android Programming Glossary: removeupdates
Android: how to cancel a request of Location update with intent? receives this intend how do I remove this request with removeUpdates PendingIntent The receiver doesn't hold a reference to the original..
Obtain Android GPS location once every few minutes battery consumption. GPS is enabled unless you use removeUpdates method no matter how often you want to receive updates. You.. approache enable GPS using method above read one value use removeUpdates method wait 5 minutes and all over again. Delay between enabling..
How to time out GPS signal acquisition uses the LocationListener to get one position fix and then removeUpdates once every minute to conserve battery . The problem is that.. of a public method within Location Manager I can use to removeUpdates if a signal isn't acquired within 15 seconds. I would then check.. if mlocListener null mlocManager null mlocManager.removeUpdates mlocListener loccounter 0 MyLocationListener mlocListener .onStart..
Keeping a GPS service alive and optimizing battery life service get a fix or timeout and stop the service with removeUpdates . How can I have an application or service or whatever running.. I've also checked CWAC Location Poller but it does only removeUpdates on timeout and restart the listener immediately. It also uses..
Android: requestLocationUpdates updates location at most every 45 seconds requested so that only one request is running at a time. removeUpdates manager LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE.. location updates from the LocationListener. public void removeUpdates if manager null listener null manager.removeUpdates listener.. void removeUpdates if manager null listener null manager.removeUpdates listener Another method for cleaning up when the user has arrived...
Android Regular GPS Polling in Service, maximizing battery life method of my listener I add the line LocationManager removeUpdates locationListener .. so when my service asks for an update it..
Android: how to cancel a request of Location update with intent? minDistance PendingIntent . But when my broadcast receiver receives this intend how do I remove this request with removeUpdates PendingIntent The receiver doesn't hold a reference to the original PendingIntent. android share improve this question..
Obtain Android GPS location once every few minutes change with minTime parameter. It does not however decrease battery consumption. GPS is enabled unless you use removeUpdates method no matter how often you want to receive updates. You can use another approache enable GPS using method above read.. how often you want to receive updates. You can use another approache enable GPS using method above read one value use removeUpdates method wait 5 minutes and all over again. Delay between enabling and retreiving a location can be between few seconds to..
How to time out GPS signal acquisition to time out GPS signal acquisition My app uses the LocationListener to get one position fix and then removeUpdates once every minute to conserve battery . The problem is that if a user moves inside then it will perpetually look for a signal.. a signal burning more battery. I was wondering if anyone knows of a public method within Location Manager I can use to removeUpdates if a signal isn't acquired within 15 seconds. I would then check for a position fix every five minutes until the user moves.. Context.LOCATION_SERVICE mlocListener new MyLocationListener if mlocListener null mlocManager null mlocManager.removeUpdates mlocListener loccounter 0 MyLocationListener mlocListener .onStart runtest true mlocManager.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER..
Keeping a GPS service alive and optimizing battery life min so I think the best way to do it is to start the location service get a fix or timeout and stop the service with removeUpdates . How can I have an application or service or whatever running this cycle every 10min and be sure it will continue as long.. always on and the battery is expected to last no more than 5h. I've also checked CWAC Location Poller but it does only removeUpdates on timeout and restart the listener immediately. It also uses a wakelock while in my case I think an AlarmManager could..
Android: requestLocationUpdates updates location at most every 45 seconds public void run This is called everytime a new update is requested so that only one request is running at a time. removeUpdates manager LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE listener new LocationListener @Override public void onLocationChanged.. provider updateInterval 0 listener Removes location updates from the LocationListener. public void removeUpdates if manager null listener null manager.removeUpdates listener Another method for cleaning up when the user has arrived... Removes location updates from the LocationListener. public void removeUpdates if manager null listener null manager.removeUpdates listener Another method for cleaning up when the user has arrived. And here is my handler handler new Handler @Override..
Android Regular GPS Polling in Service, maximizing battery life later do this again.. Simple enough on the onLocationChanged method of my listener I add the line LocationManager removeUpdates locationListener .. so when my service asks for an update it gets only one and shuts down. I decide to add a little while..