android Programming Glossary: permanently
How remove application from app listings on Android Developer Console Developer Console Is there any way to unpublish and then permanently remove an application from the list of applications on Android..
Android tablet navigation bar won't hide navigationbar share improve this question You cannot permanently hide the system bar on a tablet. SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION..
Proper way of accessing variable Java/Android you can get the variables. If you then want to store them permanently then Ridcully's answer is appropriate. For more help please..
Re-launch of Activity on Home button, but…only the first time backs out of the application the first time the issue is permanently resolved. Any thoughts on where I should look Recently there..
Overriding the Home button - how do I get rid of the choice? great. android share improve this question You can't permanently override the Home button without the user confirming it. One..
ExpandableListView sample from Google .setGroupIndicator null that will remove the arrow permanently though. If you want to only hide it if the list is empty you..
Android: Manage contacts with lookup key that behavior ... Can someone explain to me how to link permanently to a contact Should I use IDs instead of the lookup key Thanks..
how to Detect file or folder changes In Android? you have system events for this it's not necesary to permanently watch the files to detect changes. It's very important to know..
Setting JAVA_HOME at Android SDK android windows sdk jre share improve this question To permanently set your JAVA_HOME Environment Variable under Windows to the..
Android WebView Javascript getSelection But what I really want to do is highlight the selection permanently. So the idea is put the WebView in select mode. Let the user..
android_asset not working on Honeycomb? file.html might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address So I started experimenting. The Honeycomb..
Android: Save file permanently (even after clear data / uninstall) Save file permanently even after clear data uninstall I would like to know if there.. to know if there is a way to store a small amount of data permanently. By permanently I mean I want the data to persist even if user.. is a way to store a small amount of data permanently. By permanently I mean I want the data to persist even if user clears app data..
Android - how do I investigate an ANR? operation rather than something that blocked the thread permanently so the event thread recovered after the operation finished and..
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy
How to get the selected text in android webview selected text from webview and have to highlight the text permanently. I tried as selecting the text and while i am attempting to..
Android - Turn off display without triggering sleep/lock screen - Turn on with Touchscreen reduce the life the LCD backlight. I maintain a wakelock permanently and decide when to sleep myself. The problem is that when I..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB windows signature verification either temporarily or permanently temporarily Go to left upper or lower corner of screen to open..
Phonegap input type password field focus boxes working fine then due to CSS changes it came back permanently. At some point if the browser is slowed down enough canvas the..
How remove application from app listings on Android Developer Console remove application from app listings on Android Developer Console Is there any way to unpublish and then permanently remove an application from the list of applications on Android Developer Console android google play share improve this..
Android tablet navigation bar won't hide too. How can I achieve this android android 4.0 tablet navigationbar share improve this question You cannot permanently hide the system bar on a tablet. SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION on Android 4.1 and higher will hide the system bar but it..
Proper way of accessing variable Java/Android value based on certain params passed. This is a couple ways you can get the variables. If you then want to store them permanently then Ridcully's answer is appropriate. For more help please post relevant code and a more specific question. Hope this helps...
Re-launch of Activity on Home button, but…only the first time a flag to start the application from scratch. Once the user backs out of the application the first time the issue is permanently resolved. Any thoughts on where I should look Recently there has been a search within the application to see if perhaps..
Overriding the Home button - how do I get rid of the choice? NOT be associated with the Home button. Any ideas would be great. android share improve this question You can't permanently override the Home button without the user confirming it. One argument for why this is the case is a security one. The Home..
ExpandableListView sample from Google in the activity you can call getExpandableListView .setGroupIndicator null that will remove the arrow permanently though. If you want to only hide it if the list is empty you can do it through xml attributes like this To launch an activity..
Android: Manage contacts with lookup key never change and now it changes anyway. I'm confused about that behavior ... Can someone explain to me how to link permanently to a contact Should I use IDs instead of the lookup key Thanks in advance. android share improve this question It is..
how to Detect file or folder changes In Android? or changed and know wich application are doing these In Windows you have system events for this it's not necesary to permanently watch the files to detect changes. It's very important to know which application is doing the changes. Thanks android file..
Setting JAVA_HOME at Android SDK C jdk1.6.0_23 jre How it can be resolved Thanks Eyal java android windows sdk jre share improve this question To permanently set your JAVA_HOME Environment Variable under Windows to the JDK directory you've mentioned do the following Click Start..
Android WebView Javascript getSelection mode. I can even get it to copy the text to the ClipBoard. But what I really want to do is highlight the selection permanently. So the idea is put the WebView in select mode. Let the user select the text and then fire something to highlight that text...
android_asset not working on Honeycomb? get an error The webpage at file android_asset path to 20the file.html might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address So I started experimenting. The Honeycomb emulator displays these pages just fine but my actual honeycomb..
Android: Save file permanently (even after clear data / uninstall) Save file permanently even after clear data uninstall I would like to know if there is a way to store a small amount of data permanently. By.. permanently even after clear data uninstall I would like to know if there is a way to store a small amount of data permanently. By permanently I mean I want the data to persist even if user clears app data uninstalls app. I know that shared preferences.. after clear data uninstall I would like to know if there is a way to store a small amount of data permanently. By permanently I mean I want the data to persist even if user clears app data uninstalls app. I know that shared preferences and databases..
Android - how do I investigate an ANR? message to come in. In your case the ANR was likely a longer operation rather than something that blocked the thread permanently so the event thread recovered after the operation finished and your trace went through after the ANR. Detecting where ANRs..
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy
How to get the selected text in android webview get the selected text in android webview I need to get the selected text from webview and have to highlight the text permanently. I tried as selecting the text and while i am attempting to get the text using clipboard it showing me null pointer exception..
Android - Turn off display without triggering sleep/lock screen - Turn on with Touchscreen so it isn't staring them in the face all day and doesn't reduce the life the LCD backlight. I maintain a wakelock permanently and decide when to sleep myself. The problem is that when I turn off the screen using WindowManager.LayoutParams params..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB and sign Workaround A workaround for internal tesing is to diable windows signature verification either temporarily or permanently temporarily Go to left upper or lower corner of screen to open charms bar and click settings charm. choose Change PC settings..
Phonegap input type password field focus break it. There is worse news tho at some point i had password boxes working fine then due to CSS changes it came back permanently. At some point if the browser is slowed down enough canvas the Window seems to lose its ability to track the input box...