android Programming Glossary: rgb_565
High resolution Image - OutOfMemoryError even more economical format. Take a look at them. Maybe RGB_565 for example. It takes 2 bytes for pixel so your image would.. You can enable dithering to improve the quality of RGB_565 . If you are using PNG images in your application you can reduce..
Image Processing on Android mPhotoPicture mPhotoPicture.copy Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 true I appreciate any help. android image processing share.. I know about image processing in general. If you're using RGB_565 that means each pixel is 16 bits or two of those bytes. The..
BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6 solution that now works with any type of Bitmaps ARGB_8888 RGB_565 etc and deletes the temp file. See my method Converts a immutable..
OutOfMemory error while joining large images Android limits its apps to 16 MiB VM only. Also use RGB_565 instead of ARGB_8888. So your only solution is a To use BitmapFactory.Options.inSampleSize..
Does “Bitmap.createScaledBitmap” convert an 32 bit image into 24 bit? watching the heap size . Changing the value ARGB_8888 to RGB_565 24 bit gives the same size in megabytes after scaling. Can someone.. neww newh source.hasAlpha Config.ARGB_8888 Config.RGB_565 paint null not needed As you are not performing any scaling.. alpha is present you end up with a result bitmap with the RGB_565 format rather than the ARGB_8888. So to scale and preserve the..
Bitmaps on ICS are loaded with wrong pixel format 32 bits window format various bitmap decoding formats RGB_565 16 bits window format various bitmap decoding formats Several.. time to time The default window format for ICS seems to be RGB_565 The only good looking gradient appears with RGB_565 window format.. to be RGB_565 The only good looking gradient appears with RGB_565 window format and RGBA_8888 bitmap decoding format . This problem..
High resolution Image - OutOfMemoryError very probable but maybe with acceptable quality you can use even more economical format. Take a look at them. Maybe RGB_565 for example. It takes 2 bytes for pixel so your image would be 50 lighter. You can enable dithering to improve the quality.. It takes 2 bytes for pixel so your image would be 50 lighter. You can enable dithering to improve the quality of RGB_565 . If you are using PNG images in your application you can reduce their size without noticeable difference with TinyPNG compression...
Image Processing on Android BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray imageData 0 imageData.length mPhotoPicture mPhotoPicture.copy Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 true I appreciate any help. android image processing share improve this question I'm not sure if decoding into a byte.. is the best way to do it on Android but I can offer what I know about image processing in general. If you're using RGB_565 that means each pixel is 16 bits or two of those bytes. The first 5 bits are red the next 6 are green and the last 5 are..
BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6 Immutable Bitmap into Mutable I add a improvement to this solution that now works with any type of Bitmaps ARGB_8888 RGB_565 etc and deletes the temp file. See my method Converts a immutable bitmap to a mutable bitmap. This operation doesn't allocates..
OutOfMemory error while joining large images Conversion of such a large image is expected to crash indeed. Android limits its apps to 16 MiB VM only. Also use RGB_565 instead of ARGB_8888. So your only solution is a To use BitmapFactory.Options.inSampleSize to scale down the image or b..
Does “Bitmap.createScaledBitmap” convert an 32 bit image into 24 bit? of the original bitmap it is 1 2 of the size in megabytes I'm watching the heap size . Changing the value ARGB_8888 to RGB_565 24 bit gives the same size in megabytes after scaling. Can someone explain this phenomenon and may be give me an advice.. check and end up here if m null m.isIdentity bitmap createBitmap neww newh source.hasAlpha Config.ARGB_8888 Config.RGB_565 paint null not needed As you are not performing any scaling your matrix will be the identity matrix and the condition is.. can see dependent on the alpha in the source bitmap. If no alpha is present you end up with a result bitmap with the RGB_565 format rather than the ARGB_8888. So to scale and preserve the 32 bit format your bitmap should either be immutable or use..
Bitmaps on ICS are loaded with wrong pixel format with ICS 4.0.3 it gives the same results on HTC HD2 RGBA_8888 32 bits window format various bitmap decoding formats RGB_565 16 bits window format various bitmap decoding formats Several things could be noticed Dithering flag is not taken into account.. be noticed Dithering flag is not taken into account from time to time The default window format for ICS seems to be RGB_565 The only good looking gradient appears with RGB_565 window format and RGBA_8888 bitmap decoding format . This problem has.. from time to time The default window format for ICS seems to be RGB_565 The only good looking gradient appears with RGB_565 window format and RGBA_8888 bitmap decoding format . This problem has also been reported in these questions but still no..