android Programming Glossary: reliable
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? same container and I am not sure whether or not that is reliable behavior over the long term not to mention it should break findFragmentById..
Read content from APK expansion file (from obb file) file tells unzip content from obb and then read it. is it reliable and good Help me Need opnion of best practice. Thanks EDIT My..
Android: Simulate WiFi in the emulator? computer's Internet connection in the emulator it's not reliable to use it for simulating Wi Fi. The WifiManager gets confused..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview JAVA via JavascriptInterface I found this solution isn't reliable because while doing this I encountered another problem the video..
Send SMS until it is successful case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED break I was in the need for reliable sending too so kept references to all pending messages in a..
Location servise GPS Force closed of the device but will give a much more precise and reliable position. With my implementation you can do something like this..
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts that getNativeHeapFreeSize and getNativeHeapSize are not reliable. So in one of my applications that dynamically creates a large..
How to determine if one of my activities is in the foreground however that method appeared to be not completely reliable and its usage is discouraged. Check the link above for the details...
Display PDF within app on Android? exact same problem as you in the past and searched for the reliable libraries to support that kind of feature into my app and finally..
Get owner's email address [closed] android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA but I can't find any reliable code that would explain how can I read email address of device's..
Android: Is application running in background? in the background but only one of them is completely reliable The right solution credits go to Dan CommonsWare and NeTeInStEiN..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) center new PointF x y final double mult 1 mult 1.1 is more reliable PointF p1 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 0 PointF..
Android/Java - Date Difference in days android date share improve this question Not really a reliable method better of using JodaTime Calendar thatDay Calendar.getInstance..
How to install trusted CA certificate on Android device? about adding that feature. It ™s unclear whether there is a reliable workaround for manually updating and replacing the cacerts.bks..
Embed Zxing library without using Barcode Scanner app It's really easier to just integrate via Intent . More reliable and you get updates automatically. While I don't advise it.....
Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused? single application instance instead. That has proven to be reliable when one must keep on object around across the entire life time..
Screen orientation lock orientation lock Is there a reliable way to lock screen orientation on all Android devices The code..
Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver JDBC is designed for high bandwidth low latency highly reliable network connections e.g. desktop to database server Web application..
Images taken with ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE always returns 1 for ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION on some newer devices properly but not on ActivityResult . What's the most reliable way to figure the orientation Someone on another question suggested..
android app with service only this question Unfortunately right now there is no reliable way to receive a broadcast event after your applicaiton has..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? the fact that you apparently can add multiple fragments to the same container and I am not sure whether or not that is reliable behavior over the long term not to mention it should break findFragmentById though I can live with that . The author of..
Read content from APK expansion file (from obb file) but it does not work for me. Steps to create APK expansion file tells unzip content from obb and then read it. is it reliable and good Help me Need opnion of best practice. Thanks EDIT My log 03 01 10 36 40.848 E 27836 zip 0 .isUncompressed false..
Android: Simulate WiFi in the emulator? share improve this question Currently while you can use your computer's Internet connection in the emulator it's not reliable to use it for simulating Wi Fi. The WifiManager gets confused when you switch want to test your connectivity state. Even..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview Javascript onended for example and handle what I need back in JAVA via JavascriptInterface I found this solution isn't reliable because while doing this I encountered another problem the video tag can be nested in an . The iframe source isn't mine..
Send SMS until it is successful e Log.e TAG e.toString e break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED break I was in the need for reliable sending too so kept references to all pending messages in a database which I would frequently scan for postponed messages...
Location servise GPS Force closed This might take a little while depending on the location of the device but will give a much more precise and reliable position. With my implementation you can do something like this private GPSTracker gps private FirstFixListener firstFixListener..
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts see the Debug class getNative methods . However I have found that getNativeHeapFreeSize and getNativeHeapSize are not reliable. So in one of my applications that dynamically creates a large number of bitmaps I do the following. The Native heap size..
How to determine if one of my activities is in the foreground
Display PDF within app on Android? compile and use library within this project . I've had the exact same problem as you in the past and searched for the reliable libraries to support that kind of feature into my app and finally found it. The library however it's a bit tricky to use...
Get owner's email address [closed] owner's email address closed I have android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA but I can't find any reliable code that would explain how can I read email address of device's owner. And please don't turn this into 'why you wanna do..
Android: Is application running in background? There are few ways to detect whether your application is running in the background but only one of them is completely reliable The right solution credits go to Dan CommonsWare and NeTeInStEiN Track visibility of your application by yourself using..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) float lon return newPoint And now create your query PointF center new PointF x y final double mult 1 mult 1.1 is more reliable PointF p1 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 0 PointF p2 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 90 PointF..
Android/Java - Date Difference in days between CURRENT DATE yyyy mm dd formatted date java android date share improve this question Not really a reliable method better of using JodaTime Calendar thatDay Calendar.getInstance thatDay.set Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH 25 thatDay.set Calendar.MONTH..
How to install trusted CA certificate on Android device? list of trusted root certificates but there is discussion about adding that feature. It ™s unclear whether there is a reliable workaround for manually updating and replacing the cacerts.bks file. Details and links http techblog 2010..
Embed Zxing library without using Barcode Scanner app src works . android zxing share improve this question It's really easier to just integrate via Intent . More reliable and you get updates automatically. While I don't advise it... The complete source code is available from the ZXing project...
Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused? can work around this by keeping global references on the single application instance instead. That has proven to be reliable when one must keep on object around across the entire life time of an app. UPDATE Apparently my use of volatile here caused..
Screen orientation lock orientation lock Is there a reliable way to lock screen orientation on all Android devices The code below works for my Nexus S and other phones but for some..
Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver used on Android and I certainly would not recommend it. IMHO JDBC is designed for high bandwidth low latency highly reliable network connections e.g. desktop to database server Web application server to database server . Mobile devices offer little..
Images taken with ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE always returns 1 for ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION on some newer devices is populated properly. So somehow the OS fills this information properly but not on ActivityResult . What's the most reliable way to figure the orientation Someone on another question suggested comparing height and width but when getting these they..
android app with service only registered from activity i think android service share improve this question Unfortunately right now there is no reliable way to receive a broadcast event after your applicaiton has been installed the ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED Intent does not broadcast..