android Programming Glossary: rgb565
Emulator's camera built-in app buggy in Froyo / 2.2? and the EGLConfigs currently supported by the s w GL renderer that comes in Froyo. See if you can request an RGB565 EGL Config. Moreover the below changes worked for me. It basically remove the Stencil buffer out of the EGLConfig as that..
Blending pixels from Two Bitmaps share improve this question After reproducing I think your issue has to do with manipulating the images in RGB565 mode. As discussed in this post Bitmaps apparently need to be in ARGB8888 mode to manipulate properly. I first got the expected..
Is it possible to render in RGB888 with OpenGL? with OpenGL on Android on various devices. And unless I'm wrong the default rendering is always performed with the RGB565 pixel format. I would however like to render more accurate colors using RGB888. The GLSurfaceView documentation mentions.. mentions EGL10.eglChooseConfig to discover which configurations are available. In my case it is ok to fallback to RGB565 if RGB888 isn't available but I would prefer this to be quite rare. So is it possible to use RGB888 on most devices Are..
Reading an image file into bitmap from sdcard? sdcard share improve this question The MediaStore API is probably throwing away the alpha channel i.e. decoding to RGB565 . If you have a file path just use BitmapFactory directly but tell it to use a format that preserves alpha BitmapFactory.Options..
Bitmaps on ICS are loaded with wrong pixel format This was actually made the default in Android 2.3 and has not been changed since them. At this point I would consider RGB565 windows deprecated since basically all current devices have 32bpp displays. You say you are also running this on the HTC..