android Programming Glossary: rgba
How to justify text on a TextView made easy- Android String core html body style 'text align justify color rgba s font size dpx margin 0px 0px 0px 0px ' s body html private..
Input-Elements in WebViews always have the same style if highlighted on HTC Devices shadow inset 1px 1px 4px #AAA webkit tap highlight color rgba 205 255 60 0.5 body background #ebffb9 margin right 0 margin..
Disable orange outline highlight on focus to read ul li input type text webkit tap highlight color rgba 0 0 0 0 and webkit focus ring color rgba 0 0 0 0 With no effect... highlight color rgba 0 0 0 0 and webkit focus ring color rgba 0 0 0 0 With no effect. I have also tried each of the following..
Android: how to display camera preview with callback? camera int width int height int frameSize width height int rgba new int frameSize 1 Convert YUV to RGB for int i 0 i height.. r 0 0 r 255 255 r g g 0 0 g 255 255 g b b 0 0 b 255 255 b rgba i width j 0xff000000 b 16 g 8 r Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap.. width height Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 bmp.setPixels rgba 0 offset width stride 0 0 width height Canvas canvas mHolder.lockCanvas..
Displaying YUV Image in Android bmp static public void decodeYUV420SP int rgba byte yuv420sp int width int height final int frameSize width.. 262143 rgb yp 0xff000000 r 6 0xff0000 g 2 0xff00 b 10 0xff rgba divide 2^10 10 rgba yp r 14 0xff000000 g 6 0xff0000 b 2 0xff00.. r 6 0xff0000 g 2 0xff00 b 10 0xff rgba divide 2^10 10 rgba yp r 14 0xff000000 g 6 0xff0000 b 2 0xff00 share improve..
Converting YUV->RGB(Image processing)->YUV during onPreviewFrame in android? mWidth mHeight static public void decodeYUV420SP int rgba byte yuv420sp int width int height final int frameSize width.. rgb yp 0xff000000 r 6 0xff0000 g 2 0xff00 b 10 0xff rgba divide 2^10 10 rgba yp r 14 0xff000000 g 6 0xff0000 b 2 0xff00.. r 6 0xff0000 g 2 0xff00 b 10 0xff rgba divide 2^10 10 rgba yp r 14 0xff000000 g 6 0xff0000 b 2 0xff00 static public void..
Phonegap input type password field focus none height 33px webkit box shadow inset 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba 150 150 150 0.9 moz box shadow inset 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba 150.. rgba 150 150 150 0.9 moz box shadow inset 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba 150 150 150 0.9 box shadow inset 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba 150 150.. 0px rgba 150 150 150 0.9 box shadow inset 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba 150 150 150 0.9 padding left 10px margin bottom 10px html td..
How to justify text on a TextView made easy- Android details. public class JustifiedTextView extends WebView private String core html body style 'text align justify color rgba s font size dpx margin 0px 0px 0px 0px ' s body html private String textColor 0 0 0 255 private String text private int..
Input-Elements in WebViews always have the same style if highlighted on HTC Devices #F3FECA width 220px webkit border radius 4px webkit box shadow inset 1px 1px 4px #AAA webkit tap highlight color rgba 205 255 60 0.5 body background #ebffb9 margin right 0 margin left 0 font size 14px style head body form name data action..
Disable orange outline highlight on focus on my phone. I have also tried editing the jqTouch theme.css to read ul li input type text webkit tap highlight color rgba 0 0 0 0 and webkit focus ring color rgba 0 0 0 0 With no effect. I have also tried each of the following additions to the.. jqTouch theme.css to read ul li input type text webkit tap highlight color rgba 0 0 0 0 and webkit focus ring color rgba 0 0 0 0 With no effect. I have also tried each of the following additions to the AndroidManifest.xml file android imeOptions..
Android: how to display camera preview with callback? is essentially public void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera camera int width int height int frameSize width height int rgba new int frameSize 1 Convert YUV to RGB for int i 0 i height i for int j 0 j width j int y 0xff int data i width j int.. 0.391f u 128 int b Math.round 1.164f y 16 2.018f u 128 r r 0 0 r 255 255 r g g 0 0 g 255 255 g b b 0 0 b 255 255 b rgba i width j 0xff000000 b 16 g 8 r Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap width height Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 bmp.setPixels rgba.. i width j 0xff000000 b 16 g 8 r Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap width height Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 bmp.setPixels rgba 0 offset width stride 0 0 width height Canvas canvas mHolder.lockCanvas if canvas null canvas.drawBitmap bmp canvas.getWidth..
Displaying YUV Image in Android Draw the bitmap with the replaced color iv.setImageBitmap bmp static public void decodeYUV420SP int rgba byte yuv420sp int width int height final int frameSize width height for int j 0 yp 0 j height j int uvp frameSize j 1 width..
Converting YUV->RGB(Image processing)->YUV during onPreviewFrame in android? Encode intArray to Yuv data encodeYUV420SP data mIntArray mWidth mHeight static public void decodeYUV420SP int rgba byte yuv420sp int width int height final int frameSize width height for int j 0 yp 0 j height j int uvp frameSize j 1 width.. if g 262143 g 262143 if b 0 b 0 else if b 262143 b 262143 rgb yp 0xff000000 r 6 0xff0000 g 2 0xff00 b 10 0xff rgba divide 2^10 10 rgba yp r 14 0xff000000 g 6 0xff0000 b 2 0xff00 static public void encodeYUV420SP_original byte yuv420sp.. if b 0 b 0 else if b 262143 b 262143 rgb yp 0xff000000 r 6 0xff0000 g 2 0xff00 b 10 0xff rgba divide 2^10 10 rgba yp r 14 0xff000000 g 6 0xff0000 b 2 0xff00 static public void encodeYUV420SP_original byte yuv420sp int rgba int width..
Phonegap input type password field focus screen input.login webkit border radius 4px width 90 border none height 33px webkit box shadow inset 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba 150 150 150 0.9 moz box shadow inset 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba 150 150 150 0.9 box shadow inset 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba 150 150.. none height 33px webkit box shadow inset 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba 150 150 150 0.9 moz box shadow inset 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba 150 150 150 0.9 box shadow inset 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba 150 150 150 0.9 padding left 10px margin bottom 10px html td align.. 0px rgba 150 150 150 0.9 moz box shadow inset 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba 150 150 150 0.9 box shadow inset 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba 150 150 150 0.9 padding left 10px margin bottom 10px html td align center input type text id vEmail name vEmail title Enter..