android Programming Glossary: rs
How to write a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript? to write a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript I am new to Android Renderscript. I need to write a convolution.. in Android Renderscript I am new to Android Renderscript. I need to write a convolution multiplication in RenderScript.. it too slow Please help Steve android convolution renderscript share improve this question During the rsForEach call..
Passing Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute I found there's lacking good.. Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute I found there's lacking good documentation in.. in the allocation. I am trying to make a library for Renderscript that does Image processing as a starting point I reached..
Connecting to MySQL from Android with JDBC extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. String str new static ResultSet rs static PreparedStatement.. activity is first created. String str new static ResultSet rs static PreparedStatement st static Connection con @Override.. st con.prepareStatement select from country where id 1 rs st.executeQuery while str rs.getString 2 tv.setText..
Android adb not found 2 No such file or directory' while attempting to get adb version from home antz Development adt bundle linux sdk platform.. 2 No such file or directory' while attempting to get adb version from ' home antz Development adt bundle linux sdk platform.. sdk platform tools ls aapt aidl dexdump fastboot llvm rs cc renderscript adb api dx lib NOTICE.txt
Android: fast bitmap blur? I also read that implementing convolution with shaders or JNI is a good way to go but I cannot believe that there is.. of implementation and maintenance Shall we use JNI shaders or something completely different android image processing.. complexity this is a better approach than JNI or shaders. Since API Level 17 there is the ScriptIntrinsicBlur class available..
class not found exception in android ClassNotFoundException java.sql.SQLException ResultSet rs Connection conn null Toast msg1 Toast.makeText getBaseContext.. ConnUrl Statement st conn.createStatement rs st.executeQuery CommandSQL while Toast msg2 Toast.makeText.. conn.createStatement rs st.executeQuery CommandSQL while Toast msg2 Toast.makeText getBaseContext Name rs.getString..
Playing youtube videos smoothly in web view var a a new XMLHttpRequest a.onreadystatechange function rs a.readyState if 4 rs 200 a.status var c JSON.parse a.responseText.. a.onreadystatechange function rs a.readyState if 4 rs 200 a.status var c JSON.parse a.responseText b for b in c.payload.. function rs a.readyState if 4 rs 200 a.status var c JSON.parse a.responseText b for b in c.payload if c.payload.hasOwnProperty..
Saving ArrayList in SQLite database in Android it looks like I need to convert the arraylist to a byte first before being able to store it as a blob in my SQLite database... arrays in a mysql table 3107250#3107250 . The other answers over there are also very pertinent. I think Con's approach is.. ArrayList Long longs new ArrayList Long ResultSet rs null however you get this... while byte asBytes rs.getBytes..
Connecting to oracle in android public ResultSet getResult throws SQLException ResultSet rset stmt.executeQuery select customer from customers stmt.close.. rset stmt.executeQuery select customer from customers stmt.close return rset And in my main activity onCreate method.. select customer from customers stmt.close return rset And in my main activity onCreate method I have this @Override..
Driver JDBC PostgreSQL with Android [duplicate] SSL but still better not to have to do at all. Using JAX RS on JBoss AS 7 Tomcat 7 or similar you should be able to put..
Passing Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute documentation in RenderScript for what I know forEach in RS is to execute the root for each individual item in the allocation... the following Java mBlurRowScript new ScriptC_blur_row mRS getResources R.raw.blur_row int row_width mBitmapIn.getWidth.. Allocation row_indices_alloc Allocation.createSized mRS Element.I32 mRS num_rows Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT row_indices_alloc.copyFrom..
How can I securely (indirectly) query a postgresql database within android? JBoss AS 7 and I'd write my web service methods using JAX RS to produce a nice REST style API for my app to use. That's what.. including implementations of REST like APIs Java's JAX RS impls Jersey and RESTEasy various other langs tools that use.. like mobiles. XML RPC if you like pain There are some JAX RS quickstarts on the JBoss AS 7 quickstarts list just search for..
Java jersey restful webservice requests personally experience in implementing REST in java JAX RS using Jersey. Then I connected to this RESTful Web Service via..
(need advice) Talk to MySQL server database from my Android App tier. see what @Rick Mangi wrote to me REST with Java JAX RS using Jersey and hibernate It is also good approach to use HTTP..
using serial port RS-232 in android? serial port RS 232 in android I want to send signals via serial port using..
Getting telephone country code with Android 590 BL WS 685 WS SM 378 SM ST 239 ST SA 966 SA SN 221 SN RS 381 RS SC 248 SC SL 232 SL SG 65 SG SK 421 SK SI 386 SI SB 677.. WS 685 WS SM 378 SM ST 239 ST SA 966 SA SN 221 SN RS 381 RS SC 248 SC SL 232 SL SG 65 SG SK 421 SK SI 386 SI SB 677 SB SO..
Weird Exception when Livewallpaper is set in Android in Android 04 24 13 30 59.312 VERBOSE RenderScript 6044 RS Thread exited 04 24 13 30 59.320 ERROR libEGL 6044 call to OpenGL..
Android serial port via audio jack behaves according to the spec http wiki RS 232#Voltage_levels you will need to be able to handle 3V to.. You will need to create Java code to detect the timing of RS 232 as well as the start and stop bits if configured . I think..
How to write a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript? to write a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript I am new to Android Renderscript. I need to write a convolution multiplication in RenderScript since the final application.. to write a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript I am new to Android Renderscript. I need to write a convolution multiplication in RenderScript since the final application is going to run on Android... forEach functionality though I can do it in Java but speed it too slow Please help Steve android convolution renderscript share improve this question During the rsForEach call or other Renderscript function you can access the neighbouring..
Passing Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute I found there's lacking good documentation in RenderScript for what I know forEach in RS.. Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute I found there's lacking good documentation in RenderScript for what I know forEach in RS is to execute the.. in RS is to execute the root for each individual item in the allocation. I am trying to make a library for Renderscript that does Image processing as a starting point I reached this great answer . But the problem is that the blur operation..
Connecting to MySQL from Android with JDBC import android.widget.TextView public class Test1Activity extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. String str new static ResultSet rs static PreparedStatement st static Connection con @Override public void onCreate.. public class Test1Activity extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. String str new static ResultSet rs static PreparedStatement st static Connection con @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. jdbc mysql 8080 example root st con.prepareStatement select from country where id 1 rs st.executeQuery while str rs.getString 2 tv.setText str setContentView tv catch Exception e tv.setText str..
Android adb not found Development adt bundle linux sdk platform tools adb error 2 No such file or directory' while attempting to get adb version from home antz Development adt bundle linux sdk platform tools adb COPY PASTE FROM Eclipse Error 2012 11 26 13 43 08.. Development adt bundle linux sdk platform tools adb error 2 No such file or directory' while attempting to get adb version from ' home antz Development adt bundle linux sdk platform tools adb' However my adb is exactly in the location where.. adb and it says antz@antz 90X3A ~ Development adt bundle linux sdk platform tools ls aapt aidl dexdump fastboot llvm rs cc renderscript adb api dx lib NOTICE.txt antz@antz 90X3A ~ Development adt bundle linux sdk platform..
Android: fast bitmap blur? which were not suitable for my image recognition requirements. I also read that implementing convolution with shaders or JNI is a good way to go but I cannot believe that there is no built in solution in the Android framework for this very.. the convolution with a still reasonable complexity of implementation and maintenance Shall we use JNI shaders or something completely different android image processing blur convolution share improve this question I finally found.. to a reasonable balance of performance and implementation complexity this is a better approach than JNI or shaders. Since API Level 17 there is the ScriptIntrinsicBlur class available from the API. This is exactly what I've been looking..
class not found exception in android in android public void queryResultSet String CommandSQL throws ClassNotFoundException java.sql.SQLException ResultSet rs Connection conn null Toast msg1 Toast.makeText getBaseContext Name CommandSQL Toast.LENGTH_LONG Class.forName.. Administrator Instance SQLExpress conn DriverManager.getConnection ConnUrl Statement st conn.createStatement rs st.executeQuery CommandSQL while Toast msg2 Toast.makeText getBaseContext Name rs.getString UserName Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. conn DriverManager.getConnection ConnUrl Statement st conn.createStatement rs st.executeQuery CommandSQL while Toast msg2 Toast.makeText getBaseContext Name rs.getString UserName Toast.LENGTH_LONG I have included..
Playing youtube videos smoothly in web view _cvp_11204 span span div script type text javascript function var a a new XMLHttpRequest a.onreadystatechange function rs a.readyState if 4 rs 200 a.status var c JSON.parse a.responseText b for b in c.payload if c.payload.hasOwnProperty b var.. div script type text javascript function var a a new XMLHttpRequest a.onreadystatechange function rs a.readyState if 4 rs 200 a.status var c JSON.parse a.responseText b for b in c.payload if c.payload.hasOwnProperty b var d c.payload b document.getElementById.. function var a a new XMLHttpRequest a.onreadystatechange function rs a.readyState if 4 rs 200 a.status var c JSON.parse a.responseText b for b in c.payload if c.payload.hasOwnProperty b var d c.payload b document.getElementById cvp b .innerHTML..
Saving ArrayList in SQLite database in Android noticed that SQL has an option for storing BLOBS however it looks like I need to convert the arraylist to a byte first before being able to store it as a blob in my SQLite database. If anyone has a solution on how to save arraylists into.. questions 3106548 blob vs varchar for storing arrays in a mysql table 3107250#3107250 . The other answers over there are also very pertinent. I think Con's approach is probably better than using java serialization since java's.. static ArrayList Long readFromDB throws IOException SQLException ArrayList Long longs new ArrayList Long ResultSet rs null however you get this... while byte asBytes rs.getBytes myLongs ByteArrayInputStream bin new ByteArrayInputStream..
Connecting to oracle in android catch SQLException e Log.d tag e.getMessage public ResultSet getResult throws SQLException ResultSet rset stmt.executeQuery select customer from customers stmt.close return rset And in my main activity onCreate method I have.. public ResultSet getResult throws SQLException ResultSet rset stmt.executeQuery select customer from customers stmt.close return rset And in my main activity onCreate method I have this @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. getResult throws SQLException ResultSet rset stmt.executeQuery select customer from customers stmt.close return rset And in my main activity onCreate method I have this @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState try super.onCreate..
Driver JDBC PostgreSQL with Android [duplicate] not much of a worry with PostgreSQL so long as you use SSL but still better not to have to do at all. Using JAX RS on JBoss AS 7 Tomcat 7 or similar you should be able to put together a web RESTful XML JSON services API for your app pretty..
Passing Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute in Renderscript Compute I found there's lacking good documentation in RenderScript for what I know forEach in RS is to execute the root for each individual item in the allocation. I am trying to make a library for Renderscript that does.. gIn rsForEach gScript gIn gOut NULL This would be setup using the following Java mBlurRowScript new ScriptC_blur_row mRS getResources R.raw.blur_row int row_width mBitmapIn.getWidth Create an allocation that indexes each row. int num_rows mBitmapIn.getHeight.. int num_rows for int i 0 i num_rows i row_indices i i row_width Allocation row_indices_alloc Allocation.createSized mRS Element.I32 mRS num_rows Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT row_indices_alloc.copyFrom row_indices The image data has to be bound..
How can I securely (indirectly) query a postgresql database within android? I'd use a Java application server like Apache Tomcat or JBoss AS 7 and I'd write my web service methods using JAX RS to produce a nice REST style API for my app to use. That's what I'm familiar with and it works well but you have lots of.. familiar with and it works well but you have lots of options including implementations of REST like APIs Java's JAX RS impls Jersey and RESTEasy various other langs tools that use HTTP requests and produce JSON or XML replies. SOAP with WSDL.. to work with especially on intermittently connected devices like mobiles. XML RPC if you like pain There are some JAX RS quickstarts on the JBoss AS 7 quickstarts list just search for JAX RS . The kitchen sink quickstart is useful though perhaps..
Java jersey restful webservice requests json web services jersey share improve this question I have personally experience in implementing REST in java JAX RS using Jersey. Then I connected to this RESTful Web Service via an Android application. In your Android application you can..
(need advice) Talk to MySQL server database from my Android App Jersey services. You need to wire your DAO to your Service tier. see what @Rick Mangi wrote to me REST with Java JAX RS using Jersey and hibernate It is also good approach to use HTTP Client in your Android App Since it supports @GET @POST..
using serial port RS-232 in android? serial port RS 232 in android I want to send signals via serial port using the JavaComm API classes on an Android device and here is how..
Getting telephone country code with Android PL PT 351 PT PR 1 PR QA 974 QA RO 40 RO RU 7 RU RW 250 RW BL 590 BL WS 685 WS SM 378 SM ST 239 ST SA 966 SA SN 221 SN RS 381 RS SC 248 SC SL 232 SL SG 65 SG SK 421 SK SI 386 SI SB 677 SB SO 252 SO ZA 27 ZA KR 82 KR ES 34 ES LK 94 LK SH 290 SH.. 351 PT PR 1 PR QA 974 QA RO 40 RO RU 7 RU RW 250 RW BL 590 BL WS 685 WS SM 378 SM ST 239 ST SA 966 SA SN 221 SN RS 381 RS SC 248 SC SL 232 SL SG 65 SG SK 421 SK SI 386 SI SB 677 SB SO 252 SO ZA 27 ZA KR 82 KR ES 34 ES LK 94 LK SH 290 SH PM 508..
Weird Exception when Livewallpaper is set in Android Exception when Livewallpaper is set in Android 04 24 13 30 59.312 VERBOSE RenderScript 6044 RS Thread exited 04 24 13 30 59.320 ERROR libEGL 6044 call to OpenGL ES API with no current context logged once per thread..
Android serial port via audio jack input as a serial input. If you want to create a device that behaves according to the spec http wiki RS 232#Voltage_levels you will need to be able to handle 3V to 25V You will then need to sample the audio input. See http a nice oscilloscope trace of what you will receive as input. You will need to create Java code to detect the timing of RS 232 as well as the start and stop bits if configured . I think the determining factor in your project will be CPU speed..