android Programming Glossary: reusing
Android getting fragment that is in FragmentPagerAdapter int index return android switcher viewId index Reference reusing fragments in a fragmentpageradapter share improve this answer..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) I do not want hard coded PDU's in my code because I'm not reusing the PDU. If there is anything I can add to the code I'm using..
Navigation Drawer: set as always opened on tablets new layout and a new structure with a Listview instead of reusing the same code android tablet navigation drawer share improve..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? you are seeing different errors uninitialised memory reusing an old buffer implicitly clearing etc. GL requires you to be..
How do you draw text with a border on a MapView in Android?
Android - Playing mp3 from byte[] tempMp3 fos.write mp3SoundByteArray fos.close Tried reusing instance of media player but that resulted in system crashes.....
Programmatically relaunch/recreate an activity? the way I've handled that situation in my game is simply reusing the intent that started the activity. Define an intent starterIntent..
How can I tell if a closed path contains a given point? paint new Paint these are defaults you only need them if reusing a Paint paint.setAntiAlias false paint.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? brand new message. So someway the intent is caching and reusing previous extras. How can I make it unique per contact and per..
Play audio file from the assets directory files to the res raw folder then I have a problem with reusing MediaPlayer s because there is no id parameter for setDataSource..
Recycling views in a listview, worth it? is it really necessary to reuse the view I can understand reusing it if only a piece of the data is changed. But is the overhead..
Android Click on listItem checks wrong checkbox right the problem has to do with the way the ListView is reusing your views. It's not as if there are 9 instances of the CheckedTextView..
What's the difference between “?android:” and “@android:” in an android layout xml file? layout xml file They seem to be interchangeable ways of reusing android SDK resources. The only difference I discovered is illustrated..
Safe to reset a MediaPlayer in preparing state? in different devices in some devices is not stable at all reusing the same player . I think a good option is to have to players..
Reusing SSL Sessions in Android with HttpClient when I test it using OpenSSL as far as I can tell. I'm reusing my HttpClient object so it's not that. Android has a specific..
How can I Reuse Methods for ListViews? StorageStateChecker see below from LeffelMania THNX for reusing ExternalStorageState and I would like to use that still even..
ListView reusing views when … I don't want it to reusing views when &hellip I don't want it to I've got a ListView each..
reusing fragments in a fragmentpageradapter fragments in a fragmentpageradapter I have a viewpager that..
Android Custom Listview method when you are doing the following thing you are reusing your convertView. if convertView null .... convertView.setTag..
Android getting fragment that is in FragmentPagerAdapter
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) don't plan on doing anything with the PDU besides local use I do not want hard coded PDU's in my code because I'm not reusing the PDU. If there is anything I can add to the code I'm using to add in a originating address that will work. Or does anyone..
Navigation Drawer: set as always opened on tablets with the current implementation or do we have to create a new layout and a new structure with a Listview instead of reusing the same code android tablet navigation drawer share improve this question Based on the idea of larger devices could..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? seeing suggest that you are not and that in different scenaries you are seeing different errors uninitialised memory reusing an old buffer implicitly clearing etc. GL requires you to be specific about what you want so you need to explicitly clear...
How do you draw text with a border on a MapView in Android?
Android - Playing mp3 from byte[] tempMp3.deleteOnExit FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream tempMp3 fos.write mp3SoundByteArray fos.close Tried reusing instance of media player but that resulted in system crashes... MediaPlayer mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer Tried passing path..
Programmatically relaunch/recreate an activity? way of doing things according to CommonsWare's comment but the way I've handled that situation in my game is simply reusing the intent that started the activity. Define an intent starterIntent at the top of your class and in the onCreate method..
How can I tell if a closed path contains a given point? 0xFF000000 Canvas canvas new Canvas lookup Paint paint new Paint these are defaults you only need them if reusing a Paint paint.setAntiAlias false paint.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL for int i 0 i paths.size i paint.setColor i 24 use only..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? it uses old data so previous message is passed and not the brand new message. So someway the intent is caching and reusing previous extras. How can I make it unique per contact and per action android android intent extras share improve this..
Play audio file from the assets directory ids if they are in the assets directory. If I move the audio files to the res raw folder then I have a problem with reusing MediaPlayer s because there is no id parameter for setDataSource . I can't find a good guideline for handling this kind..
Recycling views in a listview, worth it? that view instead of creating a new view. My question is is it really necessary to reuse the view I can understand reusing it if only a piece of the data is changed. But is the overhead of creating a view really THAT significant Every tutorial..
Android Click on listItem checks wrong checkbox checkedtextview share improve this question Mayra is right the problem has to do with the way the ListView is reusing your views. It's not as if there are 9 instances of the CheckedTextView object one per view. Instead there's a single one..
What's the difference between “?android:” and “@android:” in an android layout xml file? the difference between android and @android in an android layout xml file They seem to be interchangeable ways of reusing android SDK resources. The only difference I discovered is illustrated by the following example. Here the TextView's right..
Safe to reset a MediaPlayer in preparing state? the advice in the docs i found several issues with player in different devices in some devices is not stable at all reusing the same player . I think a good option is to have to players allocated and switch between them when user skips a tune then..
Reusing SSL Sessions in Android with HttpClient Jetty in Restlet and supports resumption of SSL sessions when I test it using OpenSSL as far as I can tell. I'm reusing my HttpClient object so it's not that. Android has a specific SSLCertificateSocketFactory which I've also tried and it also..
How can I Reuse Methods for ListViews? checking the ExternalStorageState too. I was given the class StorageStateChecker see below from LeffelMania THNX for reusing ExternalStorageState and I would like to use that still even though its not implemented in the code below. I decided to..
ListView reusing views when … I don't want it to reusing views when &hellip I don't want it to I've got a ListView each of item of which contains a ToggleButton . After I toggle..
reusing fragments in a fragmentpageradapter fragments in a fragmentpageradapter I have a viewpager that pages through fragments. My fragmentpageradapter creates a..
Android Custom Listview type see getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType int . So in above method when you are doing the following thing you are reusing your convertView. if convertView null .... convertView.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder convertView.getTag And by doing..