android Programming Glossary: pending
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? if matrix null int numLayers mLayers.size boolean pendingAnimations false for int i 0 i numLayers i mDrawMatrix.set matrix.. draw canvas layer.drawable mDrawMatrix alpha pendingAnimations true else animation ended set it to null layer.animation.. null draw canvas layer.drawable mDrawMatrix 255 if pendingAnimations invalidate if any pending animations invalidate..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? rsp dcid 0x04fb scid 0x0040 result 1 status 2 Connection pending Authorization pending HCI Event Remote Name Req Complete 0x07.. 0x0040 result 1 status 2 Connection pending Authorization pending HCI Event Remote Name Req Complete 0x07 plen 255 ACL data handle..
Clickable widgets in android new Intent context ExampleActivity.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 intent 0 Get the.. views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent Tell the AppWidgetManager to perform an update on the.. Developer Documentation's Widget Page So it looks like pending intent is called when the widget is clicked which is based off..
Android: How to periodically send location to a server many posts here on using background services with handlers pending intents and other things to do similar stuff but I really don't..
android pending intent notification problem pending intent notification problem I have a alarm thing going on in.. I think the problem is either with the intent i put in the pending intent or in the pending intent itself. I think I might need.. with the intent i put in the pending intent or in the pending intent itself. I think I might need to put a flag on one of..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? keeps caching my intents Extras how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras A few days ago I was struggling..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer viewHeight mThumbH If the previous scrollTo is still pending if mScrollCompleted scrollTo float mThumbY viewHeight mThumbH..
Intent to launch the clock application on android PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 AlarmClockIntent 0.. 0 views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent AppWidgetManager.getInstance context .updateAppWidget.. PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 AlarmClockIntent 0..
How can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent? can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent Hey Guys I am having a problem with the alarmManager.. Guys I am having a problem with the alarmManager and the pending intent with extras that will go along with it. If I set multiple.. the same. I have already read into these questions android pending intent notification problem and Android keeps caching my intents..
How to check if AlarmMamager already has an alarm set? Let's say you have registered a repeating alarm with a pending intent like this Intent intent new Intent new Intent PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT.. AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP calendar.getTimeInMillis 1000 60 pendingIntent The way you would check to see if it is active is to boolean..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView Thread @Override public void run TODO set imageView to a pending image Drawable drawable fetchDrawable urlString Message message..
Resume application and stack from notification it was before the user left it. The problem when setting a pending intent on the notification is that it always targets a specific..
Android: Is it possible to update a ImageView/ImageButton with a number to show the number of new messages? iOS we have a feature to update the app icon with the new pending messages for the user by showing a small number on the right.. shows the red background icon with the number of messages pending to be read in red and if there are no messages it shows with..
Is there a built in API for handling pinch-zoom functionality in Android which is not public but its javadoc says @hide Pending API approval so hopefully it will become public at some point...
What is Pending Intent? is Pending Intent I am newbie to Android. I read the Android documents... I read the Android documents. Can anyone tell me what Pending Intent is android share improve this question A PendingIntent.. Intent is android share improve this question A PendingIntent is a token that you give to a foreign application e.g...
Mulitple Instances of Pending Intent Instances of Pending Intent I created a widget that when clicked activates a PendingIntent... Intent I created a widget that when clicked activates a PendingIntent. The problem is when I have more than one widget on the.. widget on the screen only the latest one will start the PendingIntent. I have read some about a unique request code but not..
In App BIlling trouble with Pending Intents and switching activities App BIlling trouble with Pending Intents and switching activities Ok so I have been trying to.. RESPONSE_CODE The PURCHASE_INTENT key provides you with a PendingIntent which you can use to launch the checkout UI PendingIntent.. PendingIntent which you can use to launch the checkout UI PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent response.get PURCHASE_INTENT..
How to find whether phone is in sleep/idle mode for Android so here is my little tweak which worked perfectly Pending intent for my alarm manager Intent intentaa new Intent this.. Intent intentaa new Intent this MyBroadcastReceiver.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 intentaa.. this MyBroadcastReceiver.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 intentaa 0 Intent to be launched where..
Keep a Service running even when phone is asleep? myService with YourService being your service Create a Pending Intent To start your recurrent polling execute this code in.. myAlarm.putExtra project_id project_id Put Extra if needed PendingIntent recurringAlarm PendingIntent.getBroadcast getApplicationContext.. Put Extra if needed PendingIntent recurringAlarm PendingIntent.getBroadcast getApplicationContext 0 myAlarm PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas Matrix matrix getImageMatrix if matrix null int numLayers mLayers.size boolean pendingAnimations false for int i 0 i numLayers i mDrawMatrix.set matrix Layer layer mLayers.get i if layer.matrix null mDrawMatrix.preConcat.. Log.d TAG onDraw i alpha alpha matrix animationFrameMatrix draw canvas layer.drawable mDrawMatrix alpha pendingAnimations true else animation ended set it to null layer.animation null draw canvas layer.drawable mDrawMatrix 255 .. true else animation ended set it to null layer.animation null draw canvas layer.drawable mDrawMatrix 255 if pendingAnimations invalidate if any pending animations invalidate private void draw Canvas canvas Drawable drawable Matrix matrix..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? plen 5 ACL data handle 11 flags 0x02 dlen 16 L2CAP s Connect rsp dcid 0x04fb scid 0x0040 result 1 status 2 Connection pending Authorization pending HCI Event Remote Name Req Complete 0x07 plen 255 ACL data handle 11 flags 0x02 dlen 16 L2CAP s Connect.. 11 flags 0x02 dlen 16 L2CAP s Connect rsp dcid 0x04fb scid 0x0040 result 1 status 2 Connection pending Authorization pending HCI Event Remote Name Req Complete 0x07 plen 255 ACL data handle 11 flags 0x02 dlen 16 L2CAP s Connect rsp dcid 0x04fb scid..
Clickable widgets in android i Create an Intent to launch ExampleActivity Intent intent new Intent context ExampleActivity.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 intent 0 Get the layout for the App Widget and attach an on click listener to.. new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.appwidget_provider_layout views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent Tell the AppWidgetManager to perform an update on the current App Widget appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget appWidgetId.. appWidgetId views from The Android Developer Documentation's Widget Page So it looks like pending intent is called when the widget is clicked which is based off of an intent I'm not quite sure what the difference between..
Android: How to periodically send location to a server at this point never having used Android before. I have seen many posts here on using background services with handlers pending intents and other things to do similar stuff but I really don't understand how to do it. I would like the user to do other..
android pending intent notification problem pending intent notification problem I have a alarm thing going on in my app and it launches a notification that then when pressed.. the notification gets the same extras as the first one. I think the problem is either with the intent i put in the pending intent or in the pending intent itself. I think I might need to put a flag on one of these but I dont know which one. Intent.. the same extras as the first one. I think the problem is either with the intent i put in the pending intent or in the pending intent itself. I think I might need to put a flag on one of these but I dont know which one. Intent showIntent new Intent..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? keeps caching my intents Extras how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras A few days ago I was struggling to find a way to use custom intents for my alarms. Although..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer 0 mThumbY 0 else if mThumbY mThumbH viewHeight mThumbY viewHeight mThumbH If the previous scrollTo is still pending if mScrollCompleted scrollTo float mThumbY viewHeight mThumbH return true return super.onTouchEvent me public class..
Intent to launch the clock application on android .setComponent new ComponentName PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 AlarmClockIntent 0 views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent AppWidgetManager.getInstance.. pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 AlarmClockIntent 0 views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent AppWidgetManager.getInstance context .updateAppWidget intent.getIntArrayExtra AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_IDS.. .setComponent new ComponentName PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 AlarmClockIntent 0 views.setOnClickPendingIntent pendingIntent AppWidgetManager.getInstance..
How can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent? can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent Hey Guys I am having a problem with the alarmManager and the pending intent with extras that will go along with.. can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent Hey Guys I am having a problem with the alarmManager and the pending intent with extras that will go along with it. If I set multiple alarms They will go off however the extras stay the same... multiple alarms They will go off however the extras stay the same. I have already read into these questions android pending intent notification problem and Android keeps caching my intents Extras how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh..
How to check if AlarmMamager already has an alarm set? up on the comment ron posted here is the detailed solution. Let's say you have registered a repeating alarm with a pending intent like this Intent intent new Intent PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast.. repeating alarm with a pending intent like this Intent intent new Intent PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance.. Context.ALARM_SERVICE alarmManager.setRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP calendar.getTimeInMillis 1000 60 pendingIntent The way you would check to see if it is active is to boolean alarmUp PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 new Intent..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView Drawable message.obj Thread thread new Thread @Override public void run TODO set imageView to a pending image Drawable drawable fetchDrawable urlString Message message handler.obtainMessage 1 drawable handler.sendMessage..
Resume application and stack from notification That is I want the stack to be in the same state as it was before the user left it. The problem when setting a pending intent on the notification is that it always targets a specific activity. I don't want this. I need to resume the application..
Android: Is it possible to update a ImageView/ImageButton with a number to show the number of new messages? with a number to show the number of new messages In iOS we have a feature to update the app icon with the new pending messages for the user by showing a small number on the right top corner of the icon and similarly I would like to know if.. on the home screen but inside my app . For example the pic shows the red background icon with the number of messages pending to be read in red and if there are no messages it shows with a gray background. Thanks android android imageview android..
Is there a built in API for handling pinch-zoom functionality in Android itself. The interesting bits seem to be in class ScaleGestureDetector which is not public but its javadoc says @hide Pending API approval so hopefully it will become public at some point. Update ScaleGestureDetector is now part of the Android 2.2..
What is Pending Intent? is Pending Intent I am newbie to Android. I read the Android documents. Can anyone tell me what Pending Intent is android share.. is Pending Intent I am newbie to Android. I read the Android documents. Can anyone tell me what Pending Intent is android share improve this question A PendingIntent is a token that you give to a foreign application e.g... I read the Android documents. Can anyone tell me what Pending Intent is android share improve this question A PendingIntent is a token that you give to a foreign application e.g. NotificationManager AlarmManager Home Screen AppWidgetManager..
Mulitple Instances of Pending Intent Instances of Pending Intent I created a widget that when clicked activates a PendingIntent. The problem is when I have more than one widget.. Instances of Pending Intent I created a widget that when clicked activates a PendingIntent. The problem is when I have more than one widget on the screen only the latest one will start the PendingIntent. I.. a PendingIntent. The problem is when I have more than one widget on the screen only the latest one will start the PendingIntent. I have read some about a unique request code but not figured this out. Any ideas how I can have multiple widgets..
In App BIlling trouble with Pending Intents and switching activities App BIlling trouble with Pending Intents and switching activities Ok so I have been trying to fix this for days and I'm not coming here looking for someone.. the request Integer responseCodeIndex Integer response.get RESPONSE_CODE The PURCHASE_INTENT key provides you with a PendingIntent which you can use to launch the checkout UI PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent response.get PURCHASE_INTENT.. RESPONSE_CODE The PURCHASE_INTENT key provides you with a PendingIntent which you can use to launch the checkout UI PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent response.get PURCHASE_INTENT The REQUEST_ID key provides you with a unique request identifier..
How to find whether phone is in sleep/idle mode for Android from the service None of the solutions below worked perfectly so here is my little tweak which worked perfectly Pending intent for my alarm manager Intent intentaa new Intent this MyBroadcastReceiver.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast.. which worked perfectly Pending intent for my alarm manager Intent intentaa new Intent this MyBroadcastReceiver.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 intentaa 0 Intent to be launched where MyIntent is the intent Intent.. intent for my alarm manager Intent intentaa new Intent this MyBroadcastReceiver.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 intentaa 0 Intent to be launched where MyIntent is the intent Intent intenta new Intent intenta.setClass..
Keep a Service running even when phone is asleep? new Intent context YourService.class context.startService myService with YourService being your service Create a Pending Intent To start your recurrent polling execute this code in your activity Intent myAlarm new Intent getApplicationContext.. new Intent getApplicationContext AlarmReceiver.class myAlarm.putExtra project_id project_id Put Extra if needed PendingIntent recurringAlarm PendingIntent.getBroadcast getApplicationContext 0 myAlarm PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT AlarmManager.. AlarmReceiver.class myAlarm.putExtra project_id project_id Put Extra if needed PendingIntent recurringAlarm PendingIntent.getBroadcast getApplicationContext 0 myAlarm PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT AlarmManager alarms AlarmManager this.getSystemService..