android Programming Glossary: rowdata
Android SQLite and huge data sets void bindView View view Context context Cursor cursor RowData data new RowData data.setName cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex.. View view Context context Cursor cursor RowData data new RowData data.setName cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex name TextView..
Dynamic ListView in Android app private LayoutInflater mInflater private Vector RowData data Called when the activity is first created. @Override public.. Activity.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE data new Vector RowData RowData rd new RowData item1 description1 data.add rd rd new.. Activity.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE data new Vector RowData RowData rd new RowData item1 description1 data.add rd rd new RowData..
Get and Parse CSV file in android while line reader.readLine null result line n String RowData result.split n String name RowData 0 String price RowData.. result line n String RowData result.split n String name RowData 0 String price RowData 1 String change RowData 2 stock.setPrice.. result.split n String name RowData 0 String price RowData 1 String change RowData 2 stock.setPrice Double.parseDouble..
Android SQLite and huge data sets Cursor cursor super context R.layout.my_row cursor public void bindView View view Context context Cursor cursor RowData data new RowData data.setName cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex name TextView tvItemText TextView view.findViewById super context R.layout.my_row cursor public void bindView View view Context context Cursor cursor RowData data new RowData data.setName cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex name TextView tvItemText TextView view.findViewById tvItemText.setText..
Dynamic ListView in Android app look at the example below public class CustomList extends ListActivity private LayoutInflater mInflater private Vector RowData data Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. R.layout.main mInflater LayoutInflater getSystemService Activity.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE data new Vector RowData RowData rd new RowData item1 description1 data.add rd rd new RowData item2 description2 data.add rd rd new RowData item2.. R.layout.main mInflater LayoutInflater getSystemService Activity.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE data new Vector RowData RowData rd new RowData item1 description1 data.add rd rd new RowData item2 description2 data.add rd rd new RowData item2 description3..
Get and Parse CSV file in android response.getEntity .getContent String line null while line reader.readLine null result line n String RowData result.split n String name RowData 0 String price RowData 1 String change RowData 2 stock.setPrice Double.parseDouble.. String line null while line reader.readLine null result line n String RowData result.split n String name RowData 0 String price RowData 1 String change RowData 2 stock.setPrice Double.parseDouble price stock.setTicker name stock.setChange.. while line reader.readLine null result line n String RowData result.split n String name RowData 0 String price RowData 1 String change RowData 2 stock.setPrice Double.parseDouble price stock.setTicker name stock.setChange change android..