android Programming Glossary: renamed
Phonegap application stops unexpectedly on Indigo running Android ADT 20 question This issue occurs because the lib folder is renamed to libs now by Android People. You need to create a libs folder..
Accessing to files inside obb expansion file files 80Mb that i stored uncompressed in a zip file and renamed as 'main.2001.test.expansion.proj.obb' and stored in ' mnt sdcard..
Android NDK r4 san-angeles problem Check what API Level you are using. FILL_PARENT was renamed to MATCH_PARENT in API Level 8 Android 2.2 . share improve..
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? that to delete any playlists with a length of 0. I've renamed the app PlaylistPurge since it doesn't 'rescan' anymore and..
Apache HttpClient 4.1 on Android release into an Android library project. The packages are renamed so that there's no confusion of which classes are used. Also..
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper in some error trapping just in case the file is deleted renamed or the SD card gets mounted hence you lose your image . I've..
What's the difference between fill_parent and wrap_content? specifying a dimension. fill_parent deprecated and renamed MATCH_PARENT in API Level 8 and higher Setting the layout of..
Android: trouble updating to Android SDK Tools, revision 7 and then I get an error warning A folder failed to be renamed or moved. On Windows this typically means that a program Is..
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use? it was that he downloaded so we kept this magic copy and renamed it and will be using it until we find a new version that works...
what is the difference between match_parent and fill_parent property in android same thing in API Level 8 . Use match_parent . FILL_PARENT renamed MATCH_PARENT in API Level 8 and higher which means that the..
Prevent Proguard to remove specific drawables any keep rule to your proguard.cfg file that class will be renamed hence Webkit will not be able to load your resource. By placing..
Sending DTMF tones over the uplink in-call but the errors I got were After trying to install a renamed app based on Phone.apk's source using the sharedUserId of
URLConnection with Cookies? class http java net cookie how to.html I renamed it to IansCookieManager set a class variable _CM new IansCookieManager..
Using MessagePack with Android custom.beans . Change all java.beans references to the renamed ID so again e.g. custom.beans . This applies especially to BeansFieldEntryReader..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? to use JPG with OSM Once the ZIP has been generated I renamed it to and moved it to a newly created folder called..
how to extract code of apk file Step 2 Getting java files from apk Now extract the renamed zip file in specific folder for example let that folder be demofolder.. in android project is the same thing as it just got renamed with ADT 14. And is in the github repo you.. platform target and the library dependencies has been renamed See build changes in revision 14 at the..
Android options menu icon won't display Android SDK subfolders to my res drawable mdpi folder and renamed the file to menu_add.png. I refreshed the folder within eclipse..
Erros in trying to synchronize Eclipse workspace files across a Windows machine and an Ubuntu machine; which files must or must not be included? or renamed since r14 proguard.cfg if you use Proguard If you work within..
Phonegap application stops unexpectedly on Indigo running Android ADT 20 SIG 9 android phonegap compiler errors share improve this question This issue occurs because the lib folder is renamed to libs now by Android People. You need to create a libs folder instead of lib and then place your cordova.jar file there...
Accessing to files inside obb expansion file unable to access the contained obb file i need. I need 6 audio files 80Mb that i stored uncompressed in a zip file and renamed as 'main.2001.test.expansion.proj.obb' and stored in ' mnt sdcard Android obb test.expansion.proj ' I'll try to access to..
Android NDK r4 san-angeles problem
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? original android music app finding the delete method and using that to delete any playlists with a length of 0. I've renamed the app PlaylistPurge since it doesn't 'rescan' anymore and am posting the code below. I'll probably also publish this somewhere..
Apache HttpClient 4.1 on Android question I created a script to convert a stock HttpClient release into an Android library project. The packages are renamed so that there's no confusion of which classes are used. Also ThreadSafeClientConnManager and Scheme work just fine. Take..
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper fairly crude routine to load the image. I've attempted to put in some error trapping just in case the file is deleted renamed or the SD card gets mounted hence you lose your image . I've also attempted to put in some crude checks for the device orientation...
What's the difference between fill_parent and wrap_content? contents or the size of it's parent layout rather than explicitly specifying a dimension. fill_parent deprecated and renamed MATCH_PARENT in API Level 8 and higher Setting the layout of a widget to fill_parent will force it to expand to take up..
Android: trouble updating to Android SDK Tools, revision 7 SDK Tools to revision 7 first. So I agree the process starts and then I get an error warning A folder failed to be renamed or moved. On Windows this typically means that a program Is using that Folder for example Windows Explorer or your anti..
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use?
what is the difference between match_parent and fill_parent property in android layout layout share improve this question They're the same thing in API Level 8 . Use match_parent . FILL_PARENT renamed MATCH_PARENT in API Level 8 and higher which means that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus padding ... fill_parent..
Prevent Proguard to remove specific drawables your R drawable class using reflection. If you do not add any keep rule to your proguard.cfg file that class will be renamed hence Webkit will not be able to load your resource. By placing the file into the assets folder your are bypassing the R..
Sending DTMF tones over the uplink in-call inner workings. I tried various ways on a stock standard emulator but the errors I got were After trying to install a renamed app based on Phone.apk's source using the sharedUserId of I got Installation error INSTALL_FAILED_SHARED_USER_INCOMPATIBLE..
URLConnection with Cookies? I was able to enable cookies using Ian Brown's CookieManager class http java net cookie how to.html I renamed it to IansCookieManager set a class variable _CM new IansCookieManager now it's simple URLConnection conn u.openConnection..
Using MessagePack with Android Rename the java.beans packages to something different e.g. custom.beans . Change all java.beans references to the renamed ID so again e.g. custom.beans . This applies especially to BeansFieldEntryReader this class is the reason for the original..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? tiles to be exported as PNGs does anyone know if it's possible to use JPG with OSM Once the ZIP has been generated I renamed it to and moved it to a newly created folder called tiles in my Eclipse Android project workspace. In order to..
how to extract code of apk file be demofile.apk then after renaming it becomes Step 2 Getting java files from apk Now extract the renamed zip file in specific folder for example let that folder be demofolder . Now Download dex2jar from the link for windows and.. in android project java android share improve this question is the same thing as it just got renamed with ADT 14. And is in the github repo you linked therefore it should work out of the box if you have..
Android options menu icon won't display have copied the ic_menu_add.png icon 32x32px from one of my Android SDK subfolders to my res drawable mdpi folder and renamed the file to menu_add.png. I refreshed the folder within eclipse so the icon shows up and as you can see I set it as the..
Erros in trying to synchronize Eclipse workspace files across a Windows machine and an Ubuntu machine; which files must or must not be included? src res assets lib if you import external jar libraries AndroidManifest.xml or renamed since r14 proguard.cfg if you use Proguard If you work within a team and use source control like SVN these are the only..