android Programming Glossary: percentage
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + else margin deviceWidth 80 100 here im coverting device percentage width into pixels in my other_slide_in.xml or other_slide_out.xml.. device screen to work across all screens i have converted percentage width into pixels and then used it RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.. deviceWidth 80 100 here im coverting device percentage width into pixels in my other_slide_in.xml or other_slide_out.xml..
about android image size and assets sizes mdpi xhdpi to have the 50 px height image and what is the percentage for bigger smaller size images compared to the base image like..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen on your image and graphic resources It is listed here the percentage difference of device screen Ldpi 75 Mdpi 100 base according.. Action of multiple size just change the size according to percentage ratio once Action created for all size then just do Batch Automate..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? layout_weight in a LinearLayout for allocating space on a percentage basis I am at a loss as to how Fragment C is handled at the..
How to get CPU usage statistics on Android? with 4 elements user system idle and other cpu usage in percentage. private int getCpuUsageStatistic String tempString executeTop..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog this will be useful to display download percentage might be 1 server did not report the length int fileLength..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer Compute the beginning and ending scroll range percentage of the currently visible letter. This could be equal to or..
Android find GPS location once, show loading dialog but it just has to be the spinning loading animation not a percentage or anything. If possible I would like the user to be able to..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout android layout_width 172dp I'd really like to give a percentage width to the host and port EditText's . Something like 80 for.. Button RelativeLayout android layout width relativelayout percentage share improve this question You are looking for the android.. android layout_weight attribute. It will allow you to use percentages to define your layout. In the following example the left button..
android live wallpaper rescaling the animations need to be rescaled as well to the exact percentage as the background image and they need to sit in a specific x..
Multiple screen resolution is an example code of setting width and height in terms of percentage final ViewTreeObserver mLayoutObserver mLayout.getViewTreeObserver.. how much area my layout is covering in terms of percentage and then int mLayoutWidth int widthInPercentage deviceWidth..
how to show progress bar status by percentage to show progress bar status by percentage I am using progress dialog for android 2.3.3. Progress dialog's.. with the format as 60 60 100 but I want to display only percentage not 60 100 . How can I do it please help. android android progressbar..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + otherLayout.setLayoutParams params isOtherSlideOut false else margin deviceWidth 80 100 here im coverting device percentage width into pixels in my other_slide_in.xml or other_slide_out.xml you can see that i have set the android toXDelta 80 so.. toXDelta 80 so it means the layout will move to 80 of the device screen to work across all screens i have converted percentage width into pixels and then used it RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams otherLayoutWidth otherLayoutHeight.. int deviceWidth displayMetrics.widthPixels int filterLayoutWidth deviceWidth 80 100 here im coverting device percentage width into pixels in my other_slide_in.xml or other_slide_out.xml you can see that i have set the android toXDelta 80 so..
about android image size and assets sizes should i choose from the resources folder drawable hdpi ldpi mdpi xhdpi to have the 50 px height image and what is the percentage for bigger smaller size images compared to the base image like in iOS @2x is literally 2 times the size of the image and..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen impact on your app layouts screen density has most impact on your image and graphic resources It is listed here the percentage difference of device screen Ldpi 75 Mdpi 100 base according to Android developer site Hdpi 150 XHdpi 200 But as we know.. hdpi folder and Open Adode Photoshop recommended create Action of multiple size just change the size according to percentage ratio once Action created for all size then just do Batch Automate and give source drawable hdpi and destination drawable..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? object animators for scale tie in with things like android layout_weight in a LinearLayout for allocating space on a percentage basis I am at a loss as to how Fragment C is handled at the outset GONE android layout_weight of 0 pre animated to a scale..
How to get CPU usage statistics on Android? usage not for each process you can use @return integer Array with 4 elements user system idle and other cpu usage in percentage. private int getCpuUsageStatistic String tempString executeTop tempString tempString.replaceAll tempString tempString.replaceAll..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog returned HTTP connection.getResponseCode connection.getResponseMessage this will be useful to display download percentage might be 1 server did not report the length int fileLength connection.getContentLength download the file input connection.getInputStream..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer nextNextSection nextIndex nextNextSection nextSection Compute the beginning and ending scroll range percentage of the currently visible letter. This could be equal to or greater than 1 nSections . float fPrev float prevSection nSections..
Android find GPS location once, show loading dialog up so the user knows that something is going on but it just has to be the spinning loading animation not a percentage or anything. If possible I would like the user to be able to cancel the dialog if they are sick of waiting which then they..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout code a width for the host EditText. Specifically I had to specify android layout_width 172dp I'd really like to give a percentage width to the host and port EditText's . Something like 80 for the host 20 for the port. Is this possible The following XML.. layout_marginTop 15dp android layout_marginLeft 15dp Button RelativeLayout android layout width relativelayout percentage share improve this question You are looking for the android layout_weight attribute. It will allow you to use percentages.. share improve this question You are looking for the android layout_weight attribute. It will allow you to use percentages to define your layout. In the following example the left button uses 70 of the space and the right button 30 . LinearLayout..
android live wallpaper rescaling wallpapers . So the background image needs to be rescaled and the animations need to be rescaled as well to the exact percentage as the background image and they need to sit in a specific x and y position. Any help would be appreciated so I can get..
Multiple screen resolution int height the width and height take value as pixels Here is an example code of setting width and height in terms of percentage final ViewTreeObserver mLayoutObserver mLayout.getViewTreeObserver mLayoutObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener new OnGlobalLayoutListener.. on a device having resolution 320 x 480 what i'm doing is calculating how much area my layout is covering in terms of percentage and then int mLayoutWidth int widthInPercentage deviceWidth 100 here i'm calculating the new width for my layout according..
how to show progress bar status by percentage to show progress bar status by percentage I am using progress dialog for android 2.3.3. Progress dialog's status is showing with the format as 60 60 100 but I want.. dialog for android 2.3.3. Progress dialog's status is showing with the format as 60 60 100 but I want to display only percentage not 60 100 . How can I do it please help. android android progressbar share improve this question Hey Here Downloading..