android Programming Glossary: riff
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? totalDataLen long longSampleRate int channels long byteRate throws IOException byte header new byte 44 header 0 'R' RIFF WAVE header header 1 'I' header 2 'F' header 3 'F' header 4 byte totalDataLen 0xff header 5 byte totalDataLen 8 0xff header..
Voice Detection in Android Application totalReadBytes totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 byte finalBuffer new byte totalReadBytes 44 finalBuffer 0 'R' RIFF WAVE header finalBuffer 1 'I' finalBuffer 2 'F' finalBuffer 3 'F' finalBuffer 4 byte totalDataLen 0xff finalBuffer 5 byte..
Saving audio input of Android Stock speech recognition engine SEEK End Succes ... 12 20 14 41 36.152 DEBUG 2364 PV_Wav_Parser ReadData 12 20 14 41 36.152 DEBUG 2364 Data Read buff RIFF 12 20 14 41 36.152 DEBUG 2364 Data Read RIFF 12 20 14 41 36.152 DEBUG 2364 PV_Wav_Parser ReadData 12 20 14 41 36.152 DEBUG.. 2364 PV_Wav_Parser ReadData 12 20 14 41 36.152 DEBUG 2364 Data Read buff RIFF 12 20 14 41 36.152 DEBUG 2364 Data Read RIFF 12 20 14 41 36.152 DEBUG 2364 PV_Wav_Parser ReadData 12 20 14 41 36.152 DEBUG 2364 Data Read buff fmt ... 12 20 14 41 36.152.. WAV files or FMJ . Although I guess these might not be usable on Android. If you are having to roll your own WAV RIFF writer remember Java's data types are big endian so any multi byte primitives you write to your file must be written in..
Android: Listener to record sound if any sound occurs totalReadBytes totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 byte finalBuffer new byte totalReadBytes 44 finalBuffer 0 'R' RIFF WAVE header finalBuffer 1 'I' finalBuffer 2 'F' finalBuffer 3 'F' finalBuffer 4 byte totalDataLen 0xff finalBuffer 5 byte..