android Programming Glossary: persisting
Best way to persist data between orientation changes in Android rotates the device. What is the best way to deal with it 1 persisting in onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceStates which makes..
Android Facebook SDK3.0, session state OPENING to get an access token once and I don't really care about persisting the session or using it to log into my app. android facebook..
Android: Storing username and password? not an option to you for some reason you can fall back to persisting credentials using the Preferences mechanism. Other applications..
OAuth instance state in Android straight to the onResume . What is the correct method for persisting the consumer and provider in this case android oauth share..
Recommendations for persisting data on Android? for persisting data on Android There is a web service that provides some data.. recommendations for improving this or alternate ideas for persisting this data other than just saving the XML file and reparsing..
Best approach for oldschool 2D zelda-like game
EditText items in a scrolling list lose their changes when scrolled off the screen And since a regular Cursor is immutable you have no way of persisting any edits in a way that will transparently be put back into..
startActivityForResult not working properly with launchMode singleInstance you want to be using local files or SQLite databases not persisting to the network. onPause needs to return quickly because the..
Android HttpClient persistent cookies that I am having is that cookies do not appear to be persisting across the intents. I am creating new HttpClients in each intent..
Concise way of writing new DialogPreference classes? single preference key value pair. You are responsible for persisting the preference value. You are inflating the dialog panel layout..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? speed gains compared to Serializable . Share data without persisting to disk It is possible to share data between activities by saving..
Android WebView for Facebook Like Button .setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically true Tried also persisting cookies with CookieSyncManager CookieManager and manually handling...
Android: launch a custom Preference from a PreferenceActivity positiveResult if positiveResult deal with persisting your values here Obviously there are some other details but..
Using Cookies across Activities when using HttpClient not to make a useable app . The problem I'm having is persisting a users session across Activities and then using the session..
Best way to persist data between orientation changes in Android lists which increasing heap size rapidly when user rapidly rotates the device. What is the best way to deal with it 1 persisting in onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceStates which makes my screen blank for some time and increasing heap size un..
Android Facebook SDK3.0, session state OPENING this. What am I missing here My end goal is really just to get an access token once and I don't really care about persisting the session or using it to log into my app. android facebook share improve this question You need to override the onActivityResult..
Android: Storing username and password? provides an example of how to use it. If this is not an option to you for some reason you can fall back to persisting credentials using the Preferences mechanism. Other applications won't be able to access your preferences so the user's information..
OAuth instance state in Android is not called when my callback url is handled. Seems to go straight to the onResume . What is the correct method for persisting the consumer and provider in this case android oauth share improve this question Complete Save restore solution Apart..
Recommendations for persisting data on Android? for persisting data on Android There is a web service that provides some data that my app makes use of. This data is fairly large and.. download parsing in the first place. Does anyone have any recommendations for improving this or alternate ideas for persisting this data other than just saving the XML file and reparsing every time UPDATE This is more than a trivial collection of..
Best approach for oldschool 2D zelda-like game
EditText items in a scrolling list lose their changes when scrolled off the screen previous value from the database or a user edited value . And since a regular Cursor is immutable you have no way of persisting any edits in a way that will transparently be put back into the list. I suspect it is possible to create a ListView with..
startActivityForResult not working properly with launchMode singleInstance some often rare and unpredictable circumstances. In this case you want to be using local files or SQLite databases not persisting to the network. onPause needs to return quickly because the user can't interact with the system while it's running so save..
Android HttpClient persistent cookies rely on cookies provided from the login process. The problem that I am having is that cookies do not appear to be persisting across the intents. I am creating new HttpClients in each intent I initially tried to Parcelable transmit it across to each..
Concise way of writing new DialogPreference classes? and it assumes that Your custom DialogPreference manages a single preference key value pair. You are responsible for persisting the preference value. You are inflating the dialog panel layout from a resource. Now for some additional options a If you..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? interface . It's harder to implement but it has considerable speed gains compared to Serializable . Share data without persisting to disk It is possible to share data between activities by saving it in memory given that in most cases both activities..
Android WebView for Facebook Like Button .setJavaScriptEnabled true webView.getSettings .setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically true Tried also persisting cookies with CookieSyncManager CookieManager and manually handling. All of this was with no result. I really appreciate..
Android: launch a custom Preference from a PreferenceActivity
Using Cookies across Activities when using HttpClient readable UI in Android This is an exersize in learning android not to make a useable app . The problem I'm having is persisting a users session across Activities and then using the session in a HttpClient once recalled. I would like to do this Correctly..