub return true LIST ROW LAYOUT xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout android id @ id linearLayout1 android layout_width fill_parent android.. values to pixels final float COL_WIDTH getBaseContext .getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density colWidthDp final float ROW_HEIGHT getBaseContext .getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density rowHeightDp final float SPACING getBaseContext .getResources.. intValues.size 0d colCount calculate the height for the current grid final int GRID_HEIGHT Math.round rowCount ROW_HEIGHT SPACING set the height of the current grid label.getLayoutParams .height GRID_HEIGHT return item With the addition..