android Programming Glossary: rt
how to generate zoom/pinch gesture for testing for Android long long int int android.view.MotionEvent.PointerProperties android.view.MotionEvent.PointerCoords int int float float.. code here for zoom we need four points coordinations start0 start1 end0 end1 Instrumentation inst action down event MotionEvent.. here for zoom we need four points coordinations start0 start1 end0 end1 Instrumentation inst action down event MotionEvent..
Parsing invalid ampersands with Android's XmlPullParsers bin query.bin dox ld 0.1 n 3 i 9c.0323581.1266265347 rt 0 vcra' @55 134 in How do..
Detect application heap size in Android in your main activity's onCreate method as follows Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long maxMemory rt.maxMemory Log.v onCreate.. as follows Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long maxMemory rt.maxMemory Log.v onCreate maxMemory Long.toString maxMemory This.. process that does not replace the entire OS and in particular does not provide an interface that would allow the heap..
How can I use SensorManager.getOrientation for tilt controls like “My Paper Plane”? .append pitch m_lastRoll m_filters 2 .append roll TextView rt TextView findViewById TextView pt TextView findViewById.. yt.setText azi z m_lastYaw pt.setText pitch x m_lastPitch rt.setText roll y m_lastRoll The problem is that the values this..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory as I can measure usage with the following API's Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long javaBytes rt.totalMemory rt.freeMemory.. API's Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long javaBytes rt.totalMemory rt.freeMemory long javaLimit rt.maxMemory Easy enough.. rt Runtime.getRuntime long javaBytes rt.totalMemory rt.freeMemory long javaLimit rt.maxMemory Easy enough now for the..
how can i get the repeat alarm for week days using alarm manager in android? DBAdapter mDba SQLiteDatabase mDb Ringtone rt MediaPlayer mp AlertDialog.Builder alertbox Context ctx @Override.. mDba SQLiteDatabase mDb Ringtone rt MediaPlayer mp AlertDialog.Builder alertbox Context ctx @Override public void onReceive.. mDb Ringtone rt MediaPlayer mp AlertDialog.Builder alertbox Context ctx @Override public void onReceive Context context..
Android run bash command in app public Boolean execCommand String command try Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime Process process rt.exec su DataOutputStream.. try Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime Process process rt.exec su DataOutputStream os new DataOutputStream process.getOutputStream.. public Boolean execCommands String... command try Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime Process process rt.exec su DataOutputStream..
Override Android Backbutton behavior only works on the first page with PhoneGap li li a href mainListTab.html data transition none B ouml rt a li ul div navbar div footer div Is it a stupid mistake..
how to generate zoom/pinch gesture for testing for Android reference android view MotionEvent.html#obtain long long int int android.view.MotionEvent.PointerProperties android.view.MotionEvent.PointerCoords int int float float int int int int Can you help to tell me the correct method.. to tell me the correct method Here is my implementation enter code here for zoom we need four points coordinations start0 start1 end0 end1 Instrumentation inst action down event MotionEvent event MotionEvent.obtain downTime eventTime MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN.. me the correct method Here is my implementation enter code here for zoom we need four points coordinations start0 start1 end0 end1 Instrumentation inst action down event MotionEvent event MotionEvent.obtain downTime eventTime MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN..
Parsing invalid ampersands with Android's XmlPullParsers unterminated entity ref position START_TAG a href ' Fahrinfo bin query.bin dox ld 0.1 n 3 i 9c.0323581.1266265347 rt 0 vcra' @55 134 in How do I get around this I have thought about the following solutions..
Detect application heap size in Android above. For item 1 above maxMemory which can be invoked e.g. in your main activity's onCreate method as follows Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long maxMemory rt.maxMemory Log.v onCreate maxMemory Long.toString maxMemory This method tells you how.. can be invoked e.g. in your main activity's onCreate method as follows Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long maxMemory rt.maxMemory Log.v onCreate maxMemory Long.toString maxMemory This method tells you how many total bytes of heap your app is.. of ICS except that I've rooted the tablet through a simple process that does not replace the entire OS and in particular does not provide an interface that would allow the heap size to be manually adjusted. For that device here are the..
How can I use SensorManager.getOrientation for tilt controls like “My Paper Plane”? m_lastYaw m_filters 0 .append yaw m_lastPitch m_filters 1 .append pitch m_lastRoll m_filters 2 .append roll TextView rt TextView findViewById TextView pt TextView findViewById TextView yt TextView findViewById TextView yt TextView findViewById yt.setText azi z m_lastYaw pt.setText pitch x m_lastPitch rt.setText roll y m_lastRoll The problem is that the values this spits out look like nonsense or at least there's no way to..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory . This is arguably quite small but relatively straightforward as I can measure usage with the following API's Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long javaBytes rt.totalMemory rt.freeMemory long javaLimit rt.maxMemory Easy enough now for the twist... straightforward as I can measure usage with the following API's Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long javaBytes rt.totalMemory rt.freeMemory long javaLimit rt.maxMemory Easy enough now for the twist. In Android bitmaps with few exceptions.. as I can measure usage with the following API's Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long javaBytes rt.totalMemory rt.freeMemory long javaLimit rt.maxMemory Easy enough now for the twist. In Android bitmaps with few exceptions are stored..
how can i get the repeat alarm for week days using alarm manager in android? your problem. public class MyBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver DBAdapter mDba SQLiteDatabase mDb Ringtone rt MediaPlayer mp AlertDialog.Builder alertbox Context ctx @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent DBHelper.. class MyBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver DBAdapter mDba SQLiteDatabase mDb Ringtone rt MediaPlayer mp AlertDialog.Builder alertbox Context ctx @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent DBHelper mDbh new DBHelper.. extends BroadcastReceiver DBAdapter mDba SQLiteDatabase mDb Ringtone rt MediaPlayer mp AlertDialog.Builder alertbox Context ctx @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent DBHelper mDbh new DBHelper context null null..
Android run bash command in app script just out there would rather it hard coded in the app. public Boolean execCommand String command try Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime Process process rt.exec su DataOutputStream os new DataOutputStream process.getOutputStream os.writeBytes.. hard coded in the app. public Boolean execCommand String command try Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime Process process rt.exec su DataOutputStream os new DataOutputStream process.getOutputStream os.writeBytes command n os.flush os.writeBytes.. to something which accepts and sends multiple lines like so public Boolean execCommands String... command try Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime Process process rt.exec su DataOutputStream os new DataOutputStream process.getOutputStream for int i..
Override Android Backbutton behavior only works on the first page with PhoneGap li a href bookingTab.html data transition none Verkehr a li li a href mainListTab.html data transition none B ouml rt a li ul div navbar div footer div Is it a stupid mistake or is there something special I have to consider to make it..