android Programming Glossary: reverse
decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode files into corresponding Java sourcecode java android reverse engineering decompiler dex share improve this question First..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file I am developing a payment processing.. they can also access the source code. It's very easy to reverse engineer an Android APK file for more details see Stack Overflow.. the Proguard tool provided with the Android SDK. When I reverse engineer an APK file generated using a signed keystore and Proguard..
Is it possible, in principle, for an Android device to interface with an iPhone over Bluetooth/GameKit? reason Is it possible in principle but requiring years of reverse engineering like SMB CIFS Samba Or is it a no brainer and just..
How to get city name from latitude and longitude coordinates in Google Maps? I don't know how to get city name. android google maps reverse geocoding share improve this question From a Geocoder object..
Animate change of view background color in Android transitionTime Or run the transition in reverse by calling transition.reverseTransition transitionTime I hope.. Or run the transition in reverse by calling transition.reverseTransition transitionTime I hope this helps you solve your problem..
Is it possible to write vertically in a textview in android? wrap_content and write a function in your activity to reverse the characters in your text insert n after every characters..
Google's voice search speech recognition service mobile . We've found one article where someone tried to reverse engineer the service at http 2008 11 deconstructing_google_mobiles_voice_search_on_the_iphone..
Android: Reverse geocoding - getFromLocation I do have import android.location.Geocoder android reverse geocoding street address share improve this question The..
Calculate text size according to width of text area bounds.width Edit after comment Use the above in reverse int text_height 50 int text_width 200 int text_check_w 0 int..
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws IOException on Android emulator have managed to do it with Emulator 2.1 api 7 but then the reverse geocoding always give an empty result. anyone could confirm..
Reverse Engineer Android APK to get code? [duplicate] Getting source code from an APK file Is it possible to reverse engineer a APK file to get the actual code Please advice. Thank..
Android - Package Name convention while developing on android . The reason for having it in reverse order is to do with the layout on the storage media. If you..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java 2. Tried Itext jar which converts image to pdf I need its reverse operation Like that I have tried many jars. But no positive..
Reverse the arraylist in simplest way? the arraylist in simplest way Need the simplest way ArrayList..
Does GPS require Internet? such as an address you need some mechanism to do the Reverse Geocoding . Typically this is done by querying a server or a..
Reverse engineering from an APK file to a project engineering from an APK file to a project I accidently erased..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? APK file for more details see Stack Overflow question Reverse engineering from an APK file to a project . I have used the..
Android: Reverse geocoding - getFromLocation Reverse geocoding getFromLocation I am trying to get an address based..
android - How can I make a button flash? infinitely animation.setRepeatMode Animation.REVERSE Reverse animation at the end so the button will fade back in final Button..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? or decrease vertical position. if Y screenH ballH dY 1 dY Reverse speed when bottom hit. dY acc Increase or decrease speed. Increase.. Background scroll speed. float acc Bitmap ball bgr bgrReverse boolean reverseBackroundFirst boolean ballFingerMove Measure.. an image. matrix.setScale 1 1 Horizontal mirror effect. bgrReverse Bitmap.createBitmap bgr 0 0 bgrW bgrH matrix true Create a new..
Reverse Engineer Android APK to get code? [duplicate] Engineer Android APK to get code duplicate Possible Duplicate..
Speech to Text Include speech engine in apk it on Android however you have to change the Reverse the order of LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES so the line looks like this..
Is it possible to share my internet connection from pc to android via usb? [closed]
decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode there any tools or recipes for turning Android DEX VM bytecode files into corresponding Java sourcecode java android reverse engineering decompiler dex share improve this question First you need a tool called dex2jar which is made by a Chinese..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file I am developing a payment processing app for Android and I want to prevent a hacker from accessing.. resources and assets and using dex2jar and a Java decompiler they can also access the source code. It's very easy to reverse engineer an Android APK file for more details see Stack Overflow question Reverse engineering from an APK file to a project.. engineering from an APK file to a project . I have used the Proguard tool provided with the Android SDK. When I reverse engineer an APK file generated using a signed keystore and Proguard I get obfuscated code. However the names of Android..
Is it possible, in principle, for an Android device to interface with an iPhone over Bluetooth/GameKit? not likely e.g. because of encryption If so what is the reason Is it possible in principle but requiring years of reverse engineering like SMB CIFS Samba Or is it a no brainer and just a matter of time Please give evidence supporting your reason...
How to get city name from latitude and longitude coordinates in Google Maps? I tried using the latitude longitude and I got country but I don't know how to get city name. android google maps reverse geocoding share improve this question From a Geocoder object you can call the getFromLocation double double int method...
Animate change of view background color in Android transition TransitionDrawable viewObj.getBackground transition.startTransition transitionTime Or run the transition in reverse by calling transition.reverseTransition transitionTime I hope this helps you solve your problem share improve this answer..
Is it possible to write vertically in a textview in android? txtview android layout_height fill_parent android layout_width wrap_content and write a function in your activity to reverse the characters in your text insert n after every characters and then set the text to the TextView. If you dont want to insert..
Google's voice search speech recognition service users can use the Google application http mobile . We've found one article where someone tried to reverse engineer the service at http 2008 11 deconstructing_google_mobiles_voice_search_on_the_iphone . We want to better..
Android: Reverse geocoding - getFromLocation Geocoder Context Locale is undefined for the type savemaplocation I do have import android.location.Geocoder android reverse geocoding street address share improve this question The following code snippet is doing it for me lat and lng are doubles..
Calculate text size according to width of text area text 0 text.length bounds text_height bounds.height text_width bounds.width Edit after comment Use the above in reverse int text_height 50 int text_width 200 int text_check_w 0 int text_check_h 0 int incr_text_size 1 boolean found_desired_size..
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws IOException on Android emulator provider int status Bundle extras anyone has any idea I have managed to do it with Emulator 2.1 api 7 but then the reverse geocoding always give an empty result. anyone could confirm my code thanks. thanks ray. android share improve this question..
Reverse Engineer Android APK to get code? [duplicate] Android APK to get code duplicate Possible Duplicate Android Getting source code from an APK file Is it possible to reverse engineer a APK file to get the actual code Please advice. Thank you. android android apk share improve this question..
Android - Package Name convention read this is important regarding the wide use of xml files while developing on android . The reason for having it in reverse order is to do with the layout on the storage media. If you consider each period '.' in the application name as a path separator..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java it uses some java classes that is not supported in android. 2. Tried Itext jar which converts image to pdf I need its reverse operation Like that I have tried many jars. But no positive result. Please help me in this.. byte bytes try File file new..
Reverse the arraylist in simplest way? the arraylist in simplest way Need the simplest way ArrayList aList new ArrayList Add elements to ArrayList object aList.add..
Does GPS require Internet? GPS only. To be able to return anything other than coordinates such as an address you need some mechanism to do the Reverse Geocoding . Typically this is done by querying a server or a web service like using Google Maps or Bing but there are others..
Reverse engineering from an APK file to a project engineering from an APK file to a project I accidently erased my project from Eclipse and all I have left is the APK file..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? the source code. It's very easy to reverse engineer an Android APK file for more details see Stack Overflow question Reverse engineering from an APK file to a project . I have used the Proguard tool provided with the Android SDK. When I reverse..
Android: Reverse geocoding - getFromLocation Reverse geocoding getFromLocation I am trying to get an address based on the long lat. it appears that something like this should..
android - How can I make a button flash? rate animation.setRepeatCount Animation.INFINITE Repeat animation infinitely animation.setRepeatMode Animation.REVERSE Reverse animation at the end so the button will fade back in final Button btn Button findViewById btn.startAnimation..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? Compute roughly ball speed and location. Y int dY Increase or decrease vertical position. if Y screenH ballH dY 1 dY Reverse speed when bottom hit. dY acc Increase or decrease speed. Increase rotating angle. if angle 360 angle 0 Draw ball int ballH int bgrW int bgrH int angle int bgrScroll int dBgrY Background scroll speed. float acc Bitmap ball bgr bgrReverse boolean reverseBackroundFirst boolean ballFingerMove Measure frames per second. long now int framesCount 0 int framesCountAvg.. Matrix matrix new Matrix Like a frame or mould for an image. matrix.setScale 1 1 Horizontal mirror effect. bgrReverse Bitmap.createBitmap bgr 0 0 bgrW bgrH matrix true Create a new mirrored bitmap by applying the matrix. ballX int screenW..
Reverse Engineer Android APK to get code? [duplicate] Engineer Android APK to get code duplicate Possible Duplicate Android Getting source code from an APK file Is it possible..
Speech to Text Include speech engine in apk without a data connection. See this post on how to install it on Android however you have to change the Reverse the order of LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES so the line looks like this LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES pocketsphinx sphinxlm sphinxfeat..
Is it possible to share my internet connection from pc to android via usb? [closed]