android Programming Glossary: routine
How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x telephonyService.endCall cleanup and exit routine private void exitCleanly unHookReceiver moveTaskToBack true..
How to change the text background color of a opened Spinner on Android context R.layout.spinner_row yourlist The Last task is routine spinner.setAdapter adapter I hope this will help you. share..
SOLVED: Android Widget - Click for action, update under 30 minutes, separate instances Answer I've tried to create a widget that on click calls a routine on Configuration activity on update calls another routine on.. routine on Configuration activity on update calls another routine on Configuration activity update must be under 30 minutes and.. 1 now we could call any routine everywhere passing appWidgetId and Context to function... Example..
View image in ACTION_VIEW intent? intent I know the bitmap is downloaded ok use the same routine for supplying it my ImageView instances elsewhere in my app..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] ir funky_parameter sample_code or your favorite searching routine to quickly find some code that uses that parameter. Use Eclipse..
Android Download Zip to SD card? Can be done. What exactly are you looking for The download routine or how to do the check Here's the download method you should..
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper please note that the getRealPathFromURI routine isn't mine and was found elsewhere on here Your class should.. Bad Image getBackground Here is a fairly crude routine to load the image. I've attempted to put in some error trapping.. closes and should definitely be included. I also call this routine when the orientation of the phone is changed so that the background..
Issue with Soundpool and Samsung Galaxy S called although this revealed that when the bug occurs the routine is only called once when the sound is heard twice from the device...
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? of people would like to hear that answer... This is the routine that calls doDraw public void run while mRun Canvas c null try..
Altering the result of getRecentTasks a number of people will use the camera as part of their routine. While it's appropriate and necessary for a supervisor to leave..
Threading textures load process for android opengl game You just have your main thread with the uploading routine that has access to OpenGL and calls glTexImage2D. The other..
Toast background changing to match Activity's Theme view Dialog customizing is a more complex routine. But there is similar workaround. share improve this answer..
onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion to your application code and so it runs the upgrade routine. It looks as if you're not creating the database from scratch.. be trying to modify the version numbers in the onUpgrade routine. This is only ever called if the versions don't match and all..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? so I don't check for potential sub directories. The routine for deleting files can also become more sophisticated such as.. case that your cached data no longer exists. Always have a routine in place to retrieve data by external means when your cache..
How to check crash log using android ndk in cocos2d-x 2 lib cocos2d CCObject release 20 Routine release in Users tangyue project crosskaiser native application.. lib cocos2d CCTouchHandler ~CCTouchHandler 128 Routine ~CCTouchHandler in Users tangyue project crosskaiser native.. cocos2d CCTargetedTouchHandler ~CCTargetedTouchHandler 84 Routine ~CCTargetedTouchHandler in Users tangyue project crosskaiser..
How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x void ignoreCallAidl throws RemoteException telephonyService.silenceRinger telephonyService.endCall cleanup and exit routine private void exitCleanly unHookReceiver moveTaskToBack true finish I need help to make it work on 2.3 thanks this exeptions..
How to change the text background color of a opened Spinner on Android
SOLVED: Android Widget - Click for action, update under 30 minutes, separate instances under 30 minutes separate instances Solution is on my Answer I've tried to create a widget that on click calls a routine on Configuration activity on update calls another routine on Configuration activity update must be under 30 minutes and.. Answer I've tried to create a widget that on click calls a routine on Configuration activity on update calls another routine on Configuration activity update must be under 30 minutes and all the istance created must work separately in onUpdate and.. thisAppWidget int appWidgetId intent.getIntExtra AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID 1 now we could call any routine everywhere passing appWidgetId and Context to function... Example Action.SomeAction context appWidgetId For UPDATE TIMER..
View image in ACTION_VIEW intent? Uri.fromFile new File path image png startActivity intent I know the bitmap is downloaded ok use the same routine for supplying it my ImageView instances elsewhere in my app I think it wrote to file ok I can see it on disk and the file..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] any other source you have under one directory tree. Use grep ir funky_parameter sample_code or your favorite searching routine to quickly find some code that uses that parameter. Use Eclipse Even you have a favorite editor or IDE you have used for..
Android Download Zip to SD card? Thanks ian android zip share improve this question Can be done. What exactly are you looking for The download routine or how to do the check Here's the download method you should run it in an AsyncTask or so. Downloads a remote file and stores..
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper watch for the user clicking the preference as so this is call please note that the getRealPathFromURI routine isn't mine and was found elsewhere on here Your class should start by extending the PreferenceActivity and implementing.. prefs String key imageBg prefs.getString image_custom Bad Image getBackground Here is a fairly crude routine to load the image. I've attempted to put in some error trapping just in case the file is deleted renamed or the SD card.. is the most important part of this code to prevent force closes and should definitely be included. I also call this routine when the orientation of the phone is changed so that the background gets resized each time. void getBackground if this.cvwidth..
Issue with Soundpool and Samsung Galaxy S call which I used to see how many times the sub had been called although this revealed that when the bug occurs the routine is only called once when the sound is heard twice from the device. I have also one last sub which is called when the surface..
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? hint to me From browsing topics at stackoverflow I think a lot of people would like to hear that answer... This is the routine that calls doDraw public void run while mRun Canvas c null try c mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas null synchronized mSurfaceHolder..
Altering the result of getRecentTasks have an app designed for a tablet in a workplace setting where a number of people will use the camera as part of their routine. While it's appropriate and necessary for a supervisor to leave the app it should be difficult for other people to accidentally..
Threading textures load process for android opengl game android opengl es textures share improve this question You just have your main thread with the uploading routine that has access to OpenGL and calls glTexImage2D. The other thread loads and decodes the image from file to memory. While..
Toast background changing to match Activity's Theme
onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion helper knows that the stored database is out of date with respect to your application code and so it runs the upgrade routine. It looks as if you're not creating the database from scratch but importing an existing database from your assets. When.. call setVersion DATABASE_VERSION . In any case you shouldn't be trying to modify the version numbers in the onUpgrade routine. This is only ever called if the versions don't match and all you're supposed to do here is make whatever changes are needed..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? all cached files are placed at the root of the cache directory so I don't check for potential sub directories. The routine for deleting files can also become more sophisticated such as deleting files by oldest access date. One thing to keep in.. to cache data is that you need to always plan for the case that your cached data no longer exists. Always have a routine in place to retrieve data by external means when your cache doesn't have it in storage. Likewise always check your cache..
How to check crash log using android ndk in cocos2d-x addr 0000000c Stack frame #00 pc 0062bfb4 mnt asec com.gumichina.allen 2 lib cocos2d CCObject release 20 Routine release in Users tangyue project crosskaiser native application .. .. cocos2dx cocoa CCObject.cpp 82 Stack.. Stack frame #01 pc 006d8094 mnt asec com.gumichina.allen 2 lib cocos2d CCTouchHandler ~CCTouchHandler 128 Routine ~CCTouchHandler in Users tangyue project crosskaiser native application .. .. cocos2dx touch_dispatcher CCTouchHandler.cpp.. pc 006d8524 mnt asec com.gumichina.allen 2 lib cocos2d CCTargetedTouchHandler ~CCTargetedTouchHandler 84 Routine ~CCTargetedTouchHandler in Users tangyue project crosskaiser native application .. .. cocos2dx touch_dispatcher..