

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:25

android Programming Glossary: relaunch

Eclipse giving error, missing R.java file after recent update


to SDK Tools to rev. 22 for the first time you may need to relaunch Android SDK Manager again and install a new item Android SDK..

Class members in Fragment become null after Home button press and wait


Okay until I press HOME button wait for 30 minutes and relaunch application after I press Search button in FragmentYellowPages.. Okay until I press HOME button wait for 30 minutes and relaunch application after I press Search button in FragmentYellowPages..

Programmatically relaunch/recreate an activity?


relaunch recreate an activity After I do some change in my database..

Home key press behaviour


application i.e. both the activities dissappear. Now is we relaunch the application we see Activity 1 as the foreground activity... 2 How do we take the user to the last launch activity on relaunching the application android share improve this question ..

Android 2.3 emulator orientation changes


in landscape doesn't switch back to portrait unless I relaunch the app . Am I doing something wrong Is anyone else having this..

Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object


back to the listview activity to the result handler to relaunch my new activity which is nothing more than an image widget...

accelerometer in Android emulator


Could not find ****.apk + android


under a previous name just delete it save the file and relaunch Eclipse. Build the library project and then your dependent one...

App loses its ability to remember its stack when launched from another application


in this task is A B Then you press the home key and then relaunch the same application by pressing it's icon from either the home..

Activity restarts on Force Close


the state this caused Android to decide it was best to relaunch my app on the assumption the user would want that. android..

Activity stack ordering problem when launching application from Android app installer and from Home screen


What I want is to be taken back to Activity B when I relaunch the app. Pressing back whilst in this state will take me back..

Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How?


and there you need to implement a infinite thread to relaunch your app like this public class AppTrackingService extends Service..

Android Lock Apps


pop a password input box. If that password is correct relaunch that application Here is some code sample timer new Timer timer.scheduleAtFixedRate..

Can I serialize the paths drawn on canvas for redrawing the paths on relaunch of the application


the paths drawn on canvas for redrawing the paths on relaunch of the application I have an application which uses the canvas..

static variable null when returning to the app


relauched from the main activity that would be ok but the relaunch is from the activity that started the browser and it's not meant..

support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments


your app is killed this information is restored when you relaunch your app. Now consider that you have viewed a few pages Fragments..

Eclipse giving error, missing R.java file after recent update


eclipse adt share improve this question After updating to SDK Tools to rev. 22 for the first time you may need to relaunch Android SDK Manager again and install a new item Android SDK Build tools . After installing this clean your projects and..

Class members in Fragment become null after Home button press and wait


MainActivity.this.getApplicationContext Everything works Okay until I press HOME button wait for 30 minutes and relaunch application after I press Search button in FragmentYellowPages Fragment application crashes on the lines lvYellowPages.setVisibility.. way you built the adapter for the ViewPager . Everything works Okay until I press HOME button wait for 30 minutes and relaunch application after I press Search button in FragmentYellowPages Fragment application crashes As the Activity is in the background..

Programmatically relaunch/recreate an activity?


relaunch recreate an activity After I do some change in my database that involves significant change in my views I would like to..

Home key press behaviour


1 is the background one. Now user presses Home key. The application i.e. both the activities dissappear. Now is we relaunch the application we see Activity 1 as the foreground activity. My question is 1 Does the platform maintain any history entry.. the platform maintain any history entry when pressed home key 2 How do we take the user to the last launch activity on relaunching the application android share improve this question I've struggled with this odd behavior for more than a month..

Android 2.3 emulator orientation changes


corresponds to SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED and it gets stuck in landscape doesn't switch back to portrait unless I relaunch the app . Am I doing something wrong Is anyone else having this problem Is it a problem related strictly to the 2.3 emulator..

Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object


image off the SD card the application returns from the activity back to the listview activity to the result handler to relaunch my new activity which is nothing more than an image widget. The image preview on the list view is being done with the cursor..

accelerometer in Android emulator


Could not find ****.apk + android


If you see a line that references your library project under a previous name just delete it save the file and relaunch Eclipse. Build the library project and then your dependent one. You may need to re add the library like I mentioned above...

App loses its ability to remember its stack when launched from another application


to the next activity in the application. Now the stack in this task is A B Then you press the home key and then relaunch the same application by pressing it's icon from either the home screen or the app tray. What is expected at this point is..

Activity restarts on Force Close


android stateNotNeeded true in my Manifest. While I don't need the state this caused Android to decide it was best to relaunch my app on the assumption the user would want that. android activity crash kill activity stack share improve this question..

Activity stack ordering problem when launching application from Android app installer and from Home screen


two separate tasks with activity stacks A B and A respectively. What I want is to be taken back to Activity B when I relaunch the app. Pressing back whilst in this state will take me back to Activity B . This undesired behaviour only happens if I..

Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How?


will come so to overcome this you need to implement a service and there you need to implement a infinite thread to relaunch your app like this public class AppTrackingService extends Service private RunnableThread thread private Context ctx @Override..

Android Lock Apps


application is on front. Kill that app and from the service pop a password input box. If that password is correct relaunch that application Here is some code sample timer new Timer timer.scheduleAtFixedRate new TimerTask public void run List..

Can I serialize the paths drawn on canvas for redrawing the paths on relaunch of the application


I serialize the paths drawn on canvas for redrawing the paths on relaunch of the application I have an application which uses the canvas to draw the scribbling done by the user. I have serialised..

static variable null when returning to the app


enough. If the app were to be killed entirely and then relauched from the main activity that would be ok but the relaunch is from the activity that started the browser and it's not meant to set the app state so it's crashing when accessing the..

support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments


to the fragment manager are saved automatically. Even if your app is killed this information is restored when you relaunch your app. Now consider that you have viewed a few pages Fragments A B and C. You know that these have been added to the..