android Programming Glossary: runnable
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? does public class MyAct extends Activity implements Runnable public ProgressDialog mProgress UI has a button that when pressed..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP handler.postDelayed confirmClickRunnable 150 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL endPress break default.. pressed pressed true handler.removeCallbacks confirmClickRunnable view.setBackground bgDrawablePressed if marker null marker.showInfoWindow.. this.pressed false handler.removeCallbacks confirmClickRunnable view.setBackground bgDrawableNormal if marker null marker.showInfoWindow..
Android: crashes with getApplicationContext do all your other stuff here new Handler .postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run mProgressDialog
How to set a timer in android can run desired tasks. Second option would be to create a Runnable object and schedule it via Handler's functions postAtTime java.lang.Runnable.. schedule it via Handler's functions postAtTime java.lang.Runnable long or postDelayed java.lang.Runnable long . share improve..
How to run a Runnable thread in Android? to run a Runnable thread in Android I developed one small application to display.. class small snippet from my code handler new Handler Runnable r new Runnable public void run tv.append Hello World handler.postDelayed.. snippet from my code handler new Handler Runnable r new Runnable public void run tv.append Hello World handler.postDelayed..
Playing an arbitrary tone with Android this can take a while final Thread thread new Thread new Runnable public void run genTone new Runnable public.. new Runnable public void run genTone new Runnable public void run playSound thread.start void genTone fill..
Change the background color of the options menu we make now final View v view new Handler .post new Runnable public void run v.setBackgroundColor Color.BLACK try ..
Android timer? How? without timer be reposting self Handler h2 new Handler Runnable run new Runnable @Override public void run long millis System.currentTimeMillis.. be reposting self Handler h2 new Handler Runnable run new Runnable @Override public void run long millis System.currentTimeMillis.. @Override public void run main.this.runOnUiThread new Runnable @Override public void run long millis System.currentTimeMillis..
Repeat a task with a time delay? void onCreate Bundle bundle ... mHandler new Handler Runnable mStatusChecker new Runnable @Override public void run updateStatus.. ... mHandler new Handler Runnable mStatusChecker new Runnable @Override public void run updateStatus this function can change..
android maps: How to Long Click a Map? is Detect a MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN and post a delayed runnable to a handler and detect longpress if the two other events acton_move..
How to run a Runnable thread in Android? e e.printStackTrace thread.start You may consider your runnable object just as a command that can be sent to the message queue..
Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously? exec.scheduleAtFixedRate runnable 0 1000 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDs but looking into it there's no..
Change background color of android menu [duplicate] is done using a thread giving the background change as runnable object new Handler .post new Runnable public void run ..
Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager a magic number. I found this source here and added the runnable kill queue myself. private SoundPool mSoundPool private HashMap..
Update UI from Thread when updating the progressbar's drawable from the runnable the progressbar disappears Changing the progressbars's drawable.. .getDrawable Works handler.postDelayed runnable 1 private Runnable runnable new Runnable public void run runOnUiThread.. Works handler.postDelayed runnable 1 private Runnable runnable new Runnable public void run runOnUiThread new Runnable public..
Android timer? How? a timer by reposting this handler at the end of the runnable Handler timerHandler new Handler Runnable timerRunnable new..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash Wait until you get the page loaded event and then queue a runnable to show the WebView after a one second delay. It means you get..
removeCallbacks not stopping runnable not stopping runnable I am calling from a method myHandler.postDelayed mMyRunnableHide.. if a button on screen is clicked I want to stop the runnable Button next Button findViewById next.setOnClickListener.. DisplayX the removecallbacks is not stopping the runnable. What am I doing wrong Am I using the correct method I just..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? recreated every loop of the thread or you want a one shot runnable you can 'fire and forget' which creates a socket sends all relevant..
Android Process Scheduling new process to run presumably the process that just became runnable . Additionally when a process's timeslice reaches zero it is.. The Scheduling Policy in Action Consider a system with two runnable tasks a text editor and a video encoder. The text editor is..
Stop saving photos using Android native camera Handler handler new Handler handler.postDelayed runnable 300 Log.i INFOLOG imagePreORNext2 imagePreORNext ContentResolver..
Where do I create and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, TimerTask, or Handler? end of onCreate Remember to finish close your runnable task properly in Activity.onDestroy hope that help. share improve..
Viewpager Webview memory issue local ref table has 512 entries Thread 375 prio 5 tid 15 RUNNABLE while dynamically loading webview on viewpager Logcat android..
Android App Crashes Suddenly while running? 29 12 07 28.406 I dalvikvm 19308 Thread 14 prio 5 tid 12 RUNNABLE 06 29 12 07 28.406 I dalvikvm 19308 group main sCount 0 dsCount.. 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 Signal Catcher daemon prio 5 tid 4 RUNNABLE 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 group system sCount 0 dsCount.. 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 main prio 5 tid 1 RUNNABLE 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 group main sCount 1 dsCount..
Android: OutOfMemoryError while uploading video - how best to chunk? dalvikvm 6088 IntentService UploadService prio 5 tid 17 RUNNABLE 04 08 11 56 20.456 INFO dalvikvm 6088 group main sCount 0 dsCount..
Android playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException Native Method Signal Catcher daemon prio 5 tid 4 RUNNABLE group system sCount 0 dsCount 0 obj 0x4050ea38 self 0x93570..
Android HttpClient OOM on 4G/LTE (HTC Thunderbolt) byte allocation. I dalvikvm 11639 Thread 16 prio 5 tid 9 RUNNABLE I dalvikvm 11639 group main sCount 0 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x48563070..
ANR keyDispatchingTimedOut error Native Method Signal Catcher daemon prio 5 tid 3 RUNNABLE group system sCount 0 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x46ee31e8 self 0xa8140..
Problem with Runtime.exec and Android Native Method Signal Catcher daemon prio 5 tid 3 RUNNABLE group system sCount 0 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x460841e8 self 0x124d00..
Why is PhoneGap Android app crashing while inserting bunch of data into SQL? entries INFO dalvikvm 1525 WebViewCoreThread prio 5 tid 15 RUNNABLE INFO dalvikvm 1525 group main sCount 0 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x437668a0..
Android - how do I investigate an ANR? Native Method Signal Catcher daemon prio 5 tid 7 RUNNABLE group system sCount 0 dsCount 0 s 0 obj 0x433ac1e8 sysTid 693..
OutOfMemoryError : When receiving XML response of 2.3 MB 10 08 46.033 INFO dalvikvm 334 AsyncTask #1 prio 5 tid 7 RUNNABLE 09 23 10 08 46.033 INFO dalvikvm 334 group main sCount 0 dsCount..
Android WebView Memory Leak when using Assets local ref table has 512 entries Thread 375 prio 5 tid 15 RUNNABLE group main sCount 0 dsCount 0 obj 0x41504a90 self 0x1a9cf80..
ReferenceTable overflow (max=512) JNI ref table has 512 entries dalvikvm 9498 main prio 5 tid 1 RUNNABLE dalvikvm 9498 group main sCount 0 dsCount 0 obj 0x4001f198 self..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? The sample code below matches roughly what my real program does public class MyAct extends Activity implements Runnable public ProgressDialog mProgress UI has a button that when pressed calls send public void send mProgress
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps view a little so it shows the pressed state on the screen case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP handler.postDelayed confirmClickRunnable 150 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL endPress break default break else If the touch goes outside of the view's area.. the press endPress return false private void startPress if pressed pressed true handler.removeCallbacks confirmClickRunnable view.setBackground bgDrawablePressed if marker null marker.showInfoWindow private boolean endPress if pressed this.pressed.. marker.showInfoWindow private boolean endPress if pressed this.pressed false handler.removeCallbacks confirmClickRunnable view.setBackground bgDrawableNormal if marker null marker.showInfoWindow return true else return false private final..
Android: crashes with getApplicationContext @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState do all your other stuff here new Handler .postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run mProgressDialog YouTube.this.getApplicationContext YouTube.this.getString..
How to set a timer in android android.os.Message long . Once you receive a message you can run desired tasks. Second option would be to create a Runnable object and schedule it via Handler's functions postAtTime java.lang.Runnable long or postDelayed java.lang.Runnable long..
How to run a Runnable thread in Android? to run a Runnable thread in Android I developed one small application to display some text at defined intervals in the android emulator screen.I.. intervals in the android emulator screen.I am using Handler class small snippet from my code handler new Handler Runnable r new Runnable public void run tv.append Hello World handler.postDelayed r 1000 When i run this appication the text is.. in the android emulator screen.I am using Handler class small snippet from my code handler new Handler Runnable r new Runnable public void run tv.append Hello World handler.postDelayed r 1000 When i run this appication the text is displayed only..
Playing an arbitrary tone with Android protected void onResume super.onResume Use a new tread as this can take a while final Thread thread new Thread new Runnable public void run genTone new Runnable public void run playSound thread.start void genTone fill out.. tread as this can take a while final Thread thread new Thread new Runnable public void run genTone new Runnable public void run playSound thread.start void genTone fill out the array for int i 0 i numSamples i sample i Math.sin..
Change the background color of the options menu we get back to runloop android will overwrite almost any setting we make now final View v view new Handler .post new Runnable public void run v.setBackgroundColor Color.BLACK try in Android 3.2 IconMenuItemView implemented with TextView ..
Android timer? How? String.format d 02d minutes seconds return false runs without timer be reposting self Handler h2 new Handler Runnable run new Runnable @Override public void run long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int.. d 02d minutes seconds return false runs without timer be reposting self Handler h2 new Handler Runnable run new Runnable @Override public void run long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds.. activity to run on ui thread class secondTask extends TimerTask @Override public void run main.this.runOnUiThread new Runnable @Override public void run long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds..
Repeat a task with a time delay? can be changed later private Handler mHandler @Override protected void onCreate Bundle bundle ... mHandler new Handler Runnable mStatusChecker new Runnable @Override public void run updateStatus this function can change value of mInterval. mHandler.postDelayed.. Handler mHandler @Override protected void onCreate Bundle bundle ... mHandler new Handler Runnable mStatusChecker new Runnable @Override public void run updateStatus this function can change value of mInterval. mHandler.postDelayed mStatusChecker..
android maps: How to Long Click a Map? 3 The only other way I know how to try this is Detect a MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN and post a delayed runnable to a handler and detect longpress if the two other events acton_move or an action_up have not happened. Can someone provide..
How to run a Runnable thread in Android? true sleep 1000 r catch InterruptedException e e.printStackTrace thread.start You may consider your runnable object just as a command that can be sent to the message queue for execution and handler as just a helper object used to..
Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously? basic construct is ScheduledExecutorService exec Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor exec.scheduleAtFixedRate runnable 0 1000 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDs but looking into it there's no way of cancelling that task once its started without shutting..
Change background color of android menu [duplicate] the default background we need to set our own background. This is done using a thread giving the background change as runnable object new Handler .post new Runnable public void run sets the background color view.setBackgroundResource R.color.androidcolor..
Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager that the sounds get washed out so each application will require a magic number. I found this source here and added the runnable kill queue myself. private SoundPool mSoundPool private HashMap Integer Integer mSoundPoolMap private AudioManager mAudioManager..
Update UI from Thread my UI from a Thread which updates a Progressbar. Unfortunately when updating the progressbar's drawable from the runnable the progressbar disappears Changing the progressbars's drawable in onCreate on the otherside works Any Suggestions public.. R.layout.gameone pB.setProgressDrawable getResources .getDrawable Works handler.postDelayed runnable 1 private Runnable runnable new Runnable public void run runOnUiThread new Runnable public void run The Complete ProgressBar.. getResources .getDrawable Works handler.postDelayed runnable 1 private Runnable runnable new Runnable public void run runOnUiThread new Runnable public void run The Complete ProgressBar does not appear pB.setProgressDrawable..
Android timer? How? Activity TextView timerTextView long startTime 0 runs without a timer by reposting this handler at the end of the runnable Handler timerHandler new Handler Runnable timerRunnable new Runnable @Override public void run long millis System.currentTimeMillis..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash a compatible colour i.e. white . Hide the WebView initially. Wait until you get the page loaded event and then queue a runnable to show the WebView after a one second delay. It means you get a guaranteed one second delay before you can see anything..
removeCallbacks not stopping runnable not stopping runnable I am calling from a method myHandler.postDelayed mMyRunnableHide 6000 which calls public Runnable mMyRunnableHide new Runnable.. new Runnable public void run mTextDisplay.setText DisplayX if a button on screen is clicked I want to stop the runnable Button next Button findViewById next.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View.. myHandler.removeCallbacks mMyRunnableHide mTextDisplay.setText DisplayX the removecallbacks is not stopping the runnable. What am I doing wrong Am I using the correct method I just want the runnable to Not Run when the user clicks the button...
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? or less . Either you want a persistent socket that is not recreated every loop of the thread or you want a one shot runnable you can 'fire and forget' which creates a socket sends all relevant data and finishes. A quick note about using a persistent..
Android Process Scheduling process. If it is the scheduler is invoked to pick a new process to run presumably the process that just became runnable . Additionally when a process's timeslice reaches zero it is preempted and the scheduler is invoked to select a new process... and the scheduler is invoked to select a new process. The Scheduling Policy in Action Consider a system with two runnable tasks a text editor and a video encoder. The text editor is I O bound because it spends nearly all its time waiting for..
Stop saving photos using Android native camera is in the gallery Log.i INFOLOG imagePreORNext1 imagePreORNext Handler handler new Handler handler.postDelayed runnable 300 Log.i INFOLOG imagePreORNext2 imagePreORNext ContentResolver cr getContentResolver cr.delete MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI..
Where do I create and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, TimerTask, or Handler?
Viewpager Webview memory issue Leak when loading html file from Assets Failed adding to JNI local ref table has 512 entries Thread 375 prio 5 tid 15 RUNNABLE while dynamically loading webview on viewpager Logcat android memory webview share improve this question Try to scale..
Android App Crashes Suddenly while running? Failed adding to JNI pinned array ref table 1024 entries 06 29 12 07 28.406 I dalvikvm 19308 Thread 14 prio 5 tid 12 RUNNABLE 06 29 12 07 28.406 I dalvikvm 19308 group main sCount 0 dsCount 0 obj 0x4050e548 self 0x2240b8 06 29 12 07 28.406 I dalvikvm.. threadid 4 spin on suspend #2 threadid 1 pcf 0 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 Signal Catcher daemon prio 5 tid 4 RUNNABLE 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 group system sCount 0 dsCount 0 obj 0x40510490 self 0x159898 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm.. I dalvikvm 19308 at Native Method 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 main prio 5 tid 1 RUNNABLE 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm 19308 group main sCount 1 dsCount 0 obj 0x40022198 self 0xcec8 06 29 12 07 31.101 I dalvikvm..
Android: OutOfMemoryError while uploading video - how best to chunk? memory on a 16775184 byte allocation. 04 08 11 56 20.456 INFO dalvikvm 6088 IntentService UploadService prio 5 tid 17 RUNNABLE 04 08 11 56 20.456 INFO dalvikvm 6088 group main sCount 0 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x449a3cf0 self 0x38d410 04 08 11 56 20.456..
Android playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException schedstat 14899224 33240040 20 at Native Method Signal Catcher daemon prio 5 tid 4 RUNNABLE group system sCount 0 dsCount 0 obj 0x4050ea38 self 0x93570 sysTid 342 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp bg_non_interactive handle 588000..
Android HttpClient OOM on 4G/LTE (HTC Thunderbolt) stack trace E dalvikvm heap 11639 Out of memory on a 2055696 byte allocation. I dalvikvm 11639 Thread 16 prio 5 tid 9 RUNNABLE I dalvikvm 11639 group main sCount 0 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x48563070 self 0x3c4340 I dalvikvm 11639 sysTid 11682 nice 0 sched..
ANR keyDispatchingTimedOut error schedstat 197021496 268585180 1155 at Native Method Signal Catcher daemon prio 5 tid 3 RUNNABLE group system sCount 0 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x46ee31e8 self 0xa8140 sysTid 2506 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp bg_non_interactive handle..
Problem with Runtime.exec and Android 0 0 cgrp unknown handle 1152968 at Native Method Signal Catcher daemon prio 5 tid 3 RUNNABLE group system sCount 0 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x460841e8 self 0x124d00 sysTid 11491 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp unknown handle 1199296..
Why is PhoneGap Android app crashing while inserting bunch of data into SQL? dalvikvm 1525 Failed adding to JNI local ref table has 512 entries INFO dalvikvm 1525 WebViewCoreThread prio 5 tid 15 RUNNABLE INFO dalvikvm 1525 group main sCount 0 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x437668a0 self 0x1b0bd0 INFO dalvikvm 1525 sysTid 1532 nice 0..
Android - how do I investigate an ANR? 694 nice 0 sched 0 0 handle 1367136 at Native Method Signal Catcher daemon prio 5 tid 7 RUNNABLE group system sCount 0 dsCount 0 s 0 obj 0x433ac1e8 sysTid 693 nice 0 sched 0 0 handle 1366712 at
OutOfMemoryError : When receiving XML response of 2.3 MB heap 334 Out of memory on a 8388624 byte allocation. 09 23 10 08 46.033 INFO dalvikvm 334 AsyncTask #1 prio 5 tid 7 RUNNABLE 09 23 10 08 46.033 INFO dalvikvm 334 group main sCount 0 dsCount 0 s N obj 0x43e54fd8 self 0x224d58 09 23 10 08 46.033 INFO..
Android WebView Memory Leak when using Assets appreciated. Edit Specifics on the crash Failed adding to JNI local ref table has 512 entries Thread 375 prio 5 tid 15 RUNNABLE group main sCount 0 dsCount 0 obj 0x41504a90 self 0x1a9cf80 sysTid 10314 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp default handle 27159240 schedstat..
ReferenceTable overflow (max=512) JNI is 2071728 bytes dalvikvm 9498 Failed adding to JNI local ref table has 512 entries dalvikvm 9498 main prio 5 tid 1 RUNNABLE dalvikvm 9498 group main sCount 0 dsCount 0 obj 0x4001f198 self 0xce60 dalvikvm 9498 sysTid 9498 nice 0 sched 0 0 cgrp default..