android Programming Glossary: returnres
Android: endless scrolling - ListView and Cursor else historyObjectMap.put gif R.drawable.radio_button_green historyArrayList.add historyObjectMap runOnUiThread returnRes Since we cant update our UI from a thread this Runnable takes care of that private Runnable returnRes new Runnable @Override.. runOnUiThread returnRes Since we cant update our UI from a thread this Runnable takes care of that private Runnable returnRes new Runnable @Override public void run Add the new items to the adapter if historyArrayList null historyArrayList.size..
keeping a variable value across all android activities outState saveState outState.putSerializable OverLimitDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID mRowId private Runnable returnRes new Runnable @Override public void run if m_drinks null m_drinks.size 0 m_adapter.notifyDataSetChanged for int i 0 i m_drinks.size.. o4 Thread.sleep 1000 Log.i ARRAY m_drinks.size catch Exception e Log.e BACKGROUND_PROC e.getMessage runOnUiThread returnRes private class DrinkAdapter extends ArrayAdapter CreateDrinkOption private ArrayList CreateDrinkOption items public DrinkAdapter..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts mCursor .getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME contact_list.add contact mCursor.close runOnUiThread returnRes catch Exception e TODO handle exception Log.d getContacts e.getMessage public class contactAdapter extends ArrayAdapter.. isChecked position_clicked position Log.d position String.valueOf position return convertView private Runnable returnRes new Runnable @Override public void run TODO Auto generated method stub if mProgressDialog.isShowing mProgressDialog.dismiss..