android Programming Glossary: reminder
How remove application from app listings on Android Developer Console remembers all package names anyway so you could use this a reminder The Delete button only works for unpublished version of your..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? even if I turn of my phone. Now I set up a alarm to show a reminder for event A and I need the application to setup another alarm.. the application to setup another alarm to show another reminder for event B. I must be doing something wrong because it only.. I must be doing something wrong because it only fires the reminder for event A. It seems that once set up any other alarm is understood..
How to cancel this repeating alarm? cancel this repeating alarm I'm writing something like a reminder for users. Users will set reminders for their events when the.. something like a reminder for users. Users will set reminders for their events when the time comes a repeating alarm will..
how can i open the calendar from my app? and looks like this for now private View.OnClickListener reminder new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View..
how to edit the calendar events via android application transparency 0 You can control whether an event triggers a reminder alarm as follows event.put hasAlarm 1 0 for false 1 for true..
How to set a reminder in Android? to set a reminder in Android I am trying to build a calendar app for Android... return calendarUriBase and add an event and a reminder this way get calendar Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance Uri.. hasAlarm 1 Uri event cr.insert EVENTS_URI values reminder insert Uri REMINDERS_URI Uri.parse getCalendarUriBase this reminders..
Android: Multiple Alarm not working Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Two months reminder is On Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean.. else Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Two months reminder is Off Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean.. Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Two months reminder is On Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException and doing a pet project for exercising. It's a very simple reminder like app with just two activities. One is a customized ListView..
How remove application from app listings on Android Developer Console cannot delete it . Each package name is unique and Google remembers all package names anyway so you could use this a reminder The Delete button only works for unpublished version of your app. Once you published your app or a particular version of..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? been able to set up an alarm that will be set up and active even if I turn of my phone. Now I set up a alarm to show a reminder for event A and I need the application to setup another alarm to show another reminder for event B. I must be doing something.. Now I set up a alarm to show a reminder for event A and I need the application to setup another alarm to show another reminder for event B. I must be doing something wrong because it only fires the reminder for event A. It seems that once set up any.. to setup another alarm to show another reminder for event B. I must be doing something wrong because it only fires the reminder for event A. It seems that once set up any other alarm is understood as the same one. Here is the detail of what I am doing..
How to cancel this repeating alarm? to cancel this repeating alarm I'm writing something like a reminder for users. Users will set reminders for their events when the time comes a repeating alarm will be set to trigger a status.. to cancel this repeating alarm I'm writing something like a reminder for users. Users will set reminders for their events when the time comes a repeating alarm will be set to trigger a status bar notification. But the alarm..
how can i open the calendar from my app? put my intent other code in my listener which i already have and looks like this for now private View.OnClickListener reminder new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v open calendar code goes here. i dont need the app to pre..
how to edit the calendar events via android application its transparency to opaque 0 or transparent 1 . event.put transparency 0 You can control whether an event triggers a reminder alarm as follows event.put hasAlarm 1 0 for false 1 for true Once the calendar event is configured correctly we're ready..
How to set a reminder in Android? to set a reminder in Android I am trying to build a calendar app for Android. I am struck in the middle. I have managed to retrieve the information.. e if managedCursor null calendarUriBase content return calendarUriBase and add an event and a reminder this way get calendar Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance Uri EVENTS_URI Uri.parse getCalendarUriBase this events ContentResolver.. description Reminder description values.put visibility 0 values.put hasAlarm 1 Uri event cr.insert EVENTS_URI values reminder insert Uri REMINDERS_URI Uri.parse getCalendarUriBase this reminders values new ContentValues values.put event_id Long.parseLong..
Android: Multiple Alarm not working myPrefs MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE if tButtonTwoMonth.isChecked Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Two months reminder is On Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth true prefsEditor.commit For Broadcast.. pendingIntentOfTwoMonth2 else Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Two months reminder is Off Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth false prefsEditor.commit alarmManagerForTwoMonth.cancel.. myPrefs MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE if tButtonTwoMonth.isChecked Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Two months reminder is On Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth true prefsEditor.commit For Broadcast.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException I'm kind of a noob in the android world and doing a pet project for exercising. It's a very simple reminder like app with just two activities. One is a customized ListView display the existing alarms. There are some buttons in it..
How to pause / sleep thread or process in Android? to pause What is the best solution to implement this Many txs for your help. H. I've tried but it doesn't work new Reminder 5 with public class Reminder Timer timer public Reminder int seconds timer new Timer timer.schedule new RemindTask seconds.. solution to implement this Many txs for your help. H. I've tried but it doesn't work new Reminder 5 with public class Reminder Timer timer public Reminder int seconds timer new Timer timer.schedule new RemindTask seconds 1000 class RemindTask extends.. Many txs for your help. H. I've tried but it doesn't work new Reminder 5 with public class Reminder Timer timer public Reminder int seconds timer new Timer timer.schedule new RemindTask seconds 1000 class RemindTask extends TimerTask public void..
How to set a reminder in Android? cr getContentResolver event insert ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put calendar_id 1 values.put title Reminder Title values.put allDay 0 values.put dtstart cal.getTimeInMillis 11 60 1000 event starts at 11 minutes from now values.put.. at 11 minutes from now values.put dtend cal.getTimeInMillis 60 60 1000 ends 60 minutes from now values.put description Reminder description values.put visibility 0 values.put hasAlarm 1 Uri event cr.insert EVENTS_URI values reminder insert Uri REMINDERS_URI.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException foodNameTextView.setAdapter arrayAdapter datePicker DatePicker findViewById get intent from ReminderList. Intent intent getIntent get extras from intent. Return null if intent is sent from add action. foodName intent.getStringExtra.. view int year int monthOfYear int dayOfMonth Submit will add modify the data in xml file. Back will start ReminderList activity Button submit Button findViewById Button back Button findViewById submit.setOnClickListener.. OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v Intent intent new Intent intent.setClass EditEntry.this FoodReminderList.class startActivity intent add or modify data in xml file @SuppressWarnings unused class SubmitButtonListener implements..