android Programming Glossary: rename
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen can either use DrawNinePatch or BetterNinePatch Now just rename your images based on Android's standards and complete your application.. Actions and one more plus point is that you need not to rename the file it will assign same name as original one . once you..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock . Copy that to your Android Studio workspace. and rename to ActionBarSherlock changed casing I now have my Android Studio..
NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipse and Android The solution was to remove my jars from the build path and rename my lib folder to libs . This is an ant convention and seems..
Android 1.6: “android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window — token null is not for an application” switch id case RENAME_DIALOG_ID Log.i Edit Creating rename dialog... dialog new Dialog appContext dialog.setContentView.. new Dialog appContext dialog.setContentView R.layout.rename dialog.setTitle Rename noteName break default dialog null break..
How to rename a file on sdcard with Android application? to rename a file on sdcard with Android application In my Android application.. Android application In my Android application I want to rename the file name at runtime. How can I do it This is my code String.. Toast.makeText this e Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show I also used renameTo File f method but it does not work. android runtime filenames..
SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android is limited on the ALTER TABLE command it allows add and rename only no remove drop which is done with recreation of the table... This doesn't handle table downgrade if you rename a column you don't get the existing data transfered as the column..
Package renaming in eclipse android project in eclipse Thanks Dheepak android eclipse package project rename share improve this question As usual by pressing F2 on package.. question As usual by pressing F2 on package name you can rename or change the package name and also by Right click ing and then.. click ing and then select Rename option you can change or rename the Package name. When you press F2 it will show you the dialog..
Extending Application to share variables globally for your derived Application class. You simply need to rename your existing application section by amending it with the android..
setting audio file as Ringtone the SQLite database won't allow you. You have to either rename your file and add another instance of it or go in remove the..
Android - copy existing project with a new name change package name in your manifest After that you must rename your main package with refactor. Don't forget to select. Just..
I get this error: Data exceeds UNCOMPRESS_DATA_MAX on android 2.2 but not on 2.3 too big. The two options that the author suggests are to 1 rename the database file to be one the doesn't get compressed such..
Android: simple export and import of sqlite database for import is to just delete the old current.db file and rename the imported.db file to current.db . Is this possible When I..
Can't upgrade Android SDK Tools fails claiming that a folder failed to be moved Failed to rename directory C android sdk tools to C android sdk temp ToolPackage.old01... tools android.bat which makes it impossible for it to rename the tools directory thereafter. It's a bit goofy and should..
Skinning Android app with Maven build profiles and do the swap in profile definition in pom.xml also rename it to res but that doesn't seem to work. I always get original..
image from camera intent issue in android file do whatever you want with the bitmap Resize Rename Add To Gallery etc catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace..
Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' android android listview share improve this question Rename the id of your ListView like this ListView android id @android..
how to get current week days in calender improve this question I hope this is what you want. Rename your printMonth to printMonth_old Copy and paste the printMonth..
Android 1.6: “android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window — token null is not for an application” dialog.setContentView R.layout.rename dialog.setTitle Rename noteName break default dialog null break return dialog Is there..
Package renaming in eclipse android project package name and also by Right click ing and then select Rename option you can change or rename the Package name. When you press..
How to change package name of an Android Application name src . Select Refactor Rename and change the name for example to
Do I need to change the package name for the free version of my app?
Android custom list dialog Here is my current code final CharSequence items Info Rename Delete AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this.. your onClick method if item 0 Info item else if item 1 Rename and so one Or you could do like this if items item .equals Info.. item .equals Info Info item else if items item .equals Rename Rename and so one But the first method is prefered share improve..
Create Free/Paid versions of Application from same code it perfectly acceptable to just use Project Android Tools Rename Application Package. I wasn't aware this existed and I feel..
Using MessagePack with Android PropertyChangeListenerProxy PropertyChangeSupport Rename the java.beans packages to something different e.g. custom.beans..
how to extract code of apk file to get java code from apk files. Step 1 Renaming .apk file Rename the .apk file with the extension .zip for example let the file..
Android NDK revision 7 Host 'awk' tool is outdated error Navigate to .. android ndk r7 prebuilt linux x86 bin Rename the file awk to awk_ Imoprtant thing to note on windows machine..
How can I change the application package name for an Android app via command line command line. I don't want to use Eclipse's Android Tools Rename Application Package. android share improve this question..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen put in œdrawable no suffix folder. To create 9Patch image you can either use DrawNinePatch or BetterNinePatch Now just rename your images based on Android's standards and complete your application with hdpi and then just take drawable hdpi folder.. Photoshop because it will resize automatically your image with Actions and one more plus point is that you need not to rename the file it will assign same name as original one . once you completed with creation of all images refresh your project..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock ABS you should have a directory in there called actionbarsherlock . Copy that to your Android Studio workspace. and rename to ActionBarSherlock changed casing I now have my Android Studio Projects under documents Android Workspace As opposed to..
NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipse and Android in the jar checking out the ReferencedLibraries classes . The solution was to remove my jars from the build path and rename my lib folder to libs . This is an ant convention and seems to be the way the new ADT finds and includes libraries in an..
Android 1.6: “android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window — token null is not for an application” id Dialog dialog Context appContext this.getApplicationContext switch id case RENAME_DIALOG_ID Log.i Edit Creating rename dialog... dialog new Dialog appContext dialog.setContentView R.layout.rename dialog.setTitle Rename noteName break default.. RENAME_DIALOG_ID Log.i Edit Creating rename dialog... dialog new Dialog appContext dialog.setContentView R.layout.rename dialog.setTitle Rename noteName break default dialog null break return dialog Is there something missing from this Some..
How to rename a file on sdcard with Android application? to rename a file on sdcard with Android application In my Android application I want to rename the file name at runtime. How can.. to rename a file on sdcard with Android application In my Android application I want to rename the file name at runtime. How can I do it This is my code String command mv sun moon.jpg sun_moon jpg try Process process.. process Runtime.getRuntime .exec command catch IOException e Toast.makeText this e Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show I also used renameTo File f method but it does not work. android runtime filenames rename share improve this question I would recommend..
SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android you run into bigger problems you should know that SQLite is limited on the ALTER TABLE command it allows add and rename only no remove drop which is done with recreation of the table. You should always have the new table creation query at hand.. remove backup table DROP table 'temp_ TableName setTransactionSuccessful This doesn't handle table downgrade if you rename a column you don't get the existing data transfered as the column names do not match . . public static List String GetColumns..
Package renaming in eclipse android project package name and application of the project.How to do that in eclipse Thanks Dheepak android eclipse package project rename share improve this question As usual by pressing F2 on package name you can rename or change the package name and also.. android eclipse package project rename share improve this question As usual by pressing F2 on package name you can rename or change the package name and also by Right click ing and then select Rename option you can change or rename the Package.. you can rename or change the package name and also by Right click ing and then select Rename option you can change or rename the Package name. When you press F2 it will show you the dialog box as In this dialog dont forget to check Update references..
Extending Application to share variables globally answer you do not need to create a second application section for your derived Application class. You simply need to rename your existing application section by amending it with the android name tag. I also want to point out that the fully qualified..
setting audio file as Ringtone be inserting a duplicate entry into MediaStore's table but the SQLite database won't allow you. You have to either rename your file and add another instance of it or go in remove the entry and then try again. So I removed that entry every time..
Android - copy existing project with a new name you just copy your project into new one ctrl c ctrl v . you change package name in your manifest After that you must rename your main package with refactor. Don't forget to select. Just change your application name in manifest application android..
I get this error: Data exceeds UNCOMPRESS_DATA_MAX on android 2.2 but not on 2.3 thing but it comes back to haunt programmers when a file is too big. The two options that the author suggests are to 1 rename the database file to be one the doesn't get compressed such as .jpg or 2 turn off compression for the database's file extension..
Android: simple export and import of sqlite database storing a copy of the raw current.db file. What I want to do for import is to just delete the old current.db file and rename the imported.db file to current.db . Is this possible When I try this solution I get the following error 06 30 13 33 38.831..
Can't upgrade Android SDK Tools SDK tools from revision 15 to revision 16. The update fails claiming that a folder failed to be moved Failed to rename directory C android sdk tools to C android sdk temp ToolPackage.old01. I tried disabling my antivirus as this problem has.. Basically as noted before in this thread 'SDK Setup.exe' invokes tools android.bat which makes it impossible for it to rename the tools directory thereafter. It's a bit goofy and should never have passed QA validation.. share improve this answer..
Skinning Android app with Maven build profiles customer1 res customer2 in parallel with standard res directory and do the swap in profile definition in pom.xml also rename it to res but that doesn't seem to work. I always get original res folder into the build and in this case duplicates error...
image from camera intent issue in android this.getContentResolver Uri.fromFile file do whatever you want with the bitmap Resize Rename Add To Gallery etc catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace ByteArrayOutputStream..
Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' the android id @ id list line in my xml. What is the problem android android listview share improve this question Rename the id of your ListView like this ListView android id @android id list android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height..
how to get current week days in calender int getCurrentWeekDay return currentWeekDay android share improve this question I hope this is what you want. Rename your printMonth to printMonth_old Copy and paste the printMonth code below Modify the getView method with one line. Create..
Android 1.6: “android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window — token null is not for an application” Edit Creating rename dialog... dialog new Dialog appContext dialog.setContentView R.layout.rename dialog.setTitle Rename noteName break default dialog null break return dialog Is there something missing from this Some questions have talked about..
Package renaming in eclipse android project by pressing F2 on package name you can rename or change the package name and also by Right click ing and then select Rename option you can change or rename the Package name. When you press F2 it will show you the dialog box as In this dialog dont..
How to change package name of an Android Application how you could do this in Eclipse Right click on the package name src . Select Refactor Rename and change the name for example to . Open the manifest file. Inside the manifest tag change..
Do I need to change the package name for the free version of my app?
Android custom list dialog than a toast and have each selection run different commands. Here is my current code final CharSequence items Info Rename Delete AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle Options for file.getName builder.setItems.. get the action that was selected you could do like this inside your onClick method if item 0 Info item else if item 1 Rename and so one Or you could do like this if items item .equals Info Info item else if items item .equals Rename Rename and so..
Create Free/Paid versions of Application from same code solution to this Edit Answered For my situation I find it perfectly acceptable to just use Project Android Tools Rename Application Package. I wasn't aware this existed and I feel like an idiot for posting this now. Thanks for everyone's answers..
Using MessagePack with Android IndexedPropertyChangeEvent PropertyChangeEvent PropertyChangeListenerProxy PropertyChangeSupport Rename the java.beans packages to something different e.g. custom.beans . Change all java.beans references to the renamed ID so..
how to extract code of apk file get java code from apk files with ease. Following are steps to get java code from apk files. Step 1 Renaming .apk file Rename the .apk file with the extension .zip for example let the file be demofile.apk then after renaming it becomes
Android NDK revision 7 Host 'awk' tool is outdated error ndk share improve this question Solved the problem. Solution Navigate to .. android ndk r7 prebuilt linux x86 bin Rename the file awk to awk_ Imoprtant thing to note on windows machine ndk revision 7 onwards ndk source can be built without cygwin..
How can I change the application package name for an Android app via command line Android tool that will change a project's package name via command line. I don't want to use Eclipse's Android Tools Rename Application Package. android share improve this question If you want to do it as a one time change to the source you..