android Programming Glossary: remoteview
How to change the image in app widget programmatically in android click on the image as well as call a method. Now i use RemoteView like this RemoteViews views1 new RemoteViews context.getPackageName.. as well as call a method. Now i use RemoteView like this RemoteViews views1 new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.activity_main.. Now i use RemoteView like this RemoteViews views1 new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.activity_main views1.setOnClickPendingIntent..
Create custom notification, android android notifications share improve this question add RemoteView in notification Here is Sample RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews.. question add RemoteView in notification Here is Sample RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.widget.. in notification Here is Sample RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.widget NotificationCompat.Builder..
AppWidgetProvider public void onEnabled (Context context) does not effect widget I usually put in widget provider class that builds the RemoteView and sets everything up. RemoteViews rv HelloWidget.buildRemoteViews.. class that builds the RemoteView and sets everything up. RemoteViews rv HelloWidget.buildRemoteViews c mgr appWidgetIds rv.setTextViewText.. and sets everything up. RemoteViews rv HelloWidget.buildRemoteViews c mgr appWidgetIds rv.setTextViewText beerText..
android memory leak in notification service this 0 contentIntent 0 contentView new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.notification contentView.setImageViewResource.. the same problem. Looks like that if you don't cache the RemoteView and Notification in the service but re create them from scratch..
After orientation change buttons on a widget are not responding context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.widget.. int appWidgetIds RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.widget Intent active new Intent.. startId super.onStart intent startId Update the widget RemoteView remoteView buildRemoteView this Push update to homescreen pushUpdate..
AppWidget PendingIntent not working after Launcher restart Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE vibrator.vibrate 50 final RemoteViews views new RemoteViews context.getPackageName layoutID views.setOnClickPendingIntent.. vibrator.vibrate 50 final RemoteViews views new RemoteViews context.getPackageName layoutID views.setOnClickPendingIntent.. for int i 0 i Top i int appWidgetId appWidgetIds final RemoteViews top new RemoteViews context.getPackageName layoutID Intent..
Widget not updated on launcher restart share improve this question Turns out I was spamming new RemoteViews when I should have just called it once to produce the view.. solution I have a class variable which stores this single RemoteView instance and a getter to access it. share improve this answer..
After orientation change buttons on a widget are not responding appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.widget Intent.. PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 active 0 remoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent actionPendingIntent.. PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 refresh 0 remoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent refreshPendingIntent..
Change remoteView ImageView background remoteView ImageView background I have some remoteView with ImageViews.. remoteView ImageView background I have some remoteView with ImageViews and I need to change the android background.. I know how to change the android src with remoteView.setImageViewResource int viewId int srcId And it works fine..
How to change the image in app widget programmatically in android i want change the image both of the the ImageView when click on the image as well as call a method. Now i use RemoteView like this RemoteViews views1 new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.activity_main views1.setOnClickPendingIntent.. the image both of the the ImageView when click on the image as well as call a method. Now i use RemoteView like this RemoteViews views1 new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.activity_main views1.setOnClickPendingIntent the ImageView when click on the image as well as call a method. Now i use RemoteView like this RemoteViews views1 new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.activity_main views1.setOnClickPendingIntent pendIntent1 appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget..
Create custom notification, android that. how to do that any suggestion appreciated. Thanks android notifications share improve this question add RemoteView in notification Here is Sample RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.widget NotificationCompat.Builder.. Thanks android notifications share improve this question add RemoteView in notification Here is Sample RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.widget NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder new NotificationCompat.Builder.. share improve this question add RemoteView in notification Here is Sample RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.widget NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder new NotificationCompat.Builder this .setSmallIcon..
AppWidgetProvider public void onEnabled (Context context) does not effect widget c HelloWidget.class You need a static method somewhere I usually put in widget provider class that builds the RemoteView and sets everything up. RemoteViews rv HelloWidget.buildRemoteViews c mgr appWidgetIds rv.setTextViewText a static method somewhere I usually put in widget provider class that builds the RemoteView and sets everything up. RemoteViews rv HelloWidget.buildRemoteViews c mgr appWidgetIds rv.setTextViewText beerText mgr.updateAppWidget appWidgetIds.. put in widget provider class that builds the RemoteView and sets everything up. RemoteViews rv HelloWidget.buildRemoteViews c mgr appWidgetIds rv.setTextViewText beerText mgr.updateAppWidget appWidgetIds rv return readJSONFeed arg0..
android memory leak in notification service PendingIntent appIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this 0 contentIntent 0 contentView new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.notification contentView.setImageViewResource R.drawable.icon contentView.setTextViewText.. share improve this question I stumbled upon the same problem. Looks like that if you don't cache the RemoteView and Notification in the service but re create them from scratch in the update routine this problem disappears. Yes I know..
After orientation change buttons on a widget are not responding activity not widget. @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.widget Intent active new Intent context TvWidget.class active.setAction.. public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.widget Intent active new Intent context TvWidget.class active.setAction ACTION_WIDGET_RECEIVER.. Service @Override public void onStart Intent intent int startId super.onStart intent startId Update the widget RemoteView remoteView buildRemoteView this Push update to homescreen pushUpdate remoteView No more updates so stop the service and..
AppWidget PendingIntent not working after Launcher restart foundClockImpl Vibrator vibrator Vibrator context.getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE vibrator.vibrate 50 final RemoteViews views new RemoteViews context.getPackageName layoutID views.setOnClickPendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity.. vibrator Vibrator context.getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE vibrator.vibrate 50 final RemoteViews views new RemoteViews context.getPackageName layoutID views.setOnClickPendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 new Intent.. Top appWidgetIds.length final int Bottom appWidgetIds.length for int i 0 i Top i int appWidgetId appWidgetIds final RemoteViews top new RemoteViews context.getPackageName layoutID Intent clickintent new Intent android.tristan.widget.digiclock.CLICK..
Widget not updated on launcher restart not lost android widget launcher android pendingintent share improve this question Turns out I was spamming new RemoteViews when I should have just called it once to produce the view and then referred to that one instance when required. In my..
After orientation change buttons on a widget are not responding widget. @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.widget Intent active new Intent context TvWidget.class active.setAction.. appWidgetIds PendingIntent actionPendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 active 0 remoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent actionPendingIntent Intent refresh new Intent context TvWidget.class refresh.setAction.. appWidgetIds PendingIntent refreshPendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 refresh 0 remoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent refreshPendingIntent updateView context appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget appWidgetIds..
Change remoteView ImageView background remoteView ImageView background I have some remoteView with ImageViews and I need to change the android background programmatically... remoteView ImageView background I have some remoteView with ImageViews and I need to change the android background programmatically. I know how to change the android src with.. ImageViews and I need to change the android background programmatically. I know how to change the android src with remoteView.setImageViewResource int viewId int srcId And it works fine but how do I change the android background Thanks android widget..