android Programming Glossary: row.addview
How can I get an Android TableLayout to fill the screen? true for int r 0 r 2 r TableRow row new TableRow this for int c 0 c 2 c Button btn new Button this btn.setText A row.addView btn table.addView row Obviously the Android documentation is no help. Anyone have any ideas java xml android layout tablelayout.. 1.0f for int r 0 r 2 r TableRow row new TableRow this for int c 0 c 2 c Button btn new Button this btn.setText A row.addView btn cellLp table.addView row rowLp setContentView table Thanks to Romain Guy's comment on Android developer's forum for..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview ColumnNames i textColumn.setPadding 0 0 1 0 textColumn.setTextColor getResources .getColor R.drawable.text_default row.addView textColumn new TableRow.LayoutParams table.addView row new TableLayout.LayoutParams android font size textview share..
How do I programmatically add buttons into layout one by one in several lines? LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT btnTag.setText Button j 1 i 4 btnTag.setId j 1 i 4 row.addView btnTag layout.addView row I'm assuming that is the parent LinearLayout of your XML for this activity...
Creating a table/grid with a frozen column and frozen headers 0 .length j TextView rowCell new TextView this rowCell.setText content.get i j Removed Code Styling of the cell row.addView rowCell contentTable.addView row This is what it looks like So this is what it looks like with a little bit of horizontal.. Typeface.BOLD else rowCell.setTypeface font Typeface.NORMAL rowCell.setTextSize TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP fontSize row.addView rowCell if content.get i j .length maxContentChars j 1 maxContentChars j 1 content.get i j .length if i 0 frozenTableHeaderRow..