android Programming Glossary: relativelayout.right_of
How to layout text to flow around an image int rules params.getRules rules RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF 0 The MyLeadingMarginSpan2 class public class MyLeadingMarginSpan2..
Laying out Views in RelativeLayout programmatically RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT lp.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF tv1.getId layout.addView tv1 layout.addView tv2 lp android..
set the absolute position of a view in Android 80 90 to the right of the yellow ImageView. params.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF yellow_iv_id rl.addView iv params share improve this answer..
Setting parameters on child views of a RelativeLayout LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT lpFirst.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF second.getId addView first lpFirst You only need ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT..
Programmatically creating a RelativeLayout in Android lp.addRule RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP lp.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF m_btnCrown.getId addContentView m_btnMonkey lp android relativelayout..
Android SeekBarPreference RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT sbarParams.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF preferenceText.getId indParams.setMargins Math.round 20 scale.. Math.round 20 scale 0 0 0 indParams.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF sbar.getId preferenceText.setLayoutParams textParams sbar.setLayoutParams..
How do I programmatically remove an existing rule that was defined in XML? linearLayoutToMove .getLayoutParams layoutParams.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF But it does not work o Any clues .. you can set a rule to 0 . For example layoutParams.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF 0 layoutParams.addRule RelativeLayout.BELOW using the following line of code layoutParams.removeRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF And you will get exactly the same result as when 'adding' a..
How to set RelativeLayout layout params in code not in xml RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF button1.getId Button button2 button2.setLayoutParams params..
how can i select and kill multiple application RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT lp.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF chckKill.getId lp.setMargins 25 0 0 0 rl.addView textName lp.. RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT lp1.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF chckKill.getId lp1.setMargins 25 20 0 0 rl.addView textPid..
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment
How to layout text to flow around an image params RelativeLayout.LayoutParams messageView.getLayoutParams int rules params.getRules rules RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF 0 The MyLeadingMarginSpan2 class public class MyLeadingMarginSpan2 implements LeadingMarginSpan2 private int margin private..
Laying out Views in RelativeLayout programmatically RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT lp.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF tv1.getId layout.addView tv1 layout.addView tv2 lp android layout view relativelayout share improve this question From..
set the absolute position of a view in Android
Setting parameters on child views of a RelativeLayout lpFirst new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT lpFirst.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF second.getId addView first lpFirst You only need ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT if you want the right edge of the view to line up with..
Programmatically creating a RelativeLayout in Android RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT lp.addRule RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP lp.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF m_btnCrown.getId addContentView m_btnMonkey lp android relativelayout share improve this question I have written a..
Android SeekBarPreference this.Indicator.setText sbar.getProgress textParams.addRule RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT sbarParams.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF preferenceText.getId indParams.setMargins Math.round 20 scale 0 0 0 indParams.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF sbar.getId.. RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF preferenceText.getId indParams.setMargins Math.round 20 scale 0 0 0 indParams.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF sbar.getId preferenceText.setLayoutParams textParams sbar.setLayoutParams sbarParams this.Indicator.setLayoutParams indParams..
How do I programmatically remove an existing rule that was defined in XML? layoutParams layoutParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams linearLayoutToMove .getLayoutParams layoutParams.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF But it does not work o Any clues android android layout relativelayout layoutparams share improve.. all rules are always stored in a fixed size java array. But you can set a rule to 0 . For example layoutParams.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF 0 layoutParams.addRule RelativeLayout.BELOW EDIT thanks to Roger Rapid As of API level 17 the..
How to set RelativeLayout layout params in code not in xml RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF button1.getId Button button2 button2.setLayoutParams params As you can see this is what you have to do Create a RelativeLayout.LayoutParams..
how can i select and kill multiple application RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT lp.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF chckKill.getId lp.setMargins 25 0 0 0 rl.addView textName lp RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp1 new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams..
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment