android Programming Glossary: remembered
OnActivityResult is not working in TabActivityGroup? my issue.Please see my answer below I finally figured out remembered that the issue is because Android will only allow a nested layer..
USB device access pop-up supression? USB device box and then grants permission this will be remembered and the permission dialog will not be displayed again unless..
How to update expandable list view when adapter's data changes of the screen. Scroll position and expanded groups are not remembered. Delete all data from db and call adapter.notifyDataSetChanged..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? this and set remembered preferences weight Integer.parseInt prefs.getString weightPref..
Webservice credentials - OpenID/Android AccountManager? is that user's browser usually already has username pass remembered so this step just requires user to press one button. This is..
How to get the connection strength of Wifi access points? signal strength paramters. This data only represents the remembered access point settings not the visible ones. To get actually..
How to change package name of an Android Application application on the emulator. Also be sure you remembered to rename the package itself along with the references to it..
Android FileNotFound Exception - Cannot getInputStream from image URL that does not have file format improve this question I was running into problems and I remembered googling around and this was my final solution try URL url new..
startActivityForResult from ActivityGroup? the sub activity that started it. I finally figured out remembered that the issue is because Android will only allow a nested layer..
Android: Enable Scrollbars in Custom View or one of its subclasses no scrollbars appeared. I finally remembered that ViewGroup s by default don't draw themselves. I added one..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? is... Without this last JAR my code kept crashing until I remembered to include it. Make sure to modify the default coordinates so..
OnActivityResult is not working in TabActivityGroup? tabactivity share improve this question I have solved my issue.Please see my answer below I finally figured out remembered that the issue is because Android will only allow a nested layer of sub sub activities can't nest sub activitites...
USB device access pop-up supression? is connected. If the user checks the use by default for this USB device box and then grants permission this will be remembered and the permission dialog will not be displayed again unless the app is uninstalled or the user clears the default action..
How to update expandable list view when adapter's data changes back button. All groups are collapsed and we are at the top of the screen. Scroll position and expanded groups are not remembered. Delete all data from db and call adapter.notifyDataSetChanged Child views have disappeared but top level groups are still..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? this register preference change listener prefs.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener this and set remembered preferences weight Integer.parseInt prefs.getString weightPref 120 etc handle updates to preferences public void onSharedPreferenceChanged..
Webservice credentials - OpenID/Android AccountManager? direct user to chosen OpenID authentication site. The upside is that user's browser usually already has username pass remembered so this step just requires user to press one button. This is all pretty straightforward. Now here is the tricky part After..
How to get the connection strength of Wifi access points? WifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks does not fill the signal strength paramters. This data only represents the remembered access point settings not the visible ones. To get actually visible networks you must call WifiManager.startScan to initiate..
How to change package name of an Android Application add missing import packages then save each file. Run the GestureBuilder application on the emulator. Also be sure you remembered to rename the package itself along with the references to it in the files. In Eclipse you can see the name of the package..
Android FileNotFound Exception - Cannot getInputStream from image URL that does not have file format image httpurlconnection filenotfoundexception share improve this question I was running into problems and I remembered googling around and this was my final solution try URL url new URL imageUrl HttpGet httpRequest null httpRequest new HttpGet..
startActivityForResult from ActivityGroup? to my app . It never called the onActivityResult within the sub activity that started it. I finally figured out remembered that the issue is because Android will only allow a nested layer of sub sub activities can't nest sub activitites...
Android: Enable Scrollbars in Custom View View to display scrollbars but when I extended ViewGroup or one of its subclasses no scrollbars appeared. I finally remembered that ViewGroup s by default don't draw themselves. I added one line to my custom ViewGroup constructor setWillNotDraw false..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? and slf4j android 1.5.8.jar Or whatever the latest version is... Without this last JAR my code kept crashing until I remembered to include it. Make sure to modify the default coordinates so that they point to a location that you actually have map tiles..