android Programming Glossary: rv
How to read contacts on Android 2.0 where whereParameters null if contacts.moveToFirst rv contacts.getString 0 contacts.close return note Notice this..
AppWidgetProvider public void onEnabled (Context context) does not effect widget builds the RemoteView and sets everything up. RemoteViews rv HelloWidget.buildRemoteViews c mgr appWidgetIds rv.setTextViewText.. rv HelloWidget.buildRemoteViews c mgr appWidgetIds rv.setTextViewText beerText mgr.updateAppWidget.. beerText mgr.updateAppWidget appWidgetIds rv return readJSONFeed arg0 0 But I get a cannot resolve method..
How to use an OpenCV rotation and translation vector with OpenGL ES in Android? need to do this in the future here is my solution. float rv 3 the rotation vector float rotMat 9 rotation matrix float tv.. rotMat 9 rotation matrix float tv 3 translation vector. rv 1 1.0f rv 1 rv 2 1.0f rv 2 Convert the rotation vector into.. 9 rotation matrix float tv 3 translation vector. rv 1 1.0f rv 1 rv 2 1.0f rv 2 Convert the rotation vector into a matrix here...
How to develop plugins for the native Android browser
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) USER_AGENT Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv Gecko 20100722 Firefox 3.6.8 .NET CLR 3.5.30729 public.. The factory is responsible for the verification of the server certificate. SSLSocketFactory sf new SSLSocketFactory trusted.. this error Not trusted server certificate at org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.OpenSSLSocketImpl.startHandshake..
iptables in android h struct nfq_q_handle qh struct nfnl_handle nh int fd int rv char buf 4096 __attribute__ aligned printf opening library handle.. can't set packet_copy mode n exit 1 fd nfq_fd h for if rv recv fd buf sizeof buf 0 0 printf pkt received n nfq_handle_packet.. buf 0 0 printf pkt received n nfq_handle_packet h buf rv continue if your application is too slow to digest the packets..
ANDROID: How to gain root access in an Android application? pIn new DataInputStream p.getInputStream String rv su must exit before its output can be read pOut.writeBytes cmd.. cmd nexit n pOut.flush p.waitFor while pIn.available 0 rv pIn.readLine n I've read about wrapping privileged superuser..
Want to load desktop version in my webview using uastring such as String ua Mozilla 5.0 X11 U Linux i686 en US rv Gecko 20100101 Firefox 4.0 share improve this answer..
How to read contacts on Android 2.0 .query ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI projection where whereParameters null if contacts.moveToFirst rv contacts.getString 0 contacts.close return note Notice this time I used not only the contact id but the mime type for the..
AppWidgetProvider public void onEnabled (Context context) does not effect widget method somewhere I usually put in widget provider class that builds the RemoteView and sets everything up. RemoteViews rv HelloWidget.buildRemoteViews c mgr appWidgetIds rv.setTextViewText beerText mgr.updateAppWidget appWidgetIds.. that builds the RemoteView and sets everything up. RemoteViews rv HelloWidget.buildRemoteViews c mgr appWidgetIds rv.setTextViewText beerText mgr.updateAppWidget appWidgetIds rv return readJSONFeed arg0 0 But I get a cannot.. c mgr appWidgetIds rv.setTextViewText beerText mgr.updateAppWidget appWidgetIds rv return readJSONFeed arg0 0 But I get a cannot resolve method error RemoteViews rv HelloWidget.buildRemoteViews c mgr appWidgetIds..
How to use an OpenCV rotation and translation vector with OpenGL ES in Android? I don't understand it... it does 'work'. For anyone who will need to do this in the future here is my solution. float rv 3 the rotation vector float rotMat 9 rotation matrix float tv 3 translation vector. rv 1 1.0f rv 1 rv 2 1.0f rv 2 Convert.. here is my solution. float rv 3 the rotation vector float rotMat 9 rotation matrix float tv 3 translation vector. rv 1 1.0f rv 1 rv 2 1.0f rv 2 Convert the rotation vector into a matrix here. Complete matrix ready to use for OpenGL float.. is my solution. float rv 3 the rotation vector float rotMat 9 rotation matrix float tv 3 translation vector. rv 1 1.0f rv 1 rv 2 1.0f rv 2 Convert the rotation vector into a matrix here. Complete matrix ready to use for OpenGL float RTMat rotMat..
How to develop plugins for the native Android browser
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) to do so. This is the code I'm using public static final String USER_AGENT Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv Gecko 20100722 Firefox 3.6.8 .NET CLR 3.5.30729 public static class MyHttpClient extends DefaultHttpClient final.. finally in.close Pass the keystore to the SSLSocketFactory. The factory is responsible for the verification of the server certificate. SSLSocketFactory sf new SSLSocketFactory trusted Hostname verification from certificate http SHA1withRSA but with no change. The problem is that I'm getting this error Not trusted server certificate at org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.OpenSSLSocketImpl.startHandshake 371 at org.apache.http.conn.ssl.AbstractVerifier.verify..
iptables in android payload int main int argc char argv struct nfq_handle h struct nfq_q_handle qh struct nfnl_handle nh int fd int rv char buf 4096 __attribute__ aligned printf opening library handle n h nfq_open if h fprintf stderr error during nfq_open.. n if nfq_set_mode qh NFQNL_COPY_PACKET 0xffff 0 fprintf stderr can't set packet_copy mode n exit 1 fd nfq_fd h for if rv recv fd buf sizeof buf 0 0 printf pkt received n nfq_handle_packet h buf rv continue if your application is too slow.. mode n exit 1 fd nfq_fd h for if rv recv fd buf sizeof buf 0 0 printf pkt received n nfq_handle_packet h buf rv continue if your application is too slow to digest the packets that are sent from kernel space the socket buffer that we..
ANDROID: How to gain root access in an Android application? pOut new DataOutputStream p.getOutputStream DataInputStream pIn new DataInputStream p.getInputStream String rv su must exit before its output can be read pOut.writeBytes cmd nexit n pOut.flush p.waitFor while pIn.available 0 rv pIn.readLine.. rv su must exit before its output can be read pOut.writeBytes cmd nexit n pOut.flush p.waitFor while pIn.available 0 rv pIn.readLine n I've read about wrapping privileged superuser calls up in JNI is this possible If so how would one go about..
Want to load desktop version in my webview using uastring