android Programming Glossary: people.content_uri
how to listen for changes in Contact Database context.getContentResolver .registerContentObserver People.CONTENT_URI true contentObserver But When I use 'EditContactActivity' to.. .getContentResolver .registerContentObserver People.CONTENT_URI true contentObserver private class MyContentObserver extends.. deliverSelfNotifications return true Make sure that People.CONTENT_URI is referring to correct value android.provider.Contacts.People..
update contact details on Android is as follows Uri baseUri ContentUris.withAppendedId People.CONTENT_URI 69 Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath baseUri People.Phones.CONTENT_DIRECTORY..
Read all contact's phone numbers in android People.NUMBER Cursor c ctx.getContentResolver .query People.CONTENT_URI projection null null People.NAME ASC c.moveToFirst int nameCol.. following manner Uri personUri ContentUris.withAppendedId People.CONTENT_URI personId Uri phonesUri Uri.withAppendedPath personUri People.Phones.CONTENT_DIRECTORY..
Android - Autocomplete with contacts table in the Contacts content provider. Uri contacts People.CONTENT_URI Make the query. Cursor managedCursor managedQuery contacts projection..
How to support multiple android version in your code? contacts in android android.jar for versions 1.6 has People.CONTENT_URI for invoking contacts related info whereas in later versions..
Android change contact picture it .... Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_PICK People.CONTENT_URI startActivityForResult intent SELECT_CONTACT ..... public void..
How to call Android contacts list? super.onCreate icicle Cursor C getContentResolver .query People.CONTENT_URI null null null null startManagingCursor C String columns new.. Activity that's registered to support ACTION_PICK on the People.CONTENT_URI then return to this Activity when the selection is made or canceled..
Pick a Number and Name From Contacts List in android app new String People.NAME People.NUMBER Uri contentUri People.CONTENT_URI Cursor cursor managedQuery contentUri contacts null null null..
how to listen for changes in Contact Database onChange MyContentObserver contentObserver new MyContentObserver context.getContentResolver .registerContentObserver People.CONTENT_URI true contentObserver But When I use 'EditContactActivity' to change the contact database My onChange function does not get.. setContentView R.layout.main this.getApplicationContext .getContentResolver .registerContentObserver People.CONTENT_URI true contentObserver private class MyContentObserver extends ContentObserver public MyContentObserver super null @Override.. observer function with something like @Override public boolean deliverSelfNotifications return true Make sure that People.CONTENT_URI is referring to correct value android.provider.Contacts.People . Also I would suggest you using Handler with ContentObserver..
update contact details on Android URL content contacts people 69 organizations 69 the code snippet is as follows Uri baseUri ContentUris.withAppendedId People.CONTENT_URI 69 Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath baseUri People.Phones.CONTENT_DIRECTORY Cursor c this.getContentResolver .query uri new..
Read all contact's phone numbers in android names and phone numbers String projection new String People.NAME People.NUMBER Cursor c ctx.getContentResolver .query People.CONTENT_URI projection null null People.NAME ASC c.moveToFirst int nameCol c.getColumnIndex People.NAME int numCol c.getColumnIndex.. of the telephone numbers associated with a contact in the following manner Uri personUri ContentUris.withAppendedId People.CONTENT_URI personId Uri phonesUri Uri.withAppendedPath personUri People.Phones.CONTENT_DIRECTORY String proj new String Phones._ID..
Android - Autocomplete with contacts new String People._ID People.NAME Get the base URI for the People table in the Contacts content provider. Uri contacts People.CONTENT_URI Make the query. Cursor managedCursor managedQuery contacts projection null null People.NAME ASC Put the results in ascending..
How to support multiple android version in your code? to support multiple android version in your code Take accessing contacts in android android.jar for versions 1.6 has People.CONTENT_URI for invoking contacts related info whereas in later versions we need to have api support for RawContacts.CONTENT_URI. Same..
Android change contact picture to the image clicked in the first place. Here's how i implement it .... Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_PICK People.CONTENT_URI startActivityForResult intent SELECT_CONTACT ..... public void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data..
How to call Android contacts list? first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle Cursor C getContentResolver .query People.CONTENT_URI null null null null startManagingCursor C String columns new String People.NAME int names new int mAdapter.. in this example . This will cause Android to launch an Activity that's registered to support ACTION_PICK on the People.CONTENT_URI then return to this Activity when the selection is made or canceled . startActivityForResult intent PICK_CONTACT 3 Listening..
Pick a Number and Name From Contacts List in android app contacts but i cant have the number of contacts String contacts new String People.NAME People.NUMBER Uri contentUri People.CONTENT_URI Cursor cursor managedQuery contentUri contacts null null null String textContacts if cursor.moveToFirst String myname..