android Programming Glossary:
Read all contact's phone numbers in android names and phone numbers String projection new String People.NAME People.NUMBER Cursor c ctx.getContentResolver .query People.CONTENT_URI.. .query People.CONTENT_URI projection null null People.NAME ASC c.moveToFirst int nameCol c.getColumnIndex People.NAME int.. People.NAME ASC c.moveToFirst int nameCol c.getColumnIndex People.NAME int numCol c.getColumnIndex People.NUMBER int nContacts c.getCount..
Android - Autocomplete with contacts Get column id's int nameColumn cur.getColumnIndex People.NAME int idColumn cur.getColumnIndex People._ID int i 0 cur.moveToFirst.. columns to return. String projection new String People._ID People.NAME Get the base URI for the People table in the Contacts content.. managedCursor managedQuery contacts projection null null People.NAME ASC Put the results in ascending order by name startManagingCursor..
Android: Set contact photo in a ListView with name and number projection new String Phones.NUMBER Phones.PERSON_ID People.NAME People._ID String selection Phones.NAME 'null' String sortOrder..
How can I choose a phone number with Android's contacts dialog String name c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow People.NAME String number c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow People.NUMBER..
How to call Android contacts list? null null startManagingCursor C String columns new String People.NAME int names new int mAdapter new SimpleCursorAdapter.. position PBCONTACT C.getString C.getColumnIndex People.NAME RHS 05 06 pbContact TextView findViewById pbContact.setText..
Pick a Number and Name From Contacts List in android app have the number of contacts String contacts new String People.NAME People.NUMBER Uri contentUri People.CONTENT_URI Cursor cursor.. textContacts cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex People.NAME cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex People.NUMBER n while..
Read all contact's phone numbers in android numbers in android I'm using this code to retrieve all contact names and phone numbers String projection new String People.NAME People.NUMBER Cursor c ctx.getContentResolver .query People.CONTENT_URI projection null null People.NAME ASC c.moveToFirst.. new String People.NAME People.NUMBER Cursor c ctx.getContentResolver .query People.CONTENT_URI projection null null People.NAME ASC c.moveToFirst int nameCol c.getColumnIndex People.NAME int numCol c.getColumnIndex People.NUMBER int nContacts c.getCount.. .query People.CONTENT_URI projection null null People.NAME ASC c.moveToFirst int nameCol c.getColumnIndex People.NAME int numCol c.getColumnIndex People.NUMBER int nContacts c.getCount do Do something while c.moveToNext However this will..
Android - Autocomplete with contacts idsArray new long cur.getCount String name Long contactid Get column id's int nameColumn cur.getColumnIndex People.NAME int idColumn cur.getColumnIndex People._ID int i 0 cur.moveToFirst Check that there are actually any contacts returned by.. private Cursor grabContacts Form an array specifying which columns to return. String projection new String People._ID People.NAME Get the base URI for the People table in the Contacts content provider. Uri contacts People.CONTENT_URI Make the query... Uri contacts People.CONTENT_URI Make the query. Cursor managedCursor managedQuery contacts projection null null People.NAME ASC Put the results in ascending order by name startManagingCursor managedCursor return managedCursor There must be a better..
Android: Set contact photo in a ListView with name and number miNumeroTelefono public Cursor getNamesAndPictures String projection new String Phones.NUMBER Phones.PERSON_ID People.NAME People._ID String selection Phones.NAME 'null' String sortOrder Phones.NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC Cursor cursor managedQuery..
How can I choose a phone number with Android's contacts dialog null null null null startManagingCursor c if c.moveToFirst String name c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow People.NAME String number c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow People.NUMBER perrsonname.setText name Toast.makeText this name has..
How to call Android contacts list? C getContentResolver .query People.CONTENT_URI null null null null startManagingCursor C String columns new String People.NAME int names new int mAdapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.mycontacts C columns names setListAdapter.. super.onListItemClick l v position id Cursor C Cursor mAdapter.getItem position PBCONTACT C.getString C.getColumnIndex People.NAME RHS 05 06 pbContact TextView findViewById pbContact.setText new StringBuilder .append b Intent i new Intent..
Pick a Number and Name From Contacts List in android app name or this code for getting all contacts but i cant have the number of contacts String contacts new String People.NAME People.NUMBER Uri contentUri People.CONTENT_URI Cursor cursor managedQuery contentUri contacts null null null String textContacts.. String myname null String mynumber null do textContacts textContacts cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex People.NAME cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex People.NUMBER n while cursor.moveToNext tv1.setText textContacts can anyone help..