android Programming Glossary: rtndata
How do I retrieve the data from AsyncTasks doInBackground()? headers private JSONObject jsonData private Object rtnData private String url private boolean connError public int getResponseCode.. Will Crash on socket error return JSONObject rtnData 0 .optBoolean response public String GetToken return jsonData.optString.. NameValuePair headers new ArrayList NameValuePair rtnData new Object new JSONObject Boolean.TRUE public void AddParam..
How do I retrieve the data from AsyncTasks doInBackground()? ArrayList NameValuePair params private ArrayList NameValuePair headers private JSONObject jsonData private Object rtnData private String url private boolean connError public int getResponseCode return responseCode @return the result of whether.. the response parameter of the JSON object. public Boolean DidLoginSucceed Will Crash on socket error return JSONObject rtnData 0 .optBoolean response public String GetToken return jsonData.optString token public RestClient String url this.url url.. token public RestClient String url this.url url params new ArrayList NameValuePair headers new ArrayList NameValuePair rtnData new Object new JSONObject Boolean.TRUE public void AddParam String name String value params.add new BasicNameValuePair name..