android Programming Glossary: performclick
How to fire two listeners on the tablelayout by one click: tablerow and its cell the cell getRowNum getColNum TableRow v.getParent .performClick If a cell gets clicked both onClickListner methods are called...
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity int Math.abs curr.y start.y if xDiff CLICK yDiff CLICK performClick break case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP mode NONE break..
How to get a android ListView item selector to use state_checked return drawableState @Override public boolean performClick toggle return super.performClick share improve this answer..
Android Spinner with multiple choice listener.onItemsSelected selected @Override public boolean performClick AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder getContext..
android spinner performClick onItemSelected spinner performClick onItemSelected I have a little problem with a spinner . I create.. this public void onClick View view spinner.performClick public void onItemSelected AdapterView adapterView View view..
android change text color of items in spinner attrs super context attrs @Override public boolean performClick this line removed we do not want to delegate the click to the.. delegate the click to the spinner. boolean handled super.performClick Context context getContext final DropDownAdapter adapter new..
How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out? int Math.abs curr.y start.y if xDiff CLICK yDiff CLICK performClick break case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP mode NONE break..
ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable? The third problem is that ListView AbsListView calls it's performClick method that calls onItemClick event handler ONLY if ListView's..
How to fire two listeners on the tablelayout by one click: tablerow and its cell an example @Override public void onClick View v Log.d cxc CLICKED the cell getRowNum getColNum TableRow v.getParent .performClick If a cell gets clicked both onClickListner methods are called. Also if a row is clicked directly say because it is missing..
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity mode NONE int xDiff int Math.abs curr.x start.x int yDiff int Math.abs curr.y start.y if xDiff CLICK yDiff CLICK performClick break case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP mode NONE break setImageMatrix matrix invalidate return true indicate event..
How to get a android ListView item selector to use state_checked
Android Spinner with multiple choice new String spinnerText setAdapter adapter listener.onItemsSelected selected @Override public boolean performClick AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder getContext builder.setMultiChoiceItems items.toArray new CharSequence..
android spinner performClick onItemSelected spinner performClick onItemSelected I have a little problem with a spinner . I create a Spinner the user click a Button. The Spinner is shown.. spinner.setAdapter adapter spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener this public void onClick View view spinner.performClick public void onItemSelected AdapterView adapterView View view int i long l String getName String spinner.getSelectedItem..
android change text color of items in spinner super context public PatchedSpinner Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs @Override public boolean performClick this line removed we do not want to delegate the click to the spinner. boolean handled super.performClick Context context.. boolean performClick this line removed we do not want to delegate the click to the spinner. boolean handled super.performClick Context context getContext final DropDownAdapter adapter new DropDownAdapter getAdapter CharSequence mPrompt getPrompt AlertDialog.Builder..
How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out? mode NONE int xDiff int Math.abs curr.x start.x int yDiff int Math.abs curr.y start.y if xDiff CLICK yDiff CLICK performClick break case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP mode NONE break setImageMatrix matrix invalidate return true indicate event..
ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable? true only if user actually hit link. But that's not all The third problem is that ListView AbsListView calls it's performClick method that calls onItemClick event handler ONLY if ListView's item view has no focusables. So you need to override @Override..