android Programming Glossary: reloaded
Are static fields in Activity classes guaranteed to outlive a create/destroy cycle? B tries to read from it the static field is suddenly NULL. Doesn't that mean that the class had been removed and reloaded by the classloader while the activity was going through a create destroy cycle How else could a static field suddenly become..
Strange behaviour in Expandablelistview - Android
How to use onSavedInstanceState example please In your onCreate function this Bundle is handed back to the program. The best way to check if the application is being reloaded or started for the first time is if savedInstanceState null Then the application is being reloaded To get the data back.. is being reloaded or started for the first time is if savedInstanceState null Then the application is being reloaded To get the data back out use the get functions just like the put functions. The data is stored as a name value pair. This.. Bundle outState super.onSaveInstanceState outState outState.putString message This is my message to be reloaded @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState if savedInstanceState null Toast.makeText..
Maintain WebView content scroll position on orientation change true mProgressToRestore data.mProgress To restore the current position you will have to wait the page to be reloaded this method can be problematic if your page takes a long time to load private class MyWebViewClient extends WebViewClient..