android Programming Glossary: pendingintent
Android AlarmManager Intent i new Intent context OnAlarmReceiver.class PendingIntent pi PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 i 0 mgr.setRepeating.. new Intent context OnAlarmReceiver.class PendingIntent pi PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 i 0 mgr.setRepeating AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) static void sendSMS String phoneNumber String message PendingIntent piSent PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 new Intent SENT.. String phoneNumber String message PendingIntent piSent PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 new Intent SENT 0 PendingIntent piDelivered.. PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 new Intent SENT 0 PendingIntent piDelivered PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 new Intent..
Android PendingIntent extras, not received by BroadcastReceiver PendingIntent extras not received by BroadcastReceiver When I pass extras.. not received by BroadcastReceiver When I pass extras to a PendingIntent the message is never received by the sendBroadcastReceiver because.. new Intent SENT sendIntent.putExtra extra_key extra_value PendingIntent piSent PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 sendIntent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? ID eg. setAction still have some problems. I define a PendingIntent this way Intent intent new Intent this viewContactQuick.class.. objContact.getId intent.putExtra results result.toArray PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 intent 0 then.. results result.toArray PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 intent 0 then this is used by a notification..
Android: How can I get the current foreground activity (from a service)? demonstrating this pattern Have the activity supply a PendingIntent e.g. via createPendingResult that the service invokes Have the..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging import import import import android.content.Intent import.. R.drawable.icon text System.currentTimeMillis The PendingIntent to launch our activity if the user selects this notification.. launch our activity if the user selects this notification PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this 0 new Intent this..
Alarm Manager Example import import import android.content.BroadcastReceiver import android.content.Context.. Intent i new Intent context Alarm.class PendingIntent pi PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 i 0 am.setRepeating.. Intent i new Intent context Alarm.class PendingIntent pi PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 i 0 am.setRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP..
Launching activity from widget intent new Intent context WidgetTest.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 intent 0 RemoteViews views.. R.layout.widget views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget appWidgetId views When adding..
Clickable widgets in android new Intent context ExampleActivity.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 intent 0 Get the layout.. views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent Tell the AppWidgetManager to perform an update on the current.. to create a PendingIntent with getBroadcast PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 intent 0 Set the onClickPendingIntent..
Intent to launch the clock application on android PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 AlarmClockIntent 0 views.setOnClickPendingIntent.. 0 views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent AppWidgetManager.getInstance context .updateAppWidget intent.getIntArrayExtra.. PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 AlarmClockIntent 0 views.setOnClickPendingIntent..
Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget appWidgetId PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 configIntent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT.. views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent views.setImageViewResource lv_images version..
How to check if AlarmMamager already has an alarm set? new Intent PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT.. AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP calendar.getTimeInMillis 1000 60 pendingIntent The way you would check to see if it is active is to boolean..
How to set Alarm in Android? Intent intent new Intent this Mote.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast this.getApplicationContext 1253 intent.. AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP cal.getTimeInMillis pendingIntent Toast.makeText this Alarm worked. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show and..
How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot intent.setAction packagename.ACTION PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT.. Context.ALARM_SERVICE alarm.cancel pendingIntent alarm.setRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP calendar.getTimeInMillis.. calendar.getTimeInMillis AlarmManager.INTERVAL_DAY pendingIntent Receiver for your interval public class AlarmReceiver extends..
Android application current activity bring to front issue bar icon. android notifications icons statusbar android pendingintent share improve this question There are 2 ways of doing this..
Android PendingIntent extras, not received by BroadcastReceiver of MainActivity ... android sms broadcastreceiver android pendingintent share improve this question I guess there are some issues..
Multiple calls to AlarmManager.setRepeating deliver the same Intent/PendingIntent extra values, but I supplied different ones wanted delivered at that particular time. android android pendingintent extras alarms share improve this question The documentation..
PendingIntent works correctly for the first notification but incorrectly for the rest around it at the moment. android notifications android pendingintent share improve this question Don't use Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK..
Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity? Is this really what you want android alarmmanager android pendingintent runtimeexception share improve this question What if you..
How can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent? sender android android intent alarmmanager android pendingintent extras share improve this question Possibly two different..
How to get and cancel a PendingIntent? intent android android intent alarmmanager android pendingintent share improve this question I found out that you do not..
AppWidget PendingIntent not working after Launcher restart android android intent onclick appwidget android pendingintent share improve this question As I've written here you should..
Can a broadcastReceiver catch multiple broadcasts? android geolocation broadcast proximity android pendingintent share improve this question i got it working after all.....
Android AlarmManager problem with setting & resetting an alarm away. android android intent alarm alarmmanager android pendingintent share improve this question When canceling the AlarmManager..
Multiple notifications to the same activity android notifications android intent manager android pendingintent share improve this question If the PendingIntent has the..
In App BIlling trouble with Pending Intents and switching activities please don't close this question. android timeout android pendingintent andengine in app billing share improve this question I may..
Get list of active PendingIntents in AlarmManager if some app is doing some extra work . android android pendingintent share improve this question You can dump system state using..
Widget not updated on launcher restart handlers are not lost android widget launcher android pendingintent share improve this question Turns out I was spamming new..
Extract notification text from parcelable, contentView or contentIntent here How can I read out 3 android notifications android pendingintent parcelable share improve this question I've wasted a few..
Android AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent i new Intent context OnAlarmReceiver.class PendingIntent pi PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 i 0 mgr.setRepeating AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP SystemClock.elapsedRealtime.. context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent i new Intent context OnAlarmReceiver.class PendingIntent pi PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 i 0 mgr.setRepeating AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP SystemClock.elapsedRealtime PERIOD pi In..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) 160 sends an SMS message to another device public static void sendSMS String phoneNumber String message PendingIntent piSent PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 new Intent SENT 0 PendingIntent piDelivered PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext.. an SMS message to another device public static void sendSMS String phoneNumber String message PendingIntent piSent PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 new Intent SENT 0 PendingIntent piDelivered PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 new Intent DELIVERED.. sendSMS String phoneNumber String message PendingIntent piSent PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 new Intent SENT 0 PendingIntent piDelivered PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 new Intent DELIVERED 0 SmsManager smsManager SmsManager.getDefault int..
Android PendingIntent extras, not received by BroadcastReceiver PendingIntent extras not received by BroadcastReceiver When I pass extras to a PendingIntent the message is never received by the sendBroadcastReceiver.. PendingIntent extras not received by BroadcastReceiver When I pass extras to a PendingIntent the message is never received by the sendBroadcastReceiver because the onReceive method of this BroadcastReceiver is never.. sendSMS String phoneNumber String message Intent sendIntent new Intent SENT sendIntent.putExtra extra_key extra_value PendingIntent piSent PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 sendIntent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT PendingIntent piDelivered PendingIntent.getBroadcast..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? answer that I have to customize the Intents based on some unique ID eg. setAction still have some problems. I define a PendingIntent this way Intent intent new Intent this viewContactQuick.class intent.setAction newmessage objContact.getId unique per contact.. intent.putExtra id Long.parseLong objContact.getId intent.putExtra results result.toArray PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 intent 0 then this is used by a notification manager NotificationManager.. intent.putExtra id Long.parseLong objContact.getId intent.putExtra results result.toArray PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 intent 0 then this is used by a notification manager NotificationManager mNotificationManager NotificationManager..
Android: How can I get the current foreground activity (from a service)? Send a broadcast Intent to the activity here is a sample project demonstrating this pattern Have the activity supply a PendingIntent e.g. via createPendingResult that the service invokes Have the activity register a callback or listener object with the..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging import java.util.TimerTask import import import import import android.content.Intent import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import android.os.IBinder.. text and timestamp Notification notification new Notification R.drawable.icon text System.currentTimeMillis The PendingIntent to launch our activity if the user selects this notification PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this.. text System.currentTimeMillis The PendingIntent to launch our activity if the user selects this notification PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this 0 new Intent this MainActivity.class 0 Set the info for the views that show..
Alarm Manager Example remote android name Alarm receiver ... Code package YourPackage import import import android.content.BroadcastReceiver import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.os.PowerManager.. AlarmManager am AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent i new Intent context Alarm.class PendingIntent pi PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 i 0 am.setRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP System.currentTimeMillis 1000 60 10.. AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent i new Intent context Alarm.class PendingIntent pi PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 i 0 am.setRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP System.currentTimeMillis 1000 60 10 pi Millisec Second..
Launching activity from widget Toast.LENGTH_SHORT Log.d Steve After the toast line Intent intent new Intent context WidgetTest.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 intent 0 RemoteViews views new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.widget views.setOnClickPendingIntent.. 0 RemoteViews views new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.widget views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget appWidgetId views When adding the widget to the homescreen Logcat shows the two debugging..
Clickable widgets in android i Create an Intent to launch ExampleActivity Intent intent new Intent context ExampleActivity.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 intent 0 Get the layout for the App Widget and attach an on click listener to the button.. new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.appwidget_provider_layout views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent Tell the AppWidgetManager to perform an update on the current App Widget appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget appWidgetId views.. of your AppWidgetProvider your current class You then need to create a PendingIntent with getBroadcast PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 intent 0 Set the onClickPendingIntent for the clickable view in your widget remoteView.setOnClickPendingIntent..
Intent to launch the clock application on android .setComponent new ComponentName PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 AlarmClockIntent 0 views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent AppWidgetManager.getInstance.. pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 AlarmClockIntent 0 views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent AppWidgetManager.getInstance context .updateAppWidget intent.getIntArrayExtra AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_IDS views.. .setComponent new ComponentName PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 AlarmClockIntent 0 views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent AppWidgetManager.getInstance..
Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget new Intent context Configure.class configIntent.putExtra AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID appWidgetId PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 configIntent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT views.setOnClickPendingIntent context 0 configIntent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent views.setImageViewResource lv_images version appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget appWidgetId views I am always..
How to check if AlarmMamager already has an alarm set? repeating alarm with a pending intent like this Intent intent new Intent PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance calendar.setTimeInMillis.. Context.ALARM_SERVICE alarmManager.setRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP calendar.getTimeInMillis 1000 60 pendingIntent The way you would check to see if it is active is to boolean alarmUp PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 new Intent
How to set Alarm in Android? dude1 new String nitin avi aman rahul pattrick minkle manmohan Intent intent new Intent this Mote.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast this.getApplicationContext 1253 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT Intent.FILL_IN_DATA.. alarmManager AlarmManager getSystemService ALARM_SERVICE alarmManager.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP cal.getTimeInMillis pendingIntent Toast.makeText this Alarm worked. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show and my Receiver class is import import..
How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot inside a method Intent intent new Intent context AlarmReceiver.class intent.setAction packagename.ACTION PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance calendar.setTimeInMillis.. System.currentTimeMillis AlarmManager alarm AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE alarm.cancel pendingIntent alarm.setRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP calendar.getTimeInMillis AlarmManager.INTERVAL_DAY pendingIntent Receiver for.. pendingIntent alarm.setRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP calendar.getTimeInMillis AlarmManager.INTERVAL_DAY pendingIntent Receiver for your interval public class AlarmReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver private final String SOMEACTION packagename.ACTION..
Android application current activity bring to front issue is there any way by which I can do the same with notification bar icon. android notifications icons statusbar android pendingintent share improve this question There are 2 ways of doing this Notification to restore a task rather than a specific activity..
Android PendingIntent extras, not received by BroadcastReceiver phoneNumber null message piSent piDelivered More methods of MainActivity ... android sms broadcastreceiver android pendingintent share improve this question I guess there are some issues with registering and unregistering in the code. Instead I..
Multiple calls to AlarmManager.setRepeating deliver the same Intent/PendingIntent extra values, but I supplied different ones that I have used at some point just not the one that I wanted delivered at that particular time. android android pendingintent extras alarms share improve this question The documentation for PendingIntent.getBroadcast says Returns Returns an existing..
PendingIntent works correctly for the first notification but incorrectly for the rest on FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT. However I am not sure how to work around it at the moment. android notifications android pendingintent share improve this question Don't use Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK for PendingIntent.getActivity use FLAG_ONE_SHOT..
Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity? Activity context requires the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag. Is this really what you want android alarmmanager android pendingintent runtimeexception share improve this question What if you add this line ... Intent i new Intent this Wakeup.class i.addFlags..
How can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent? am.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP scheduleExecution sender android android intent alarmmanager android pendingintent extras share improve this question Possibly two different issues here 1 If you've already created your PendingIntent..
How to get and cancel a PendingIntent? the PendingIntent flag need to match that of the original pending intent android android intent alarmmanager android pendingintent share improve this question I found out that you do not actually get the pending have to recreate it exactly..
AppWidget PendingIntent not working after Launcher restart in a service but have tried and failed. Any help is appreciated. android android intent onclick appwidget android pendingintent share improve this question As I've written here you should only produce a single instance of the RemoteView. share..
Can a broadcastReceiver catch multiple broadcasts? me I'm really stuck with this... Any help would be really appreciated android geolocation broadcast proximity android pendingintent share improve this question i got it working after all... Exactly what I was looking for http pages..
Android AlarmManager problem with setting & resetting an alarm after canceling an alarm to make it's PendingIntent go away. android android intent alarm alarmmanager android pendingintent share improve this question When canceling the AlarmManager do not use a PendingIntent with a flag of FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT...
Multiple notifications to the same activity guide topics ui notifiers notifications.html android notifications android intent manager android pendingintent share improve this question If the PendingIntent has the same operation action data categories components and flags..
In App BIlling trouble with Pending Intents and switching activities this is against the Terms of SO then just delete this line please don't close this question. android timeout android pendingintent andengine in app billing share improve this question I may know what's wrong and I have a test for you to do. The buy..
Get list of active PendingIntents in AlarmManager other PendingIntent s are there just as a curiosity to see if some app is doing some extra work . android android pendingintent share improve this question You can dump system state using next command adb shell dumpsys alarm dump.txt And then look..
Widget not updated on launcher restart my widget manually Or is there another way to ensure onClick handlers are not lost android widget launcher android pendingintent share improve this question Turns out I was spamming new RemoteViews when I should have just called it once to produce..
Extract notification text from parcelable, contentView or contentIntent . Any ideas edit To clarify what is asked here How can I read out 3 android notifications android pendingintent parcelable share improve this question I've wasted a few hours of the last days figuring out a way to do what you and..