android Programming Glossary: persisted
Multiple primary keys - ORMlite For simplicity and to be able to have the same POCO class persisted in db4o memcached redis or on the filesystem i.e. providers..
SharedPrefences not being updated I thought I was facing a race condition. The problem still persisted. I'm thinking that for some reason the old reference to the..
Setting a value in one class and retrieving from another class in Java (Android app)
Handling registration ID changes in Google Cloud Messaging on Android registration ID by setting an expiration date on the value persisted locally by the app. When the app starts they load their locally..
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? registration ID by setting an expiration date on the value persisted locally by the app. When the app starts they load their locally..
phonegap 3.0 wants android 17, but I want android 18 the check directly but that didn't take ie the error persisted . Can anyone please suggest either ... 1 how to download a version..
Changing the Android emulator locale automatically methods or otherwise Do you know where locale settings are persisted to read from by the system Solution Thanks to dtmilano's info..
How do you validate the format and values of EditTextPreference entered in Android 2.1? Preference is about to be updated and before the state is persisted. Returns True to update the state of the Preference with the..
Android: Possible to have multiple distinct Shared Preferences per app? you create a PreferenceActivity the values by default are persisted to data data PACKAGE_NAME shared_prefs PACKAGE_NAME _ preferences.xml..
Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android you to create user preferences which will be automatically persisted using shared preferences . So I think it is okay since it is.. is okay since it is simply just key value pairs which are persisted. To the original poster this is not that hard. You simply just..
Saving nested foreign objects with ORMLite on Android dao.create parent When doing this the parent object is persisted but not the child object and the auto generated child_id column.. this normal behavior Is there a way to have nested objects persisted and propagate the primary key up android ormlite share improve.. this question When doing this the parent object is persisted but not the child object and the auto generated child_id column..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? the activity from other places and if the data is already persisted it should work just fine. Disadvantages it ™s cumbersome and..
Android Keychain for user credentials application it doesn't matter wether these credentials are persisted across devices i.e. a different use case to iPhone like Keychain..
Why does heap memory increase when re-launching an activity? so that only setContentView mylayout gets called. Problem persisted. Then I removed all the gui elements in the layout XML file... all the gui elements in the layout XML file. Problem persisted. The only thing that was left was the container views a couple..
Android: How to declare global variables? for saving user or other information that is meant to be persisted across application lifetimes. Thus I consider most criticism.. at any time etc... moot as anything that ever needed to be persisted to disk should not be stored through an Application subclass...
Multiple primary keys - ORMlite android ormlite share improve this question Limitations For simplicity and to be able to have the same POCO class persisted in db4o memcached redis or on the filesystem i.e. providers included in ServiceStack each model must have a single primary..
SharedPrefences not being updated I did try to do editor.commit instead of editor.apply as I thought I was facing a race condition. The problem still persisted. I'm thinking that for some reason the old reference to the SharedPreference in Project1 is being used instead of a new..
Setting a value in one class and retrieving from another class in Java (Android app)
Handling registration ID changes in Google Cloud Messaging on Android their Demo App to use the new interface. They refresh the registration ID by setting an expiration date on the value persisted locally by the app. When the app starts they load their locally stored registration id. If it is expired which in the demo..
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? their Demo App to use the new interface. They refresh the registration ID by setting an expiration date on the value persisted locally by the app. When the app starts they load their locally stored registration id. If it is expired which in the demo..
phonegap 3.0 wants android 17, but I want android 18 hacking the four js files in the npm directories that contain the check directly but that didn't take ie the error persisted . Can anyone please suggest either ... 1 how to download a version of phonegap cordova with the problem fixed or 2 how to..
Changing the Android emulator locale automatically Any ideas whether this can be done either via the above methods or otherwise Do you know where locale settings are persisted to read from by the system Solution Thanks to dtmilano's info about the relevant properties and some further investigation..
How do you validate the format and values of EditTextPreference entered in Android 2.1? changed by the user. This is called before the state of the Preference is about to be updated and before the state is persisted. Returns True to update the state of the Preference with the new value. So you can directly return the result of value validation...
Android: Possible to have multiple distinct Shared Preferences per app? it possible to have multiple Shared Preferences per app If you create a PreferenceActivity the values by default are persisted to data data PACKAGE_NAME shared_prefs PACKAGE_NAME _ preferences.xml Is there a way to have multiple such files and which..
Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android PreferenceActivity which provides an Activity framework for you to create user preferences which will be automatically persisted using shared preferences . So I think it is okay since it is simply just key value pairs which are persisted. To the original.. persisted using shared preferences . So I think it is okay since it is simply just key value pairs which are persisted. To the original poster this is not that hard. You simply just iterate through your array list and add the items. In this..
Saving nested foreign objects with ORMLite on Android parent.child child .. get helper and create dao object... dao.create parent When doing this the parent object is persisted but not the child object and the auto generated child_id column in the parent table is set to 0. Is this normal behavior.. child_id column in the parent table is set to 0. Is this normal behavior Is there a way to have nested objects persisted and propagate the primary key up android ormlite share improve this question When doing this the parent object is persisted.. and propagate the primary key up android ormlite share improve this question When doing this the parent object is persisted but not the child object and the auto generated child_id column in the parent table is set to 0. Is this normal behavior..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? launching the other activity. Advantages you can launch the activity from other places and if the data is already persisted it should work just fine. Disadvantages it ™s cumbersome and takes more time to implement. Requires more code and thus more..
Android Keychain for user credentials of the Preferences API is that it is not encrypted. For my application it doesn't matter wether these credentials are persisted across devices i.e. a different use case to iPhone like Keychain in Android I also looked at the KeyStore API but it seems..
Why does heap memory increase when re-launching an activity? B. That did not help. I tried to remove all the code so that only setContentView mylayout gets called. Problem persisted. Then I removed all the gui elements in the layout XML file. Problem persisted. The only thing that was left was the container.. mylayout gets called. Problem persisted. Then I removed all the gui elements in the layout XML file. Problem persisted. The only thing that was left was the container views a couple of nested linear relative and scrolllayouts. I tried to remove..
Android: How to declare global variables? the original answer. I.e. this is not meant to be a solution for saving user or other information that is meant to be persisted across application lifetimes. Thus I consider most criticism below related to Applications being killed at any time etc..... most criticism below related to Applications being killed at any time etc... moot as anything that ever needed to be persisted to disk should not be stored through an Application subclass. It is meant to be a solution for storing temporary easily..