android Programming Glossary: pdialog
Android AsyncTask String KEY_THUMB_URL thumb_url private ProgressDialog pDialog String title String artist String image_url ImageView view @Override.. @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog SingleMenuItemActivity.this pDialog.setMessage.. pDialog new ProgressDialog SingleMenuItemActivity.this pDialog.setMessage Connecting to Server ... pDialog.setIndeterminate..
how can i update view when fragment change? static final String KEY_URL url private ProgressDialog pDialog ListView list LazyAdapterbeth adapter XMLParser parser new XMLParser.. e KEY_URL adding HashList to ArrayList songsList.add map pDialog.dismiss list ListView getActivity .findViewById Getting..
How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter public class Curve extends Activity private ProgressDialog pDialog JSONParser jParser new JSONParser ArrayList HashMap String String.. @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog Curve.this pDialog.setMessage Please Wait..... super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog Curve.this pDialog.setMessage Please Wait... pDialog.setIndeterminate false pDialog.setCancelable..
Highlight a specified route on Google Maps v2 Android public class PolyMap extends Activity ProgressDialog pDialog GoogleMap map List LatLng polyz JSONArray array static final.. @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog PolyMap.this pDialog.setMessage Loading.. pDialog new ProgressDialog PolyMap.this pDialog.setMessage Loading route. Please wait... pDialog.setIndeterminate..
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload private final String url Url of php script ProgressDialog pDialog String responseMessage @Override protected void onCreate Bundle.. @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog PreviewPostActivity.this pDialog.setMessage.. pDialog new ProgressDialog PreviewPostActivity.this pDialog.setMessage Uploading post. Please wait... pDialog.setIndeterminate..
ProcessDialog is not appearing properly? extends AsyncTask String Void String ProgressDialog pDialog Context context public RequestClient Context c context c @Override.. c @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog context pDialog.setMessage Authenticating.. super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog context pDialog.setMessage Authenticating user... @Override protected..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? Define global variables over here private ProgressDialog pDialog StaticApiList sal TalkModelAll tma JSONObject myJasonObject..
Android AsyncTask in external class the AsyncTask private Context ctx private ProgressDialog pDialog private String r public LoginTask Context context super this.ctx.. void onPostExecute String result Log.i LOGGER Done... pDialog.dismiss Intent i new Intent ctx SillyActivity.class ctx.startActivity..
Android ASync task ProgressDialog isn't showing until background thread finishes AsyncTask Void Item Void protected void onPreExecute pDialog MyActivity.this Please wait... Retrieving.. item 0 protected void onPostExecute Void unused pDialog.dismiss Which I call in onCreate with new AddTask .execute..
Android AsyncTask title static final String KEY_ARTIST artist static final String KEY_THUMB_URL thumb_url private ProgressDialog pDialog String title String artist String image_url ImageView view @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. class loadSingleView extends AsyncTask String String String @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog SingleMenuItemActivity.this pDialog.setMessage Connecting to Server ... pDialog.setIndeterminate false.. @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog SingleMenuItemActivity.this pDialog.setMessage Connecting to Server ... pDialog.setIndeterminate false pDialog.setCancelable false @Override..
how can i update view when fragment change? KEY_THUMB_URL thumb_url static final String KEY_PRICE price static final String KEY_URL url private ProgressDialog pDialog ListView list LazyAdapterbeth adapter XMLParser parser new XMLParser public void onActivityCreated Bundle savedInstanceState.. parser.getValue e KEY_PRICE map.put KEY_URL parser.getValue e KEY_URL adding HashList to ArrayList songsList.add map pDialog.dismiss list ListView getActivity .findViewById Getting adapter by passing xml data ArrayList adapter new LazyAdapterbeth..
How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener public class Curve extends Activity private ProgressDialog pDialog JSONParser jParser new JSONParser ArrayList HashMap String String DaftarPromotion new ArrayList HashMap String String private.. intent class Activity extends AsyncTask String String String @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog Curve.this pDialog.setMessage Please Wait... pDialog.setIndeterminate false pDialog.setCancelable false.. String String String @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog Curve.this pDialog.setMessage Please Wait... pDialog.setIndeterminate false pDialog.setCancelable false protected String doInBackground..
Highlight a specified route on Google Maps v2 Android have also thrown in my code for anyone who may need it in future. public class PolyMap extends Activity ProgressDialog pDialog GoogleMap map List LatLng polyz JSONArray array static final LatLng DUBLIN new LatLng 53.344103999999990000 6.267493699999932000.. class GetDirection extends AsyncTask String String String @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog PolyMap.this pDialog.setMessage Loading route. Please wait... pDialog.setIndeterminate false pDialog.setCancelable.. String String @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog PolyMap.this pDialog.setMessage Loading route. Please wait... pDialog.setIndeterminate false pDialog.setCancelable false protected..
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload List NameValuePair list new ArrayList NameValuePair private final String url Url of php script ProgressDialog pDialog String responseMessage @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. Before starting background thread Show Progress Dialog @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog PreviewPostActivity.this pDialog.setMessage Uploading post. Please wait... pDialog.setIndeterminate false.. Dialog @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog PreviewPostActivity.this pDialog.setMessage Uploading post. Please wait... pDialog.setIndeterminate false pDialog.setCancelable true Getting..
ProcessDialog is not appearing properly? get open utill i got the response public class RequestClient extends AsyncTask String Void String ProgressDialog pDialog Context context public RequestClient Context c context c @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog.. Context context public RequestClient Context c context c @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog context pDialog.setMessage Authenticating user... @Override protected String doInBackground.. Context c context c @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute pDialog new ProgressDialog context pDialog.setMessage Authenticating user... @Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl String responseString..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? Your main class. public class Talk extends Fragment Define global variables over here private ProgressDialog pDialog StaticApiList sal TalkModelAll tma JSONObject myJasonObject null private ListView lv private ArrayList TalkModelAll m_ArrayList..
Android AsyncTask in external class is the context object that you pass in the constructor of the AsyncTask private Context ctx private ProgressDialog pDialog private String r public LoginTask Context context super this.ctx context @Override protected void onPostExecute String result.. Context context super this.ctx context @Override protected void onPostExecute String result Log.i LOGGER Done... pDialog.dismiss Intent i new Intent ctx SillyActivity.class ctx.startActivity i If you pass the activity within the constructor..
Android ASync task ProgressDialog isn't showing until background thread finishes it in the background. My code is as follows class AddTask extends AsyncTask Void Item Void protected void onPreExecute pDialog MyActivity.this Please wait... Retrieving data ... true protected Void doInBackground Void... unused.. return null protected void onProgressUpdate Item... item adapter.add item 0 protected void onPostExecute Void unused pDialog.dismiss Which I call in onCreate with new AddTask .execute The line items parser.getItems works fine items being the arraylist..